For the last 6 years and since the beginning of terrorist activities in Syria under the banner of “revolution”, I (and many community leaders and activists) were warning of the dire consequences for the current rhetoric on the issue. The major concern for us was that such rhetoric would lead to a deep division in the society and inevitable skyrocketing Islamophobia. We also warned that official support for radical elements in the society will increase the actual possibility of imminent terrorist activities in the country. This would help the radicals establish networks this way spreading their extreme philosophies.
Our warnings fell on deaf ears!
Now and after the revelation of Centrelink’s payments to ISIS terrorists, authorities need to take major steps.
Scandals such as this one and previous terrorist activities have greatly helped the increase of Islamophobia never experienced before in this country’s history.
We saw the results of this high level of Islamophobia in last month’s Federal election results, where anti-Muslim micro-parties gained big political representation in our parliament.
Thanks to the increase of a divided society, now we are experiencing attacks from both sides and not only in the virtual world.
For the first time in years our authorities arrested neo Nazi activist for planning terrorist attacks against Muslims or pro-Muslim targets.
As a well-known anti-extremism campaigner, I find myself (and I believe many of anti-extremism Muslim activists) in a unique position.
Since the beginning of terrorism in Syria, I was subjected to vicious campaigns of attacks and threats by Wahhabi “Muslim” extremists. These days, the threats and fear is coming from anti-Muslim extremists, for being Muslim.
Not only this. To date and because of my opposition to US-NATO intervention in Syria, authorities are against me. Last year, Australian authorities directed AFP and ABF to target me by subjecting me to a humiliating investigation at the airport. Then AFP lead a major covert operation involving the collection of false testimonies from at least two “community leaders” (actually ASIO informants) and cooperated with some segment of corrupt Lebanese authorities to ban me from entering Lebanon. Such move was hailed as a victory by extremists, which they expressed in messages and comments on my Facebook page.
In answering the dumb question of “who to blame” for this situation of high radicalisation (to the point of imminent terrorist attack) and skyrocketing Islamophobia, the official answer is “Google sheikhs” and “Youtube Imams”.
I am not sure if the authorities classify Centrelink as Google Sheikh? What about classifying Bob Carr as “Youtube Imam”?
Our lives are rapidly degrading because of US ambition to destroy an unfriendly state (Syria). Our lives are under imminent danger of terrorist attacks because of this US dream/plan. And our rights were taken away under the mirage of authorities fight against terrorism, when in fact they were supporting radical elements in the society for the last 6 years.
I see no hope of change in the immediate future.
Our authorities are still conspiring against me because of my opposition to US-NATO destructive plan.
Our PM still invites extremists/godfathers of terrorists for Iftar and has regular consultations on how to fight radicalisation.
Our media is still glorifying the various godfathers of extremism portraying them as “anti-extremism champions”.
Our “human rights organisations” still recognise the work of extremists as exemplary to fight against radicalisation.
Our government departments still fund extremist organisations, but refuse to fund the anti-extremism ones.
And the anti-Muslim extremists still attack all Muslims indiscriminately, for being just Muslims without taking the time to understand the difference.
Soon, we will start a campaign to bring the real perpetrators of this mess into the spotlight.
Watch this space!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
نتائج معركة حلب كما توقعتها قبل خمس اعوام: ستهزمون...!!!ِ
في شهر اكتوبر/تشرين اول 2011 التقيت وبالصدفة مع احد قياديي اخوان مسلمي سوريا في العاصمة الاردنية عمان. كنت قادما من طهران بعد المشاركة في مؤتمر للصحفيين المستقلين. القيادي الاخونجي كان زميلا قديما في مهنة الطب البيطري, حيث استقر في عمان بعد فشل مخطط الاخوان الارهابي في سبعينيات وثماننينات القرن الماضي. وبالصدفة كان زميلا لي في عيادة مجاورة لعيادتي في منطقة زيزيا خارج العاصمة عمان.
بعد اعادة التعارف (بعد اكثر من عقد ونصف من مغادرتي للاردن), احببت استطلاع رايه عما يحدث في بلده الام سوريا. كان واثقا في كلامه الواضح "هذه المرة سيسقط النظام وسنصل للسلطة, وخلال اشهر. لدينا كل المعطيات والتطمينات".
عاجلته بسؤال "يعني الامريكي اعطاكم الضمانات والوعود ام الاسرائيلي".
عاجلني بجواب صاعق لم اتوقعه "ليس مهما من اعطانا الوعود المهم تحقيق الهدف".
"حتى لو تحالفتم مع اسرائيل, كما صرح قيادييكم وعلى راسهم البيانوني"
اشتدت دهشتي لصراحته المطلقة "سنتحالف مع الشيطان لاسقاط النظام".
اعدت السؤال من شدة دهشتي "حتى مع اسرائيل".
"قلت لك حتى مع الشيطان"
لم يترك لي مجال للدبلوماسية فبادرته بحدة "هذا سيحصل فقط في احلامكم. كما حدث في الماضي القريب, ستسحقون مرة اخرى. هذه المرة للابد".
كنت قادما من طهران حيث التقيت بعض الاصدقاء من المقربين لصناع القرار هناك. كانوا جميعهم قلقين. كنت اطمع ان احصل على اجابات عن الاسئلة الكثيرة التي حملتها معي لطهران عن الازمة السورية. بدلا من ان اتلقى اي اجابات, ووجهت بعاصفة من الاسئلة على راسها "هل سيصمد النظام ام يتفكك, كما حدث في ليبيا".
الكل في طهران كان يدرك حجم المؤامرة على سوريا. الخوف الوحيد كان ان تنجح الفتنة الطائفية (كما حدث في الحرب الاهلية اللبنانية) فيتشظى البلد.
في كل لقاءاتي كنت متفائلا. هذا التفاؤل الذي لم يشاطرني فيه احد.
بادرني احد الاعلاميين الايرانيين بالقول "لو خرجت تظاهرات مليونية... لو انشق الجيش على اساس طائفي وديني... لو خاف الوزراء والمسؤولون من مصير كمصير القذافي وكل من وقف في وجه "الربيع العربي" فانشق او هرب او اعتزل... لو حصل اي من هذا فلن تستطيع ايران مساعدة حليفها السوري. بل الخوف الحقيقي هو: لو تخلى الروسي عن حليفه (كما حدث في ليبيا قبل اشهر) وسمح للناتو بالهجوم على سوريا, هل سيملك النظام شجاعه الدخول في حرب ضد الناتو واسرائيل؟"
في مقالة لي في بداية الازمة (فشل مخططات الاطاحة بالنظام السوري وانعكاساته على مستقبل المنطقة, النهار الاسترالية, 12/5/2011), قلت تحليلا ان الروسي لن يتخلى عن سوريا. كما توقعت, وعلى خلاف معظم المحللين, بان سوريا لن تنهار. فسوريا ليست ليبيا القذافي. كما ان الظروف الدولية ليست كتلك ايام الغزو الامريكي للعراق. في مقالتي تلك قلت ان سوريا ستصمد. بل ذهبت الى ابعد من ذلك حيث توقعت ان يسفر انهيار المؤامرة الغربية على سوريا الى تغيرات جذرية في النظام العالمي تعيد بعض التوازن اليه. هذه التغيرات التي بدأت تطل براسها منذ نهاية العام الماضي بالتدخل الروسي العسكري خارج روسيا لاول مرة منذ انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي. هذا التدخل الذي ارسل رسالة واضحة بان روسيا قد عادت دولة مهمه على الساحه الدولية.
معارك حلب الدائرة الان تعتبر الخاتمة لما جاء في توقعاتي في المقالة التي نشرتها في شهر ايار/مايو 2011. الامريكي الان يزج بكل ما يملك من ارهابيين في المعركة الاخيرة قبل اعلانه الفشل النهائي في المغامرة السورية. فحشد حوالي 30 الف ارهابي وتوحيد اكثر من 20 فصيل عسكري مهم وكبير, الهدف منه محاولة صنع انتصار مهم قد يقلب الوضع الميداني لصالح ادوات المؤامرة الامبريالية.
هذا الهدف مفهوم لدى القيادة السورية وحليفها الروسي. هذا الفهم الذي سيجعل القيادتين السورية والروسية (وبالتعاون مع ايران) مصرتين تماما على احباطه, حتى لو تاتى هذا الاحباط بسياسة الارض المحروقة تماما لمناطق وجود الارهابيين. هذه السياسة التي بدأت منذ الامس بغارات عنيفة واستخدام كل انواع الاسلحة الثقيلة ليس فقط ضد المواقع التي تراجع عنها الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه في الكليات الحربية, بل وفي عقر دار الارهابيين في ادلب وريفها.
قد يقول قائل ان زج امريكا لهذا الكم الهائل من ارهابييها في معركة حلب ما هو الا مرحلة من مراحل الازمة وانها قادرة, حتى لو فشل الهجوم, ان تحشد المزيد من الارهابيين واطلاق عملية اخرى في حلب او في منطقة اخرى.
هذا السيناريو قد يكون منطقيا قبل عام او اثنين. فبعد ان زحف الارهاب الى باريس وبروكسل ولندن وسيدني واورلندو. وبعد انهيار معنويات الارهابيين بعد خساراتهم الهائلة في حمص وريف اللاذقية والغوطة والقلمون والانبار وصلاح الدين وسرت. بعد كل ذلك, فان هزيمة على مستوى صد هجوم ل30 الف ارهابي, سيكون بمثابة القشة التي قصمت ظهر البعير. مع ان البعير هو بعير غبي مغيب العقل والانسانية والاخلاق والشعور. الا ان هزائم متلاحقة على هذا المستوى الاقليمي سيعيد بعض العقل لمن غيبتهم انتصارات الرقة والموصل وسرت الى حد الغيبوبة عن الواقع تماما. كما ان الاوروبي تحت ضغط هائل لمنع مزيد من العمليات الارهابية في قلب عواصمه, لاعطاء مزيد من الوقت لمغامرات جديدة للثنائي المرعب اوباما-كيري.
في رأيي فان معركة حلب محسومة ومنذ ساعاتها الاولى. الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه لا يستطيعون فقدان اي نقطة عسكرية حول حلب. بل ان الازمة وصلت الى نقطة ان تحرير حلب الان هو هدف يتقدم على اي هدف اخر, حتى هدف تحرير غوطة دمشق المهمه. المعركة ليست خسارة نقطة عسكرية هنا او اخرى هناك. القضية الان هو المحافظه على هيبة ما تحقق بعد الاشتراك الروسي في المعارك وبالتالي المحافظة على هيبة الحليف الروسي الطامع للعودة الى مصاف الدول العظمى. كما ان الهدف الاخر هو توجيه رسالة قاطعه للثنائي الارهابي اوباما-كيري الذين مارسا سياسة الخداع والكذب منذ بداية الازمة حتى الان. هذه الرسالة مفادها ان الروسي لن يسمح لهم بتحقيق اي انتصار سيشجعهم على التمادي في سياسة الخداع الاجرامي.
معركة حلب واحباط مخطط واشنطن هناك سيجعل الروسي يوجه رسالة صادمة ومباشرة للامريكي: لن نسمح لكم بالاستمرار في خداعنا.
عندما توقعت منذ البداية ان سوريا ستسحق الارهاب ومخططه, ابتسم زميلي البيطري الاخونجي. كما تعجب بعض المسؤولين في طهران. كما ضحك علي المتطرفون في استراليا. وها هي حلب تثبت مقولتي. وانا واثق من نصر الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه في حلب.
في الحقيقة فان الامريكي اراد معركة حلب ان تكون معركة فاصلة لاهانة الحليف الروسي وبالتالي تاجيل استحقاقات كبرى اهمها ضرورة ارساء دعائم نظام عالمي جديد متعدد الاقطاب. والروسي يريد من معركة حلب القضاء على هذا الهدف الامريكي الشرير وبالتالي تسريع الوصول الى هذه التفاهمات الدولية الوازنة.
وحلب منتصرة قريبا على الارهاب الدولي ومشغليه.
Monday, August 01, 2016
The Greens public infighting: my own observations
After watching the 7:30 Report, Lee Rhiannon has only herself to blame for the public attack by former leader Bob Brown on her including demanding her resignation.
I joined the Greens party 2000 and resigned 2006. Lee was the major reason why I resigned, as I became sure that the party has no vision and no agenda of socio-economic change as they claim by its charter and constitution. The party was talking about one issue: how to win more power. No discussion of how this power will be used to enforce 2 major parties to retreat and accept reforms that will achieve better equality in the society.
After joining the Greens party 2000, I quickly became friend of Lee.
Attending Greens events and meetings, there was one constant face I was seeing. And this person was always vocal on issues of social justice and equality. No matter the subject was, you cannot disagree with her. This was Lee Rhiannon, the MLC in NSW then.
She was very good organiser: she is everywhere, at all events, record details of everything and follows up on previous conversations. This is why she was successful in her empire-building inside the Greens and could sideline many of her rivals.
Contrary to what both Bob Brown and Lee Rhiannon claimed on 7:30 Report, it was very easy to notice the factionalism inside the party since Lee joined the party 1990. One of Lee’s strong supporters told me after 2001 Federal election that she voted and joined the Greens after Lee’s prominence in the party which “broadened the platform of the Greens from simply environmental party to inclusive party on wide-range of social-justice issues”. She in fact created factions inside the Greens to serve its agenda, as she has no credential or understanding of environmental movement and issues.
While I do not agree with Bob Brown’s conservative and pragmatic politics aimed at winning more votes only, but I do not agree that Lee is still Red Melon politician. She is using this rhetoric just to stay in politics. She had dream of becoming the leader of the Greens party, and this is why she stayed in parliament even after the resignation of party’s historical figures of Bob Brown, Christine Milne and Ian Cohen.
Bob Brown agreed with me that Lee is liability on the Greens in general, and in NSW in particular. Her style of breaking all rivals and enforce them to resign, had inherited her lot of enemies. Many of her enemies refused to help with her campaign in 2010 and this year. This is one reason of the low vote for Lee and her ticket.
But in addition to this reason, we believe that our repeated campaigns against her (and the Greens in general) had worked. Since 2007, the Greens popularity did not grow significantly in NSW. Despite the fact that the Greens grew significantly in ALL states, NSW is the only state that the Greens popularity had stalled.
I started to criticise Lee’s empire building and her vicious campaigns against all rivals since 2003. In 2003 state election, I resigned amid the NSW election as party spokesperson for Refugees and Immigration after she interfered with my portfolio. Since then, I became harsh critical of her style of destroying political rivals inside the Greens. In addition to her lack of commitment and vision on social justice issues.
Her undemocratic disgraceful attacks on her colleagues were documented by many of her rivals and activists on many issues.
The first colleague to suffer from her disloyalty was Ian Cohen, when she led vicious campaign to oust him by campaigning to enforce limited tenure principle. The same principle that she never respected.
She branded him with all bad names and descriptions: Zionist, regressive, dead-man walking and unGreen MLC.
In the process, she also opened fire on Inner-West Greens because the convenor of that group, Mersina Tonys-Soulos, did not accept to agree with her on many issues.
After conspiring against Inner-West Greens, Lee involved in bashing Blacktown newly formed group. Lee could not control that group as the convenor David Cunningham refused to back her attempts against Ian Cohen.
Then she conspired against me and group of progressive left members. This included many failed attempts to get rid of me and other progressive people. Most of us decided to leave as we lost the faith in the party and its lack of vision.
(I attach a letter of resignation of one of very respected activist because of her empire-building undemocratic practices to totally control the party)
Lee had shown no compromise in her bid to keep full control of the NSW Greens. Despite the fact that her rivals of other factions’ leaders agreement to play within the rules. She is the only one that crossed all red-lines in her cheap and personal attacks on rivals and her insistence to stay in politics as long as it takes until she could control Australian Greens.
I deeply believe that Lee has no chance to achieve her agenda. She thought that her support of young faces (who were never been Greenies too) will land her to the top job in the Greens. The other unGreen politicians (Adam Bandt, Di Natalie, Sarah Hanson-Young...) turned to be also careerists-opportunists that had their eyes on the leadership of the party.
I also disagree with Bob that Greens had made any significant gains in this election. The election was double dissolution election, where the Greens achieved no full quota in any state if it was normal election. No Greens party in any state got the 14.5% quota required in normal election.
I think that the in-fighting will intensify until Lee will be convinced that she has no chance to win leadership post. But this will have great impact on the Greens. The Greens is deeply lucky party that there is no strong minor left party that could attract significant voters who are currently voting for the Greens as protest against Labor and Liberals. But the big changes resulted in this election is promising that another left alternative is possible within the next 3 years until the next election (if we go to full term).
I joined the Greens party 2000 and resigned 2006. Lee was the major reason why I resigned, as I became sure that the party has no vision and no agenda of socio-economic change as they claim by its charter and constitution. The party was talking about one issue: how to win more power. No discussion of how this power will be used to enforce 2 major parties to retreat and accept reforms that will achieve better equality in the society.
After joining the Greens party 2000, I quickly became friend of Lee.
Attending Greens events and meetings, there was one constant face I was seeing. And this person was always vocal on issues of social justice and equality. No matter the subject was, you cannot disagree with her. This was Lee Rhiannon, the MLC in NSW then.
She was very good organiser: she is everywhere, at all events, record details of everything and follows up on previous conversations. This is why she was successful in her empire-building inside the Greens and could sideline many of her rivals.
Contrary to what both Bob Brown and Lee Rhiannon claimed on 7:30 Report, it was very easy to notice the factionalism inside the party since Lee joined the party 1990. One of Lee’s strong supporters told me after 2001 Federal election that she voted and joined the Greens after Lee’s prominence in the party which “broadened the platform of the Greens from simply environmental party to inclusive party on wide-range of social-justice issues”. She in fact created factions inside the Greens to serve its agenda, as she has no credential or understanding of environmental movement and issues.
While I do not agree with Bob Brown’s conservative and pragmatic politics aimed at winning more votes only, but I do not agree that Lee is still Red Melon politician. She is using this rhetoric just to stay in politics. She had dream of becoming the leader of the Greens party, and this is why she stayed in parliament even after the resignation of party’s historical figures of Bob Brown, Christine Milne and Ian Cohen.
Bob Brown agreed with me that Lee is liability on the Greens in general, and in NSW in particular. Her style of breaking all rivals and enforce them to resign, had inherited her lot of enemies. Many of her enemies refused to help with her campaign in 2010 and this year. This is one reason of the low vote for Lee and her ticket.
But in addition to this reason, we believe that our repeated campaigns against her (and the Greens in general) had worked. Since 2007, the Greens popularity did not grow significantly in NSW. Despite the fact that the Greens grew significantly in ALL states, NSW is the only state that the Greens popularity had stalled.
I started to criticise Lee’s empire building and her vicious campaigns against all rivals since 2003. In 2003 state election, I resigned amid the NSW election as party spokesperson for Refugees and Immigration after she interfered with my portfolio. Since then, I became harsh critical of her style of destroying political rivals inside the Greens. In addition to her lack of commitment and vision on social justice issues.
Her undemocratic disgraceful attacks on her colleagues were documented by many of her rivals and activists on many issues.
The first colleague to suffer from her disloyalty was Ian Cohen, when she led vicious campaign to oust him by campaigning to enforce limited tenure principle. The same principle that she never respected.
She branded him with all bad names and descriptions: Zionist, regressive, dead-man walking and unGreen MLC.
In the process, she also opened fire on Inner-West Greens because the convenor of that group, Mersina Tonys-Soulos, did not accept to agree with her on many issues.
After conspiring against Inner-West Greens, Lee involved in bashing Blacktown newly formed group. Lee could not control that group as the convenor David Cunningham refused to back her attempts against Ian Cohen.
Then she conspired against me and group of progressive left members. This included many failed attempts to get rid of me and other progressive people. Most of us decided to leave as we lost the faith in the party and its lack of vision.
(I attach a letter of resignation of one of very respected activist because of her empire-building undemocratic practices to totally control the party)
Lee had shown no compromise in her bid to keep full control of the NSW Greens. Despite the fact that her rivals of other factions’ leaders agreement to play within the rules. She is the only one that crossed all red-lines in her cheap and personal attacks on rivals and her insistence to stay in politics as long as it takes until she could control Australian Greens.
I deeply believe that Lee has no chance to achieve her agenda. She thought that her support of young faces (who were never been Greenies too) will land her to the top job in the Greens. The other unGreen politicians (Adam Bandt, Di Natalie, Sarah Hanson-Young...) turned to be also careerists-opportunists that had their eyes on the leadership of the party.
I also disagree with Bob that Greens had made any significant gains in this election. The election was double dissolution election, where the Greens achieved no full quota in any state if it was normal election. No Greens party in any state got the 14.5% quota required in normal election.
I think that the in-fighting will intensify until Lee will be convinced that she has no chance to win leadership post. But this will have great impact on the Greens. The Greens is deeply lucky party that there is no strong minor left party that could attract significant voters who are currently voting for the Greens as protest against Labor and Liberals. But the big changes resulted in this election is promising that another left alternative is possible within the next 3 years until the next election (if we go to full term).
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