After the revelation of Tim’s violent nature whereby he endorsed anti-Jewish hate messages and, instead of apologising to both Jews and Palestinians for his damaging actions, Tim Anderson is instead resorting to spread more hate against all sides. (
Immediately after channel 7 broke the news about his anti-Jewish hate, Tim Anderson blamed me for exposing his violent actions. He then activated his cell to mount a hate campaign against me. Many of his cell members called for my death and such death threats were “liked” and promoted by Tim.
This is nothing new for this hateful figure.
Last year, Tim endorsed threats to kill my friend Vanoush (Vanessa) from the USA, because she criticised him and his friends/cell members. The video message recorded and then broadcast by his friend, Amid Yousef, called for the hanging and execution of Vanoush and her friends. This call included myself, other Australian citizens, friends and colleagues, and was related to a particular matter. Everyone who knew about this matter, including the targets, knew who the act of terrorism was being called against and were encouraged to go after them. Tim “liked” the video and wrote in the public comments, “Thank you Amid, you are too kind”.
Some 40 years ago, Tim headed a terrorist organisation and caused a lot of deaths and killings.
It seems that Tim's long time in jail did not help to rehabilitate him into a less violent man. On the contrary, his mixing with rapists and murders made him more violent and reckless.
While I am happy that I received an email from the University of Sydney informing me that the University is investigating these serious matters, I have deep concerns that the hate campaigns initiated by this beast could be translated in carnage in Australia soon.
Some of his inner circle of friends are posting very racist and Islamophobic comments/messages.
One of his friends had just called me a “Certified Muslim Brotherhood People Smuggler”, referring to my study at the ANU for Grad Cert of Migration Law.
Tim and his cell members are fiercely attacking my ethnic background and even deciding that I am “fake” Palestinian.
The increase of anti-Jewish and anti-Palestinian rhetoric in the media and also on social media after this moron's violent actions of endorsing anti-Jewish sentiments, is of great concern to us. The situation is already intense and any further moves to increase the already tense situation is very dangerous and could have very negative (and violent) impact and consequences. Last time, Tim's actions to stir Hindu extremism in Australia resulted in the Hilton Bombing and a dozen of terrorist attacks. We warn that the repeat of history is not a remote possibility.
This is why I and many of my colleagues have written to Sydney University demanding they sack this predator.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Thursday, August 09, 2018
Open Letter to Labor leaders: We are happy that your party made U-Turn on Syria... but..!!!
Hon Mr Luke Foley, MP and the Leader of the Opposition’s office
Hon Bill Shorten, MP and the Leader of Labor Federal Opposition
We noticed that your colleague and Labor Opposition Whip, the Hon. Shaoquett Moslemane is organising a forum tomorrow in the NSW parliament and invited a panel including an academic that claims to support Dr Bashar Al Assad's government.
We are very happy that the Labor party had finally made U-Turn on its Syria policy and has begun to support the Syrian government led by President Bashar Al Assad.
Given that, we want to express our deep disappointment that your colleague Hon. Moslemane has chosen to invite the wrong person to speak in support of the Syrian government at tomorrow's forum.
Dr Tim Anderson is a sham on any cause and on humanity indeed. With a deeply murky past, as National spokesperson of one of the most dangerous violent organisations in Australian contemporary history, Ananda Marga conducted a series of terrorist attacks in the heart of Sydney, including bombing the Hilton Hotel.
He also has very murky present, leading a group of thugs to spread dirt and violent attacks on respected members of the community. He recently endorsed a very shameful attack on Australian Jews calling God to curse them, for no clear reason.
.( )
We unreservedly believe that your colleague's decision to invite this beast to speak at this forum tomorrow will constitute a dark episode in your Party's history. Such a dark episode will indefinitely have a serious, negative impact on your Party's image and chances to win any future election.
We, in the pro-Syria movement, happy that your party had finally made this U-Turn, advise you that Tim Anderson does not represent or speak on behalf of our movement.
I remember when I invited your colleague Shaoquett Moslemane to visit Syria on a fact-finding mission in early 2014, he declined and expressed his disgust at how the Syrian government treats its citizens. If your colleague had changed his mind, my invitation to organise a special tour for him and a few of his Labor colleagues still stands. For Mr Moslemane to seek commentary from a failed academic who declared to the whole world that until end of 2012 he did not know where Syria is located on the map, is something beyond our comprehension.
In this open letter, we seek clarification of your new position on Syria. Do you still think that the crisis was caused by the Syrian government's killing of peaceful protesters or are you convinced now that there was a Western conspiracy against the legitimate government of that country? And, is your Party willing to deal with the Syrian government now? Definitely we can help with this.
Jamal Daoud
Hon Bill Shorten, MP and the Leader of Labor Federal Opposition
We noticed that your colleague and Labor Opposition Whip, the Hon. Shaoquett Moslemane is organising a forum tomorrow in the NSW parliament and invited a panel including an academic that claims to support Dr Bashar Al Assad's government.
We are very happy that the Labor party had finally made U-Turn on its Syria policy and has begun to support the Syrian government led by President Bashar Al Assad.
Given that, we want to express our deep disappointment that your colleague Hon. Moslemane has chosen to invite the wrong person to speak in support of the Syrian government at tomorrow's forum.
Dr Tim Anderson is a sham on any cause and on humanity indeed. With a deeply murky past, as National spokesperson of one of the most dangerous violent organisations in Australian contemporary history, Ananda Marga conducted a series of terrorist attacks in the heart of Sydney, including bombing the Hilton Hotel.
He also has very murky present, leading a group of thugs to spread dirt and violent attacks on respected members of the community. He recently endorsed a very shameful attack on Australian Jews calling God to curse them, for no clear reason.
.( )
We unreservedly believe that your colleague's decision to invite this beast to speak at this forum tomorrow will constitute a dark episode in your Party's history. Such a dark episode will indefinitely have a serious, negative impact on your Party's image and chances to win any future election.
We, in the pro-Syria movement, happy that your party had finally made this U-Turn, advise you that Tim Anderson does not represent or speak on behalf of our movement.
I remember when I invited your colleague Shaoquett Moslemane to visit Syria on a fact-finding mission in early 2014, he declined and expressed his disgust at how the Syrian government treats its citizens. If your colleague had changed his mind, my invitation to organise a special tour for him and a few of his Labor colleagues still stands. For Mr Moslemane to seek commentary from a failed academic who declared to the whole world that until end of 2012 he did not know where Syria is located on the map, is something beyond our comprehension.
In this open letter, we seek clarification of your new position on Syria. Do you still think that the crisis was caused by the Syrian government's killing of peaceful protesters or are you convinced now that there was a Western conspiracy against the legitimate government of that country? And, is your Party willing to deal with the Syrian government now? Definitely we can help with this.
Jamal Daoud
Sunday, August 05, 2018
Comparing an angel to a demon! Not in my name
When things didn’t pan out the way she wanted, Eva Bartlett resorted to another Mossad tactic, playing the victim.
After exposing her tactics of offering free sex to many Syrians, civilians and in the military, Eva decided to disappear form the Facebook.
The job of victimhood was left to her little helpers, other assets or simple fans.
Since not many even noticed her absence from Facebook, something had to be done.
Suddenly we saw posts popping up about the history of Eva with old posts about her. Telling us how wonderful she is. These fans or assets or whatever you want to call them, make us first believe that Facebook has closed her page calling everyone to complain to Facebook. Imagine the people who are working for Facebook getting all these complaints “bring back Eva Bartlett”. Rather funny if you think about it
Then we are told by another asset not to worry that she is only taking a break from Facebook.
All this would be rather comical if not for another post which has infuriated not only myself but other Palestinians and genuine pro-Palestinian activists.
A comparison of martyr Rachel Corrie to Eva Bartlett.
Peggy Howells, a long time die-hard fan (and abuser of other activists), dared post that Eva Bartlett is Canada’s Rachel Corrie!
Rachel Corrie was recognised by ALL Palestinian factions, leaders and activists as an iconic figure who sacrificed her life to defend our cause.
Rachel lost her life trying to defend our people and raise awareness about our cause. She defied authorities of her country to travel and stay in Palestine.
Rachel was well-respected by every Palestinian she met or did not have the chance to meet.
Rachel Corrie was recognised publicly by Palestinian leadership, all factions and every activist for her noble work that lead to her assassination by Israeli authorities.
On the other hand, Eva Bartlett has never enjoyed any respect by any Palestinian leader.
As a Palestinian, I am saying here loud and clear: Hey Peggy, shut up and stop speaking on behalf of Palestinians and our noble cause.
For Eva to be compared to Rachel Corrie is a disgrace beyond any imagination.
Saturday, August 04, 2018
تيم انديرسون وعلاقاته القوية مع اسرائيل
في اذار من هذا العام وبعد زيارات متعددة الى طهران ودمشق وبيونغيانغ, ظهر تيم انديرسون في الكيان الاسرائيلي الغاصب. بدون انذار او مقدمات. وبعد ان قضى حوالي اسبوع هناك, غادر انديرسون الاراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة دون ان نعرف اي شيء عن الزيارة, سوى بعض صور لاطفال يلعبون في الشوارع وحواجز عسكرية اسرائيلية. صور يمكن التقاطها باستعمال جوجل الارض
تيم المغرم بالتقاط الصور مع اي شخص في اي دولة يزورها, سواء مسؤول ام غير مسؤول, يزور كيان الاحتلال دون ان ينشر اي صورة له مع مضيفيه او مستقبليه مما يدل بشكل قطعي ان الزيارة لم تكن بدعوة من اي
مسؤول فلسطيني او اي منظمة فلسطينية او مؤيدة لفلسطين. واذا علمنا ان تيم ليس فلسطيني وبالتالي فهو لم يزر كيان الاحتلال لزيارة فرد من العائلة. كما اننا لا نعلم انه كان هناك مؤتمر بشأن حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني او نشاط دولي لتاييد نضال الشعب الفلسطيني خلال زيارته لكيان العدو. بتجميع كل قطع الاحجية تكون الصورة قد اكتملت عن سبب الزيارة وما تم فيها, حتى لو لم يطلعنا احد على اي تفاصيل
وهنا يجب ان نلفت الانتباه ان علاقات تيم انديرسون مع كيان الاحتلال قديمة جدا. ففي بداية سبعينيات القرن الماضي كان تيم انديرسون مسؤول في تنظيم هندوسي متطرف عمل بجد في خدمة المشروع الصهيوني. فتنظيم اناندا مارجا الارهابي عمل بشكل منظم وعنيف من اجل تدمير حكومة انديرا غاندي المعادية لاسرائيل والمؤيدة بشدة لنضال الشعب الفلسطيني. بل ان التنظيم الارهابي الذي كان تيم انديرسون يشغل المتحدث الرسمي باسمه في استراليا شن هجمات ارهابية عديدة في استراليا وحول العالم لاحراج حكومة غاندي عملا على اسقاطها خدمة لمصالح الكيان الغاصب. هذه الهجمات التي توجها تنظيم اناندا مارجا الارهابي بتفجير فندق الهيلتون في قلب العاصمة سيدني
ولا يخفى على احد ان حكومة انديرا غاندي عادت اسرائيل طوال سنوات حكمها ورفضت اقامه اي علاقات ديبلوماسية معه. كما رفضت اي علاقات اقتصادية او علمية او رياضية مع الكيان الغاصب. وفي المقلب الاخر, قدمت حكومة غاندي كل المساعدات الممكنة للشعب الفلسطيني
هذه هي الحكومة التي حاول تيم انديرسون وتنظيمه الارهابي وبكل السبل على اسقاطها
وبالرغم من ان تيم انديرسون نفى ان يكون قد شارك في العمليات الارهابية لتنظيم اناندا مارجا, برغم كل الوثائق التي تثبت العكس. الا انه لم ينف مطلقا انتماؤه لهذا التنظيم وعضويته الفاعلة فيه. كما لم ينف مشاركته الهدف المعلن للتنظيم باسقاط حكومة انديرا غاندي المعادية لاسرائيل
وفي تاريخ تيم انديرسون لا توجد اي نقطة مضيئة قد تشكل حاله فخر لاي انسان سوي. لقد كان تيم انديرسون دائما في الجهة الخطأ من التاريخ
حتى في مشاركته في حملات الدفاع عن سوريه في مواجهة المؤامرة الدولية, فان نشاط تيم انديرسون كان مدمرا. فمنذ عام 2012, نشط تيم انديرسون في محاولة تدمير شبكات الدفاع عن سورية عن طريق محاولة ضرب وحدة الحركة التضامنية ومحاولة تدمير نشاطات العشرات من الكتاب والناشطين والاكاديميين المحترمين. لم تسلم شخصية محترمة واحدة من محاولات تيم المساس بها ومحاولة تدمير عملها. ونستطيع ذكر اسماء الكثر ممن هاجمهم تيم وعصابته وشتمهم باقذع الشتائم ووجه لهم اتهامات ما انزل الله بها من سلطان. فتيم اتهم كاتبة محترمة مسيحية بانها وهابية متطرفة متعاطفه مع داعش. وقاد هجوم غير مسبوق على ناشط بريطاني من اصول سورية اتهمه انه ليس شخص حقيقي وانما واجهة لمخابرات اجنبية. كما اتهم الاخرين بانهم مخابرات اسرائيلية. كل ذلك دون ابراز دليل واحد على كل هذه التهم والشتائم
وقبل ايام اثار تيم انديرسون وتابعه الذليل جاي ثارابيل عاصفة في استراليا بعد ان رفع الاثنين شعارات معادية لليهود باسم تاييد المقاومة الفلسطينية واللبنانية. ولا ندري كيف ان شتم اليهود قد يفيد نضال الشعب الفلسطيني العادل او يفيد في انقاذ الشعب اليمني من العدوان عليه؟
بل ان شتم اليهود مخالف لكل الممارسات الثورية للثورة الفلسطينية التي حرص قادتها ومنذ انطلاقتها على الاعلان ان الصراع الفلسطيني الاسرائيلي ليس صراعا دينيا وانما حركة تحرر وطنية ضد احتلال استيطاني غاشم
كما ان ايران اعلنت منذ انتصار ثورتها الاسلامية انه لا توجد مشاكل مع اليهود, بل وقدمت ميزات كبيرة لليهود في ايران
كما ان حزب الله وفي كل ادبياته يفرق بين الصهيونية واليهودية ويعلن بان المقاومة اللبنانية هي لتحرير الاراضي اللبنانية من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي الصهيوني
اذا ما الداعي لاستعمال تيم انديرسون وجاي ثارابيل عبارات مهينة بحق اليهود؟
نعتقد جازمين ان حملتنا التي قدناها خلال الاشهر الماضية لتعرية حقيقة اكبر شبكة تجسس اسرائيلية اخترقت سورية هي التي كانت وراء لجوء تيم انديرسون لمحاولة استخدام عاصفة اعلامية للتغطية على حقيقة الاجندات التجسسية لهذه الخلية
كما ان العاصفة الاعلامية المنددة باستخدام هذين الشخصين المدعيان زورا وبهتانا تاييد سورية وتاييد المقاومة الفلسطينية يهدف لتشويه القضية العادلة لنضال شعبنا الفلسطيني وتشويه صورة الدولة السورية. فلولا تدخلنا على خط استنكار العبارات المهينة التي استخدمها تيم وجاي بحق اليهود, كانت الصحافة الاسترالية ستبدأ بالهجوم على حركات الدفاع عن فلسطين وسوريا بوصمها بمعاداة السامية مستخدمين ما قام به هذين المشبوهين كدليل ومبرر
لا يوجد شك لدي ولو للحظه واحدة ان المخطط وراء العاصفة التي اراد تيم ان يثيرها طبخت خلال زيارته الى كيان العدو الاسرائيلي. هذه الزيارة التي نظمت للتباحث في كيفية انقاذ عمل الخلية التجسسية التي تسللت الى سوريا واحتواء تداعيات انكشاف امرها وانقاذ ما يمكن انقاذه. هذه الخلية التي يقودها الجاسوسين المعروفين ريك ستيرلنج وبول لارودي والممنوعين من دخول سوريا منذ عام 2015 بعد انفضاح نشاطاتهما التجسسية
ان لجوء الموساد الاسرائيلي الى تكتيكات اثارة عواصف اعلامية باستخدام شتائم ضد اليهود هو دليل على المحاولات المستميتة له لانقاذ اكبر خلية تجسس تسللت الى سوريا وانقاذ ما حققته من اختراق كبير في الدولة السورية
سؤالنا الاخير لتيم انديرسون: اين عقدت اجتماعاتك مع الموساد خلال زيارتك الاخيرة لكيان العدو؟
Friday, August 03, 2018
Tim Anderson's Israeli connections
In March this year, and after visiting Tehran and Damascus at earlier occasions, Tim Anderson arrived in “Israel”. To date, we do not know anything about this visit, except the few pictures he posted about the Palestinian kids playing on the mountains or some Israeli checkpoints. Pictures you can easily take using Google Earth.
He was not invited by any official Palestinian side. He was not welcomed by any Palestinian NGO representative. And there was no reason for the visit: he is not a Palestinian who might try to go and visit family and there was no conference or major actions in support of Palestine.
For someone like Tim who was posting hundreds of pictures with any Syrian official or non-official, it is very strange not to post any picture of his meetings and activities in “Israel”.
Tim’s connection to Israel is not new. In the 70s of the last century he was an active operative of an organisation that worked very hard to serve Israeli interests. Ananda Marga tried its best to destroy the Indira Ghandi anti-Israeli government which was also strongly allied to Russia. The organisation even waged a wave of terrorist attacks against Indian interests in Australia and around the world. One of these terrorist attacks was the Hilton Hotel bombing in the heart of Sydney.
We should mention that Indira Ghandi's government was strong supporter of Palestinian rights: refused to establish any diplomatic relations with Israel, no economic ties and gave maximum support for the Palestinian people. This included scholarship for Palestinian students to study in Indian universities, aid and political support at all levels.
This is the government that Tim and his terrorist organisation tried to destroy.
Tim Anderson later on rejected that he participated in Ananda Marga terrorist attacks on Indian interests. But he never denied that he was active member of the organisation and supported its goals of destroying the Indira Ghandi government. He was after all, the National Spokesperson for Ananda Marga.
In Tim Anderson’s past there is no bright moment that anyone can be proud of. All causes he supported were on the wrong side of the history.
Even his involvement in the pro-Syria movement was controversial from day one of his involvement. Since 2012, Tim Anderson was actively working to destroy the unity of the pro-Syria movement and sabotage the wonderful work done by dozens of highly respected writers, academics and activists. Not a single one of these respected figures escaped sabotage actions of Tim and his gang. We can go on and on naming the respected figures that were attacked by Tim Anderson: labelling a known Christian writer as a Wahhabi extremist, a patriot Syrian activist of not being himself and accusing other activists of being Israeli agents, all these attacks without a single shred of evidence presented by Tim or his gang.
Back to the story about Tim visiting North Korea and promoting anti-Jewish slogans; we have the right to ask: how did this attack on Jews help any cause?
Since the foundation of PLO, the Palestinian leaders stated very clearly that the struggle with Israel is not religious, it is about occupation.
Recently, the Iranian President and during his visit to Austria, pointed to the good relations between Iran and Jews that had existed for centuries.
Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, in all his speeches only talks about “Israeli occupation” and “Zionist agendas”. He never mentioned Jews in bad way.
So why did Tim and Jay tried to stir hate against Jews?
(The story on channel 7 can be accessed here:
After exposing the reality of Tim's spying agenda in Syria, it was necessary for Tim and his gang to stir some kind of hate as smokescreen to cover their real agenda.
This current hate campaign by this duo is also necessary to tarnish the noble cause of Palestinian struggle against Israeli aggression and occupation.
I do not have any doubt that this plan was given to Tim during his visit to “Israel”. The visit was designed to come up with some measures to put in place some “damage control” over the revelation of the biggest Mossad spying cell that had infiltrated Syria ( That cell maintained close ties with Tim through a group of spies lead by Paul Larudee and Rick Sterling, known spies and banned from entry to Syria since 2015.
Mossad must be desperate to save its largest spying cell by resorting to its usual tactics of stirring hate against Jews, as smokescreen of its real activities.
Tim Anderson: where did you meet Mossad agents when you visited “Israel” last March?
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