Wednesday, September 30, 2015
جمهور المقاومة والممانعة: ما هكذا تورد الابل...!!!
لم تجف دموع الامهات الثكالى, امهات شهداء المقاومة الاسلامية اللبنانية وشهداء الجيش العربي السوري بعد.
لم تلتئم جراحات وعذابات الجرحى والمقعدين واهالي المخطوفين والمغيبين في سجون الاحتلال او معتقلات الجماعات التكفيرية والارهابية بعد.
ولم تنس الجاليات الوطنية المعارضة لمؤامرة الربيع العربي الكم الهائل من الشتائم, والكثير منها طائفي محض, والاعتداءات على ابنائها بعد.
لنفاجئ بفضيحة مدوية لا ندري ان كانت ناتجه عن حسن نية او جهل بالحقائق او استهتار بالشعور العام لكل جمهور الشرعية في سوريا وداعميها الاقليميين والدوليين.
صورة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ادخلت الغصة الى قلبي وقلب كل شريف حمل او ما زال يحمل روحه على كفه مصارعا مؤامرة كونية حشد لها الغالي والنفيس.
الصورة برغم سوداويتها الا انها كانت واضحه:
جمهور جله من داعمي المقاومة وداعمي الشرعية في سوريا يستقبلون بالتصفيق احد اهم الشخصيات المعادية للمقاومة والمعادية للشرعية في سوريا ورئيسها المقاوم.
جمهور دعى من شتم الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ووالده وعائلته باقذع الشتائم خلال السنوات الاربع الماضية, ليحاضر فيهم عن التطرف والمواطنة الحسنه.
جمهور استمع باصغاء الطالب النجيب لمن طعن في المقاومة وسلاحها وداعميها.
كيف جرؤ كائنا من كان ان يدعو المدعو جمال الريفي ليحاضر بجمهور جله من مؤيدي حلف المقاومة والممانعه عن التطرف وحسن المواطنه؟ وما هي الدوافع القوية لاهمال مواقف هذا الريفي الشاتمة والمعادية لكل محور المقاومة والممانعه عند توجيه الدعوة المشؤومة؟
شاهدت وجوها وطنية, سورية واخرى مؤيدة لسوريا وحكومتها ورئيسها بين الموجودين, ولم اصدق.
شاهدت وجوه اهالي من قدم الغالي والرخيص من اجل هذه المقاومة الشريفة, ولم اصدق.
شاهدت وجوها عانت الامرين بسبب الشحن الطائفي والتطرف الذي افرزته المؤامرة الكونية المؤيدة من هذا الريفي, ولم اصدق.
كيف يمكن لمن قاد وسار في مسيرات ومظاهرات مؤيدة للشرعية في سوريا والمقاومة في لبنان ان يقبل الاستماع الى من صدح في اكثر من مناسبة منذ انطلاق المؤامرة على سوريا "يلعن روحك يا بشار"؟
كيف يمكن لاي شريف معارض للطائفية والتطرف ان يقبل بحضور ندوة يحاضر فيها من شحذ النفوس وجمع الاموال وحشد التاييد لمؤامرة اودت بحياة مئات الاف السوريين وحلفائهم في الحلف المقدس؟
نعرف ان هناك ايدي خفية تلعب داخل جمهور المقاومة لتحقيق اهداف سياسية داخلية. ولكن ليس هكذا تورد الابل.
كان على مؤيدي هذا الحزب الاسترالي او ذاك ان يقنع حزبه اولا ان حزب الله مقاومة وطنية لا يجب ادراجها على لائحة الارهابو كما فعل حزبه لسنين, قبل ان يطلب من جمهور المقاومة العودة للتصويت لحزبه.
كما كان الاولى بمن ينتمي (او يدعي الانتماء) لهذا الجمهور العظيم المضحي ان يقنع حزبه ان يحترم ارادة السوريين في اختيار حكومتهم ورئيسهم, بدلا من اطلاق التصريحات الهوجاء عن الشرعية وفقدانها بخلاف الاصول الدولية, قبل ان يرتب هذه المهزلة المسخرة املا في استعادة تاييد انتخابي مفقود.
ندرك تماما ان هناك الكثير من الاقنعه قد سقطت بعد ليلة الامس. كما ندرك ان الكثير من هذه الاقنعه هي اصلا ساقطة منذ مدة. ولكننا ندرك ان ما حصل بالامس سيكون له تداعيات كبيرة.
ولولا الصوت المجلجل لابنة سوريا المناضلة هنادي الاسود لمرت الفضيحة مرور الكرام وخرج المافون بصورة البطل الذي اقتحم عرين المقاومة وسب رموزها دون اعتراض.
ما حصل بالامس له معنى واحد: هناك من مرغ كرامة جمهور شريف مقاوم بالوحل...
Friday, September 11, 2015
Comments on the Australian government announcement of policy on Syrian crisis
Following the Australian government announcement of policy on Syrian crisis, we would like to mention:
- Australia has committed itself to a very dangerous mission. The Australian participation in bombing of targets inside Syria could be very dangerous manoeuvre for Australia and the region. The region is already a jungle of foreign armies ready to attack each other. We are aware that thousands of Chinese, Russian and Iranian military enforcement has arrived in Syria and in the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast. Any mistake on Australians’ side of bombing of Syrian military or their allies could inflame the whole region. Australian jets could be met with hostile retaliation from both sides. We all remember the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive when his jet was shot down by terrorists.
- The only guarantee that this could be avoided is by acknowledging the only legitimate force on the ground, the Syrian army, the only force fighting terrorists. Without coordination with the Syrian army, Australian participation in the war is far too dangerous. In addition, the bombings of targets by US and its allies for the last year were ineffective and achieved almost nothing.
- In regard to proposed refugees’ intake of 12000 Syrians, we also would like to voice our deep concerns. We are aware with documents that hundreds (if not thousands) of terrorists had fled Syria and could successfully infiltrate refugees masses to Europe. We are very concerned that some of refugees that will be taken by Australia are terrorists who are following orders to infiltrate Western countries as sleeping cells (few of terrorists caught on camera can be seen on .
- During our visits to Jordan and Lebanon in the last 2 years, we heard horrific stories about what is happening in Syrian refugee’s camps (in Zaatary-Jordan, and refugee’s camps in Irsal-Lebanon). The camps are fertile ground for all kind of extremism/terrorism. The camps are full of sleeping cells of terrorist organisations. Last year, terrorists of Jabhat AL Nusra and ISIS attacked Lebanese army from these camps in Irsal area. The situation in Jordan and Turkey is similar.
- The authorities should be careful in choosing any Syrian refugees. We suggest:
1- Preferences given to refugees who have families in Australia. The families in Australia should be known to be not extremists and do not support extremism and have no criminal record or any trouble with authorities
2- Preferences to be given to well-educated refugees with tertiary education and their criminal background checked.
3- Some kind of intelligence exchange should be established with the Syrian authorities to gather information. It is not necessary for our authorities to take the Syrian government advice. Guidance only.
4- Australian authorities should consult Syrian, Arabic and Muslim organisations in Australia known to be anti-extremists. So far, the authorities and media had consulted known extremist individuals and organisations. There advice would be pro-extremists.
5- Imagine that the terrorist pictured in this Youtube video ( was brought to Australia by mistake. The evidence we have is that many similar terrorists have already been accepted as refugees in Sweden and Germany.
- Australia has committed itself to a very dangerous mission. The Australian participation in bombing of targets inside Syria could be very dangerous manoeuvre for Australia and the region. The region is already a jungle of foreign armies ready to attack each other. We are aware that thousands of Chinese, Russian and Iranian military enforcement has arrived in Syria and in the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast. Any mistake on Australians’ side of bombing of Syrian military or their allies could inflame the whole region. Australian jets could be met with hostile retaliation from both sides. We all remember the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive when his jet was shot down by terrorists.
- The only guarantee that this could be avoided is by acknowledging the only legitimate force on the ground, the Syrian army, the only force fighting terrorists. Without coordination with the Syrian army, Australian participation in the war is far too dangerous. In addition, the bombings of targets by US and its allies for the last year were ineffective and achieved almost nothing.
- In regard to proposed refugees’ intake of 12000 Syrians, we also would like to voice our deep concerns. We are aware with documents that hundreds (if not thousands) of terrorists had fled Syria and could successfully infiltrate refugees masses to Europe. We are very concerned that some of refugees that will be taken by Australia are terrorists who are following orders to infiltrate Western countries as sleeping cells (few of terrorists caught on camera can be seen on .
- During our visits to Jordan and Lebanon in the last 2 years, we heard horrific stories about what is happening in Syrian refugee’s camps (in Zaatary-Jordan, and refugee’s camps in Irsal-Lebanon). The camps are fertile ground for all kind of extremism/terrorism. The camps are full of sleeping cells of terrorist organisations. Last year, terrorists of Jabhat AL Nusra and ISIS attacked Lebanese army from these camps in Irsal area. The situation in Jordan and Turkey is similar.
- The authorities should be careful in choosing any Syrian refugees. We suggest:
1- Preferences given to refugees who have families in Australia. The families in Australia should be known to be not extremists and do not support extremism and have no criminal record or any trouble with authorities
2- Preferences to be given to well-educated refugees with tertiary education and their criminal background checked.
3- Some kind of intelligence exchange should be established with the Syrian authorities to gather information. It is not necessary for our authorities to take the Syrian government advice. Guidance only.
4- Australian authorities should consult Syrian, Arabic and Muslim organisations in Australia known to be anti-extremists. So far, the authorities and media had consulted known extremist individuals and organisations. There advice would be pro-extremists.
5- Imagine that the terrorist pictured in this Youtube video ( was brought to Australia by mistake. The evidence we have is that many similar terrorists have already been accepted as refugees in Sweden and Germany.
Monday, September 07, 2015
Media bias on Syria: Jamal Rifi’s case as a clear example
I was one of the people who thought that the recent change in rhetoric by authorities and media on the Syrian crisis, would bring a whole new breakthrough with the dealing of this crisis.
From the beginning of 2011 until late 2014, the authorities and media insisted that what was happening in Syria was a revolution. They also insisted the revolution was a peaceful one. The high death toll, which reached more than 200,000 was due to the Syrian army killing the peaceful protestors.
In mid 2014, we started to hear a bit about “terrorism” in Syria. We also started to hear about Australian terrorists taking part in the conflict. We also suddenly discovered that the Australians who died there were in fact terrorists, and not aid workers. But the coverage of such episodes are still today shallow and naive.
The media until now did not go deep to investigate the reality of what happened in Syria. Though admitting that we have the highest radicalisation in modern Australian history, they still did not bother to investigate how this high radicalisation happened. The media acknowledged the extensive brainwashing and recruiting drive among our youths, however has never pointed the fingers on who was or still is responsible.
Not only the media has never investigated the origins of radicalisation in Australia, they went even further. They have and continue to portray the very same individuals who recruited and radicalised young Australians, as pillars of the community who are contributing to peace and harmony.
In this series of articles I will shed light on some cases where individuals or organisations who were active in brainwashing and recruiting, suddenly became the champions of de-radicalisation.
Let us take Jamal Rifi as first example.
From the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Jamal Rifi was very active in supporting the “revolutionists”. He participated in organising forums, rallies, fundraising dinners and visits to politicians and security agencies’ officials encouraging them to support the revolution. He gave fiery speeches about the need to support the armed rebellion against the Syrian government and its president. We can provide countless links to Jamal Rifi’s speeches and activities. He has never kept this a secret until now, that he supported armed rebellion.
I know that Jamal Rifi will reply to my comments here that he supported “moderate rebels” of the Free Syrian Army. The very same rebels that cut heads, ate hearts, threw civilians from the top of high-rise buildings, executed people in cold blood, burned people alive and used kids to behead captured Syrian soldiers. He is only right when he declares that the Free Syrian army is not proscribed terrorist organisation.
His arrogance went even further when he approached security agencies to protest how they were dealing with terrorism in May 2014 during the crack-down on Australian terrorists joining the fight in Syria. He was so naive to the point that he issued a media release demanding Anti-terrorism agencies to stop implementing Foreign Incursion Act namely in stopping Australian terrorists-to-be in our airport and confiscating their passports. In his media release (written in Arabic and published by Arabic newspapers) he openly considered that authorities crack-down on Australian joining terrorist organisations in Syria will mean one thing “ending the Syrian revolution”. He repeated these claims in an ABC article published 14 May 2014 ( and demanded that ASIO and Anti-terrorism agencies to “back away from enforcing "draconian" laws that make it a crime to support the civil war in Syria”.
In the above ABC article, Jamal Rifi admitted that he was questioned by ASIO and AFP on several occasions for his suspicious activities in support of extreme groups in Syria.
The story of Jamal Rifi had a serious twist when our authorities and other Western authorities including US government changed their rhetoric on the Syrian crisis. The coin suddenly flipped over immediately after the media started reporting extensively on ISIS horrendous crimes and after the federal government started talking tough on the need for new strong anti-terrorism laws. When the government started conducting extensive consultations with Muslim “leaders” and organisations, Jamal Rifi suddenly and with no prior warning made the biggest u-turn.
After earlier meeting Anti-terrorism officials to urge them to stop preventing Australian Muslims from joining terrorist organisations, Jamal Rifi voiced his opposition to one of these terrorist organisations, ISIS.
Then something extraordinary happened, something which happens only in Bollywood movies. A close family friend of Jamal Rifi sent him a tweet. The tweet was asking for Jamal Rifi’s address. An address which would be known to a very large number of Australians since his name and address have always been listed in the white pages. The Bollywood segment did not stop there. The subtly threatening tweet from this close family friend was deleted after 30 minutes. But surprisingly, these 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to intercept and read the tweet. The 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to take a snapshot. The 30 minutes were enough to pass the tweet to the media. 30 minutes were enough for many journalists to take the snapshot. And 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to hold a press conference.
Our media, which was described by many Australian philosophers and experts as the most naive and superficial media on earth, did not ask vital questions before they started to air this Bollywood segment as truth:
- Why would a terrorist, in this case Mohamed Elomer, delete his own tweet after 30 minutes of posting it? It’s not that terrorist Mohamed Elomar was going to ever return to Australia.
- Why would this high-profile terrorist target Jamal Rifi specifically, and not other Muslims who are more active on criticising ISIS and other terrorist organisations?
- Why would this high profile terrorist tweet a shy threats asking for the address of a high-profile GP (an address that is listed on Yellow pages and Google)? Why not threaten to kill him or kidnap his family (similar to threats I received from the begging of 2011 until now)?
- Why were there no subsequent threats sent to Mr Rifi following to the deleted tweet?
The media has fooled all of us and suddenly, Jamal Rifi has become a paladin of de-radicalisation efforts.
Not one media outlet has shed any light on Jamal Rifi’s contribution to radicalisation of our youth since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Suddenly, Jamal Rifi got rid of his radical skin and has became the messiah that will bring stability and harmony to this nation.
Not only this. The Murdoch press granted him many awards for his efforts on de-radicalisation. In conclusion, it is thanks to the media that this individual who supported radicals, is now presented to us as the only hope Australians have to stop radicalisation and terrorism.
I talked once with an ABC journalist about Jamal Rifi and his Bollywood segment which transformed him into a paladin of de-radicalisation efforts. He is one of the very active ABC journalists who reported extensively on terrorism and radicalisation. I consider him to be clever and knowledgeable on this issue. When I questioned him with the points mentioned above, regarding Jamal Rifi’s Bollywood segment, the only answer he could give me was “but he (Rifi) condemns ISIS”. My reply was: “He did, but at the end of 2014. While ISIS is fully functioning in Syria from mid 2012”. I also reminded the ABC journalist about Rifi’s meeting with Nick Kaldas mid May 2014 when he was demanding authorities to stop the crack down on Australian extremists from joining ISIS and other terrorist organisation.
To date, I did not receive any answer from any journalist about why Jamal Rifi suddenly became the paladin hero of de-radicalisation efforts after been an icon for the extremist radicals.
The reason for this is complex. It is more about the nature of our naive superficial media. It also has a lot to do with our media serving the US imperialist agenda. And of course, it has a lot to do with political parties’ agenda in keeping communities under control by enforcing Jamal Rifi and similar figures as their leaders. Leaders that have very little respect from the community they live in.
It is our task to break all these agendas.
From the beginning of 2011 until late 2014, the authorities and media insisted that what was happening in Syria was a revolution. They also insisted the revolution was a peaceful one. The high death toll, which reached more than 200,000 was due to the Syrian army killing the peaceful protestors.
In mid 2014, we started to hear a bit about “terrorism” in Syria. We also started to hear about Australian terrorists taking part in the conflict. We also suddenly discovered that the Australians who died there were in fact terrorists, and not aid workers. But the coverage of such episodes are still today shallow and naive.
The media until now did not go deep to investigate the reality of what happened in Syria. Though admitting that we have the highest radicalisation in modern Australian history, they still did not bother to investigate how this high radicalisation happened. The media acknowledged the extensive brainwashing and recruiting drive among our youths, however has never pointed the fingers on who was or still is responsible.
Not only the media has never investigated the origins of radicalisation in Australia, they went even further. They have and continue to portray the very same individuals who recruited and radicalised young Australians, as pillars of the community who are contributing to peace and harmony.
In this series of articles I will shed light on some cases where individuals or organisations who were active in brainwashing and recruiting, suddenly became the champions of de-radicalisation.
Let us take Jamal Rifi as first example.
From the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Jamal Rifi was very active in supporting the “revolutionists”. He participated in organising forums, rallies, fundraising dinners and visits to politicians and security agencies’ officials encouraging them to support the revolution. He gave fiery speeches about the need to support the armed rebellion against the Syrian government and its president. We can provide countless links to Jamal Rifi’s speeches and activities. He has never kept this a secret until now, that he supported armed rebellion.
I know that Jamal Rifi will reply to my comments here that he supported “moderate rebels” of the Free Syrian Army. The very same rebels that cut heads, ate hearts, threw civilians from the top of high-rise buildings, executed people in cold blood, burned people alive and used kids to behead captured Syrian soldiers. He is only right when he declares that the Free Syrian army is not proscribed terrorist organisation.
His arrogance went even further when he approached security agencies to protest how they were dealing with terrorism in May 2014 during the crack-down on Australian terrorists joining the fight in Syria. He was so naive to the point that he issued a media release demanding Anti-terrorism agencies to stop implementing Foreign Incursion Act namely in stopping Australian terrorists-to-be in our airport and confiscating their passports. In his media release (written in Arabic and published by Arabic newspapers) he openly considered that authorities crack-down on Australian joining terrorist organisations in Syria will mean one thing “ending the Syrian revolution”. He repeated these claims in an ABC article published 14 May 2014 ( and demanded that ASIO and Anti-terrorism agencies to “back away from enforcing "draconian" laws that make it a crime to support the civil war in Syria”.
In the above ABC article, Jamal Rifi admitted that he was questioned by ASIO and AFP on several occasions for his suspicious activities in support of extreme groups in Syria.
The story of Jamal Rifi had a serious twist when our authorities and other Western authorities including US government changed their rhetoric on the Syrian crisis. The coin suddenly flipped over immediately after the media started reporting extensively on ISIS horrendous crimes and after the federal government started talking tough on the need for new strong anti-terrorism laws. When the government started conducting extensive consultations with Muslim “leaders” and organisations, Jamal Rifi suddenly and with no prior warning made the biggest u-turn.
After earlier meeting Anti-terrorism officials to urge them to stop preventing Australian Muslims from joining terrorist organisations, Jamal Rifi voiced his opposition to one of these terrorist organisations, ISIS.
Then something extraordinary happened, something which happens only in Bollywood movies. A close family friend of Jamal Rifi sent him a tweet. The tweet was asking for Jamal Rifi’s address. An address which would be known to a very large number of Australians since his name and address have always been listed in the white pages. The Bollywood segment did not stop there. The subtly threatening tweet from this close family friend was deleted after 30 minutes. But surprisingly, these 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to intercept and read the tweet. The 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to take a snapshot. The 30 minutes were enough to pass the tweet to the media. 30 minutes were enough for many journalists to take the snapshot. And 30 minutes were enough for Jamal Rifi to hold a press conference.
Our media, which was described by many Australian philosophers and experts as the most naive and superficial media on earth, did not ask vital questions before they started to air this Bollywood segment as truth:
- Why would a terrorist, in this case Mohamed Elomer, delete his own tweet after 30 minutes of posting it? It’s not that terrorist Mohamed Elomar was going to ever return to Australia.
- Why would this high-profile terrorist target Jamal Rifi specifically, and not other Muslims who are more active on criticising ISIS and other terrorist organisations?
- Why would this high profile terrorist tweet a shy threats asking for the address of a high-profile GP (an address that is listed on Yellow pages and Google)? Why not threaten to kill him or kidnap his family (similar to threats I received from the begging of 2011 until now)?
- Why were there no subsequent threats sent to Mr Rifi following to the deleted tweet?
The media has fooled all of us and suddenly, Jamal Rifi has become a paladin of de-radicalisation efforts.
Not one media outlet has shed any light on Jamal Rifi’s contribution to radicalisation of our youth since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Suddenly, Jamal Rifi got rid of his radical skin and has became the messiah that will bring stability and harmony to this nation.
Not only this. The Murdoch press granted him many awards for his efforts on de-radicalisation. In conclusion, it is thanks to the media that this individual who supported radicals, is now presented to us as the only hope Australians have to stop radicalisation and terrorism.
I talked once with an ABC journalist about Jamal Rifi and his Bollywood segment which transformed him into a paladin of de-radicalisation efforts. He is one of the very active ABC journalists who reported extensively on terrorism and radicalisation. I consider him to be clever and knowledgeable on this issue. When I questioned him with the points mentioned above, regarding Jamal Rifi’s Bollywood segment, the only answer he could give me was “but he (Rifi) condemns ISIS”. My reply was: “He did, but at the end of 2014. While ISIS is fully functioning in Syria from mid 2012”. I also reminded the ABC journalist about Rifi’s meeting with Nick Kaldas mid May 2014 when he was demanding authorities to stop the crack down on Australian extremists from joining ISIS and other terrorist organisation.
To date, I did not receive any answer from any journalist about why Jamal Rifi suddenly became the paladin hero of de-radicalisation efforts after been an icon for the extremist radicals.
The reason for this is complex. It is more about the nature of our naive superficial media. It also has a lot to do with our media serving the US imperialist agenda. And of course, it has a lot to do with political parties’ agenda in keeping communities under control by enforcing Jamal Rifi and similar figures as their leaders. Leaders that have very little respect from the community they live in.
It is our task to break all these agendas.
Saturday, September 05, 2015
The reality behind sudden Syrian refugees crisis to Europe
After more than 4.5 years of Syrian crisis, sudden sharp surge of Syrian asylum seekers to Europe should raise many questions that need urgent answers.
During the years of the crisis, which at many point witnessed very intense fighting, threats to Damascus which was totally surrounded by terrorists, critical shortage of basic vital materials and repeated attacks on gas supplies that plunged major cities in total darkness for weeks, the asylum seeking to Europe was minimal. Millions of refugees sought temporary asylum in neighbouring countries (mainly Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan). But never went further into Europe.
So why did the numbers of those who are seeking asylum in Europe witness skyrocketing increase in the last few days?
The other question that needs urgent answer is: what is the reason behind the sudden change of heart by conservative (and racist) leaders like Merkel, who vow to accept millions of Syrian refugees in the next few months?
We all remember the chaotic scenes of hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese people in the lead to the fall of Saigon. The S. Vietnamese collaborators with US occupiers knew very well that they will be prosecuted for treason if they stay.
The same happened to South Lebanese residents who collaborated with Israeli occupiers against their own people. They rushed just before the Israel defeat in 2000 to seek asylum in Israel, and then to other Western countries in fear of retribution, revenge or prosecution for treason.
This is the normal scenes you would see after every failed conspiracy of US against any unfriendly regime/nation.
After years of Syrian bloody crisis, the sticking point for reconciliation is the fate of hardcore terrorists who killed, raped, kidnapped and stole in their areas of control. These terrorists needed to be given a way-out from the corner they will be squeezed to in the next few months.
In the next few months, we expect (according to all indications) that US and its allies (including Australia) will mobilise big military might to start serious campaign against terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) as a first step to wind down the Arab Spring conspiracy/project.
The intensifying of Syrian refugee crisis is needed to achieve many goals:
- It will enable many terrorists to escape Syria, hence reduce the needed efforts to end terrorism there.
- It will give Western powers (US and its allies) the needed face-saving pretext to withdraw their unlimited support for terrorists and big promises to help them to destroy the Syrian government/regime.
- Then it will help to open new chapter with Syrian government, and hence requests to be involved in the massive and lucrative re-building projects.
So what will happen next?
1- The change of rhetoric in ALL Western nations and the beginning of Western countries talk about terrorism in Syria. And the restriction on terrorists’ entry to Syria from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. All this sent a strong message to terrorists: game is over. Or nearly. So many of them chose to lay down their arms and run away to Turkey (before this also be closed).
2- The agreement with Russia to normalise situation and return to pre 2011 situation will see US and its allies participate in massive bombings of terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) and some targeted assassination operations. This will lead to collapse of terrorist organisations (including ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra) similar to what happened in Afghanistan in 2001. The major difference from Afghanistan 2001 is that there will be no foreign boots on the ground. The Syrian army will be quick to fill any vacuum.
3- Using issues of refugees and fight against terrorism, US and Western allies will re-establish diplomatic and political relations with Syria.
4- The Syrian extremists/terrorists/rebels will be hosted temporarily (this temporary nature could extend to few decades, as it happened in early 1980s) in different countries. The rest of Syrians who had no blood on their hands will be quick to return to participate in rebuilding their homeland.
5- I expect that the only reason the intensive bombing of terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) did not start yet is the instability of Turkish government. Turkish government is vital for this plan. Turkish government played major role in supporting, arming, training and allowing terrorists to enter Syria. And the Turkish government (even a future Erdogan’s government) will participate enthusiastically in the campaign.
6- Some of the Australian known terrorists fighting currently in Syria will travel to Turkey, get Syrian forged passport and seek asylum in Germany. We should expect that even some of the terrorists who were declared to be dead (like El Omer and Sharrouf) will be living in one of EU countries under Syrian name. But do we really care?
7- We should wait for the plan to be ready to start by mid November.
8- Our hardcore pro-extremists media and politicians should be ready to accept the changes. Bob Carr, Labor party, Greens party and SBS should start exploring way of u-turn on the issue of attacking Syrian government and president. These need to forget about terminologies like “dictator”, “Assad should go”, “barrel bombs”, “Assad forces” ...etc.
My two cents on this debate.
During the years of the crisis, which at many point witnessed very intense fighting, threats to Damascus which was totally surrounded by terrorists, critical shortage of basic vital materials and repeated attacks on gas supplies that plunged major cities in total darkness for weeks, the asylum seeking to Europe was minimal. Millions of refugees sought temporary asylum in neighbouring countries (mainly Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan). But never went further into Europe.
So why did the numbers of those who are seeking asylum in Europe witness skyrocketing increase in the last few days?
The other question that needs urgent answer is: what is the reason behind the sudden change of heart by conservative (and racist) leaders like Merkel, who vow to accept millions of Syrian refugees in the next few months?
We all remember the chaotic scenes of hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese people in the lead to the fall of Saigon. The S. Vietnamese collaborators with US occupiers knew very well that they will be prosecuted for treason if they stay.
The same happened to South Lebanese residents who collaborated with Israeli occupiers against their own people. They rushed just before the Israel defeat in 2000 to seek asylum in Israel, and then to other Western countries in fear of retribution, revenge or prosecution for treason.
This is the normal scenes you would see after every failed conspiracy of US against any unfriendly regime/nation.
After years of Syrian bloody crisis, the sticking point for reconciliation is the fate of hardcore terrorists who killed, raped, kidnapped and stole in their areas of control. These terrorists needed to be given a way-out from the corner they will be squeezed to in the next few months.
In the next few months, we expect (according to all indications) that US and its allies (including Australia) will mobilise big military might to start serious campaign against terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) as a first step to wind down the Arab Spring conspiracy/project.
The intensifying of Syrian refugee crisis is needed to achieve many goals:
- It will enable many terrorists to escape Syria, hence reduce the needed efforts to end terrorism there.
- It will give Western powers (US and its allies) the needed face-saving pretext to withdraw their unlimited support for terrorists and big promises to help them to destroy the Syrian government/regime.
- Then it will help to open new chapter with Syrian government, and hence requests to be involved in the massive and lucrative re-building projects.
So what will happen next?
1- The change of rhetoric in ALL Western nations and the beginning of Western countries talk about terrorism in Syria. And the restriction on terrorists’ entry to Syria from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. All this sent a strong message to terrorists: game is over. Or nearly. So many of them chose to lay down their arms and run away to Turkey (before this also be closed).
2- The agreement with Russia to normalise situation and return to pre 2011 situation will see US and its allies participate in massive bombings of terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) and some targeted assassination operations. This will lead to collapse of terrorist organisations (including ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra) similar to what happened in Afghanistan in 2001. The major difference from Afghanistan 2001 is that there will be no foreign boots on the ground. The Syrian army will be quick to fill any vacuum.
3- Using issues of refugees and fight against terrorism, US and Western allies will re-establish diplomatic and political relations with Syria.
4- The Syrian extremists/terrorists/rebels will be hosted temporarily (this temporary nature could extend to few decades, as it happened in early 1980s) in different countries. The rest of Syrians who had no blood on their hands will be quick to return to participate in rebuilding their homeland.
5- I expect that the only reason the intensive bombing of terrorists in Syria (and Iraq) did not start yet is the instability of Turkish government. Turkish government is vital for this plan. Turkish government played major role in supporting, arming, training and allowing terrorists to enter Syria. And the Turkish government (even a future Erdogan’s government) will participate enthusiastically in the campaign.
6- Some of the Australian known terrorists fighting currently in Syria will travel to Turkey, get Syrian forged passport and seek asylum in Germany. We should expect that even some of the terrorists who were declared to be dead (like El Omer and Sharrouf) will be living in one of EU countries under Syrian name. But do we really care?
7- We should wait for the plan to be ready to start by mid November.
8- Our hardcore pro-extremists media and politicians should be ready to accept the changes. Bob Carr, Labor party, Greens party and SBS should start exploring way of u-turn on the issue of attacking Syrian government and president. These need to forget about terminologies like “dictator”, “Assad should go”, “barrel bombs”, “Assad forces” ...etc.
My two cents on this debate.
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