Wednesday, April 09, 2014
ليلة اجتماع ويكيليكس مع متطرفين: ما هي الصفقة نتيجة هذا الاجتماع!!!
في مطلع شهر اذار/مارس الماضي تلقيت اتصالا غريبا من جون شيبتون, والد جوليان اسانج ورئيس حزب ويكيليكس. سالني الرجل عن الشيخ فداء المجزوب وان كنت اعرفه. كان جوابي سريعا بانني اعرف الشيخ جيدا منذ عام 2008. كما اشرت الى ان مقتل اخيه مصطفى المجزوب في سوريا وانتقاداتي لقتاله في سوريا كانت خلف الحملة الشرسة التي تعرضت لها منذ عام 2012 وتضمنت تهديدات بالقتل واعتداء جسدي في منتصف عام 2013.
اخبرني جون ان الشيخ يلح عليه ان يلقاه في اقرب فرصة. فهمت من كلام جون ان الاتصالات التي جرت بين الشيخ وجون كانت اتصالات ماراثونية وتضمنت نقاشات مطولة ودقيقة.
ذكرّت جون ان اسم الشيخ كان قد ورد في لقائنا مع وزير الاعلام السوري عندما ذكر الوزير عمران الزعبي ان الشيخ كان مسؤولا عن فصائل مسلحة واعطى الاوامر بالهجوم على ريف اللاذقية وخطف مئات النساء والاطفال. اعتقدت لوهلة ان جون اصابه الخوف من هكذا لقاء. ولكن وبعد عدة مكالمات, اكد جون انه سيلقى الشيخ وبعض اصدقائه يوم الجمعة 7 اذار/مارس.
لم يكن لدي تحفظ على ان يلتقي جون مع الشيخ واي من مؤيديه من متطرفي استراليا. فجون يعرف تماما موقفي من العنف في سوريا. كما يعرف جون وولده نشاطاتي في هذا المضمار وما واجهت من مصاعب وتهديدات وعنف نتيجة ذلك. ولكن كان لدي تحفظ ان يذهب جون الى الاجتماع لوحده. لذلك اقترحت عليه الذهاب مع احد اعضاء او مؤيدي الحزب.
في البداية, وافق جون على الفكرة.
كان الاتفاق ان يلتقي جون بقيصر طراد امام محطة قطارات ياغونا الساعة السابعة من مساء الجمعة, ليذهبا سويا الى الاجتماع في احد مطاعم جرين ايكر في سيارة قيصر. ثم اصبح الاتفاق ان يتصل جون بقيصر ويحصل منه على عنوان المطعم. ويذهب جون مع ممدوح الى الاجتماع. بهذا الترتيب يستطيع ممدوح ان يحرج الشيخ وقيصر بان يكون شاهدا على اي كلام يقولونه لجون واي عرض قد يعرضوه. كما ان وجود ممدوح قد يعطي جون الفرصة للانسحاب من الاجتماع في الوقت المناسب ان حدث تطور غير محسوب. كما ان هذا الترتيب سيتيح شفافية لعمل حزب الوكيليكس, وهذا من صلب فلسفته كما يدعي.
في اخر لحظة ولاسباب غير مقنعة, غير جون المخطط وقرر ان يذهب لوحده للقاء المجموعة ويجتمع معهم لفترة قصيرة ... ولا داعي لاحراج ممدوح. وهذا ما حصل.
بعد منتصف نفس الليلة تلقيت مكالمة من جون يخبرني بها عن مخطط جوليان لتجميد الحزب عن طريق استقالاتنا انا وجون وجايل من عضوية المجلس الوطني... ثم يستحوذ جوليان على الحزب ويجمده...
في ذلك اليوم وبسب ضغوط المفاجاة التي فجرها جون بوجهي, لم التفت للربط بين توقيت اجتماع جون مع المتطرفين والانقلاب الذي قرره جون-جوليان. كان كل همنا هو انقاذ الحزب وتحييد جون وجوليان وانهاء سيطرتهما المطلقة عليه.
يوم الاثنين التالي وفي اجتماع كان مقرر سلفا للجنة جمع التبرعات من اجل سوريا,سالني بعض المجتمعين عن نتيجة الاجتماع الذي ضم جون لمتطرفين. طلبت منهم ان يوجهوا السؤال لجون مباشرة.
ما قاله جون كان مفاجئا وغير متوقع و "لا يركب على راس". قال جون انه لم يحضر للاجتماع معه الا قيصر طراد. كما قال جون انه لم يحدث اي نقاش في العشاء. قيصر كان مهتما فقط بالتقاء جون واخذ صورة معه لوضعها على صفحته في الفيس بوك.
الان وبعد شهر مما حدث, دعونا ننقاش حقيقة ما حدث بين جون من جهة وقيصر ورفاقه المتطرفين من جهة اخرى.
هل يمكن ان نصدق ان الشيخ المجزوب والذي لاحق جون لاسبوع لعقد هذا الاجتماع, يتخلف عنه ودون اسباب مقنعة؟
وكيف يمكن تصديق ان قيصر طراد اكتفى بطلب الحصول على صورة مع جون, ولم يحصل عليها ولم يناقش شيئا مهما؟
ولماذا تزامن الاجتماع وبنفس اليوم مع انقلاب جون-جوليان على كل الممارسات الديمقراطية في هذا البلد للتخلص مني واحكام السيطرة الكاملة على الحزب.
لفهم ما حدث, دعونا نعود لانطلاق الوكيليكس ونجومية جوليان.
هل من المصادفة ان انطلاق نجم جوليان كان من على شاشات قناة الجزيرة القطرية في مقابلتين واحدة بالعربية والاخرى بالانجليزية في اواخر شهر كانون اول/ديسمبر 2010!!!
وهل هي مصادفة ان الشيخ فداء المجزوب كان عضوا في مجلس اسطنبول للمعارضة السورية, الممول من قطر!!!
وماذا عن ام المصادفات: ان يحصل الاجتماع مع المتطرفين في نفس يوم انقلاب جون-جوليان عشية يوم السبت 8 اذار/مارس!!!
والا لماذا لم يحصل الاجتماع مع قيصر ورفاقه بعد اسبوع او حتى شهر من الانقلاب؟
ولماذا رفض جون حضور عضو اخر من الوكيليكس للاجتماع مع قيصر ورفاقه؟
بل السؤال الاهم هو لماذا طلب الشيخ المجزوب ورفاقه المتطرفون لقاء جون ومسؤولي حزبه؟ للشكوى ضدي؟ بالرغم من ان كل نشاطاتي ومواقفي معروفة علنيا.
وياتي السؤال الاهم: ماذا دار في الاجتماع بين جون وقيصر (ورفاقه) وادى الى الانقلاب داخل الحزب وبنفس الليلة؟؟؟
بدون ان يكسر قيصر او احد من رفاقه الصمت ويخبرنا عن حقيقة ما حدث, فانه من الصعب ان نعرف حقيقة ما دار من نقاشات في مطعم جرين ايكر. بالرغم من ذلك, يمكننا ان نتوقع ما حدث.
هل من الصعب تصور ما حدث في اجتماع المطعم بين منظمة متهمة بانها صنيعة المخابرات الامريكية (الوكيليكس) ومجموعة من المتطرفين الممولين من قطر (عملاء نفس الاستخبارات) والتي ادت الى الضغط علي لاخراجي من الحزب!!!
هل عرض قيصر طراد تمويلا قطريا لحزب الوكيليكس مقابل هذا الانقلاب؟ ام ان العرض كان مختلفا في نفس السياق؟
ام ان قيصر عرض وعدا للوكيليكس بالدعم نيابة عن الجالية وعن بعض الدول الاسلامية/الخليجية؟
ادعو هنا كل من جون وقيصر ان يعلنوا حقيقة ما جرى في ذلك اللقاء وما تمخض عنه من صفقات حقيرة.
اخر ملاحظة هنا:من الملاحظ ان حزب الوكيليكس لا يهتم كثيرا بالسياسة وموقعه على الخريطة السياسية في استراليا, والا فكيف يرسل اهم مسؤوليه في زيارات سياحية الى ايران وسوريا بينما الحزب يواجه انهيارا تاما وخسارة مذلة في انتخابات ولاية غرب استراليا.
هل هذا يقودنا الى استنتاج ان تنظيم الوكيليكس يعتقد ان اختراق سوريا وايران وحلفهما اهم من نجاح الحزب سياسيا.
The night Wikileaks met with extremists: what was the outcome/deal?!!!
At the beginning of last March I received phone call from John Shipton, the father of Julian Assange and CEO of Wikileaks party. He asked me about “Sheikh Fidaa Al Majzoub” and if I know him. I told him that I know him very well, since 2008. John told me that he was contacted by the sheikh seeking meeting with representative of Wikileaks party. The sheikh insisted to meet with John as soon as possible.
Talking to John, I understood that the conversation/s between him and the Majzoub was/were lengthy and in details.
I told John what I know about the sheikh, who was mentioned by name by Syrian information minister Omran AL Zubi to be “leader of rebels who kidnapped and raped hundreds of women in Latakya rural area”.
Many conversations followed about the possible meeting between John and the sheikh (and some extremist supporters).
I did not object for Wikileaks party’s representative/s to meet with these people. But John should not go to meeting alone. I discussed this with John and with other Wikileaks party active members. John agreed to go to the meeting with one of the active members/supporters.
The role of active member is to be witness in case agreement of any kind reached between two parties. It is also more professional for any respected political parties to have more than one official/active member present at any meeting. This will perfectly serve the “transparency” goals of Wikileaks declared political agenda.
The meeting was scheduled to be Friday 7 March. Please remember this date very well. Keysar Trad supposed to pick up John from Yagoona train station at 7 pm. Then both will go by Trad’s car to a restaurant in Greenacre to meet the rest of the extremists (including sheikh Majzoub).
I thought that I was successful in convincing John to call Keysar and apologise for changing the arrangements. John supposed to go with Mamdouh direct to the restaurant and meet the extremists group.
At last minute, John called me and told me that he will go alone and briefly meet the group... and no need to bother Mamdouh.
And he did exactly that.
After midnight of that day, I received phone call from John telling me that Julian wants to suspend the work of the party and demanded that we all (John, Gail and myself) to resign as National Council members to pave way for Julian’s group from London to take over.
With the stress of the whole saga, I forgot about the meeting with Keysar and the rest of extremists. Our work was focussed on salvaging the party and tries to neutralise Julian and his father’s monopoly on the party.
On Monday 10 March, there was meeting to finalise details about fundraising dinner for the mission to Syria. Members of the committee asked me about the outcome of John’s meeting with Muslim extremists. I asked them to direct their questions to John himself.
John claimed that the meeting was only with Keysar Trad. He claimed that there was no discussion in that meeting. He claimed that Keysar wanted to meet him to take photo with him so that he can claim that he met the father of Julian Assange and post the picture on his Facebook account.
Now and after month of events, let us try to examine what really happened between John and Keysar and his associates of extremists.
So Sheikh Fidaa Al Majzoub was chasing John for meeting for more than a week and then he did not attend that meeting!!!
And Keysar Trad attended the meeting with John and discussed nothing with him, instead he asked for picture with Julian’s father!!!
And then in the same night, John and Julian attempted coup inside the party to get rid of me and regain full control of the party!!!
Can a young child in year 2 believe this!!!
Let us go back to Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
Is it also coincidence that the launch of Julian Assange’s popularity was on Al Jazeera Qatari TV (in 2 interviews in Arabic and English December 2010,
Does this match with the fact that sheikh Fidaa Al Majzoub was member of the Istanbul Coalition of Syrian rebels financed by Qatar?
And what is the big coincidence that the meeting and attempted coup was on the eve of Saturday 8 March?
If there is no coincidence, meeting with Keysar could have happened week later of the John/Julian’s move to demand full control of the party... or even in different month altogether!!!
And why did John refuse the attendance of other Wikileaks party active members/supporters in this highly controversial meeting?!!!
John and Julian knew very well about my stance on Syrian crisis and activities that resulted in death threats and physical assaults. My activities and views were very public and broadcasted on many media outlets. So whatever they were told by Keysar or Sheikh Majzoub should not surprise them.
So what was really discussed by John Shipton and Keysar Trad (and his extremist associates) that led to the coup in the party?
Without leaks from Keysar Trad, we would not know exactly the truth. But we can speculate.
If we connect the dots, we can try to solve the puzzle...
Meeting between group that was accused of being CIA shopfront (Wikileaks group) and group of extremists financed by Qatar (agents of CIA) that led to a coup to enforce me out, will have one thing to discuss.
Did Keysar offer Qatari funding of Wikileaks (group and party) in return of this coup?
Or did he offer something else similar???
Did Keysar make any promises to help Wikileaks, on behalf of Muslim community and some Muslim/Gulf countries??
I call on both John and Keysar to come forward and enlighten Australians about the discussions and the dirty deal resulted from such discussions.
The last note on these issues: it seems that Wikileaks party does not care about politics and its political stance/achievements. Otherwise why its officials are insisting to participate in tourism tours to Iran and Syria during the WA senate by-election, while the party is crumbling and getting less than 6000 votes in WA senate by-election (despite getting the Donkey votes estimated to exceed 5000 votes)...!!!
This would lead us to believe that Wikileaks thinks that its infiltration attempts of Syria/Iran camp are more important than improving political stance and try to rebuild the party.
Talking to John, I understood that the conversation/s between him and the Majzoub was/were lengthy and in details.
I told John what I know about the sheikh, who was mentioned by name by Syrian information minister Omran AL Zubi to be “leader of rebels who kidnapped and raped hundreds of women in Latakya rural area”.
Many conversations followed about the possible meeting between John and the sheikh (and some extremist supporters).
I did not object for Wikileaks party’s representative/s to meet with these people. But John should not go to meeting alone. I discussed this with John and with other Wikileaks party active members. John agreed to go to the meeting with one of the active members/supporters.
The role of active member is to be witness in case agreement of any kind reached between two parties. It is also more professional for any respected political parties to have more than one official/active member present at any meeting. This will perfectly serve the “transparency” goals of Wikileaks declared political agenda.
The meeting was scheduled to be Friday 7 March. Please remember this date very well. Keysar Trad supposed to pick up John from Yagoona train station at 7 pm. Then both will go by Trad’s car to a restaurant in Greenacre to meet the rest of the extremists (including sheikh Majzoub).
I thought that I was successful in convincing John to call Keysar and apologise for changing the arrangements. John supposed to go with Mamdouh direct to the restaurant and meet the extremists group.
At last minute, John called me and told me that he will go alone and briefly meet the group... and no need to bother Mamdouh.
And he did exactly that.
After midnight of that day, I received phone call from John telling me that Julian wants to suspend the work of the party and demanded that we all (John, Gail and myself) to resign as National Council members to pave way for Julian’s group from London to take over.
With the stress of the whole saga, I forgot about the meeting with Keysar and the rest of extremists. Our work was focussed on salvaging the party and tries to neutralise Julian and his father’s monopoly on the party.
On Monday 10 March, there was meeting to finalise details about fundraising dinner for the mission to Syria. Members of the committee asked me about the outcome of John’s meeting with Muslim extremists. I asked them to direct their questions to John himself.
John claimed that the meeting was only with Keysar Trad. He claimed that there was no discussion in that meeting. He claimed that Keysar wanted to meet him to take photo with him so that he can claim that he met the father of Julian Assange and post the picture on his Facebook account.
Now and after month of events, let us try to examine what really happened between John and Keysar and his associates of extremists.
So Sheikh Fidaa Al Majzoub was chasing John for meeting for more than a week and then he did not attend that meeting!!!
And Keysar Trad attended the meeting with John and discussed nothing with him, instead he asked for picture with Julian’s father!!!
And then in the same night, John and Julian attempted coup inside the party to get rid of me and regain full control of the party!!!
Can a young child in year 2 believe this!!!
Let us go back to Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
Is it also coincidence that the launch of Julian Assange’s popularity was on Al Jazeera Qatari TV (in 2 interviews in Arabic and English December 2010,
Does this match with the fact that sheikh Fidaa Al Majzoub was member of the Istanbul Coalition of Syrian rebels financed by Qatar?
And what is the big coincidence that the meeting and attempted coup was on the eve of Saturday 8 March?
If there is no coincidence, meeting with Keysar could have happened week later of the John/Julian’s move to demand full control of the party... or even in different month altogether!!!
And why did John refuse the attendance of other Wikileaks party active members/supporters in this highly controversial meeting?!!!
John and Julian knew very well about my stance on Syrian crisis and activities that resulted in death threats and physical assaults. My activities and views were very public and broadcasted on many media outlets. So whatever they were told by Keysar or Sheikh Majzoub should not surprise them.
So what was really discussed by John Shipton and Keysar Trad (and his extremist associates) that led to the coup in the party?
Without leaks from Keysar Trad, we would not know exactly the truth. But we can speculate.
If we connect the dots, we can try to solve the puzzle...
Meeting between group that was accused of being CIA shopfront (Wikileaks group) and group of extremists financed by Qatar (agents of CIA) that led to a coup to enforce me out, will have one thing to discuss.
Did Keysar offer Qatari funding of Wikileaks (group and party) in return of this coup?
Or did he offer something else similar???
Did Keysar make any promises to help Wikileaks, on behalf of Muslim community and some Muslim/Gulf countries??
I call on both John and Keysar to come forward and enlighten Australians about the discussions and the dirty deal resulted from such discussions.
The last note on these issues: it seems that Wikileaks party does not care about politics and its political stance/achievements. Otherwise why its officials are insisting to participate in tourism tours to Iran and Syria during the WA senate by-election, while the party is crumbling and getting less than 6000 votes in WA senate by-election (despite getting the Donkey votes estimated to exceed 5000 votes)...!!!
This would lead us to believe that Wikileaks thinks that its infiltration attempts of Syria/Iran camp are more important than improving political stance and try to rebuild the party.
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