I enjoyed watching the Channel 7 news today. The news mentioned that the most dangerous Australian terrorist was killed in Syrian city of Raqqah. This means that Syrian army is inflicting heavy causalities among these terrorists, even in their stronghold city.
Then the news showed a detailed report about home-grown radicalisation of kids, where they were taught the benefits of beheading enemies and the poison of democracy.
The best part of the news was that Channel 7 did not seek opinion of extremists who were made by politicians and media as peace-doves and great fighters against terrorism. I was happy not to see the face of Samir Danden (President of Lebanese Moslem Association) and Jamal Rifi.
In fact the 2 news items were great evidence that what Australians were hearing from these two were no more than cheap lies and deceptions.
Samir Danden lead an organisation that ran lectures of Anwar AL Awlaki (number 1 on list of most dangerous terrorists in the world) on several occasions in the past. The senior clerk there had issued last year a fatwa that Muslims should not say “Merry Christmas” to their Christian neighbours or friends. But surprisingly, Mr Danden had the courage early this month to claim that radicalisation evident among some sections of the community are the work of anonymous people he called them “sheikh Google and Imam YouTube”.
He (Samer Danden) wanted to convince us that the 400 Australian terrorists fighting currently in Syria and Iraq were recruited by Facebook and Twitter of unknown and unqualified “sheikh Google”.
On the other hand, Jamal Rifi was on denial that there is any danger on Australia by radical groups and brainwashed individuals. Such lies that were quickly exposed and refuted by the recent developments.
The biggest lie of both Jamal Rifi and Samir Danden is their claim that they are “moderates” who will do all in their capacity to fight against radicalisation. As if we (as Muslims and as Australians) forgot that both were on the frontline advocating violence in Syria and fundraised large amounts of money for the Syrian “revolution”, the mother of global terrorism.
The Channel 7’s revelation of brainwashing sessions of kids happened in our suburbs and by known extremists. The revelation few weeks ago of the fundraising event where ISIS flag was auctioned for more than $2500. And the revelation of the fact that man y ISIS leaders in Syria and Iraq are Australians. All these revelations proved beyond any doubt that Samir Danden and Jamal Rifi were lying on all Australians for the last few months (in fact years).
The most important (and most disappointing) issue here is that the media and politicians are presenting these radicals (and few others) as the peace-doves and messiahs that will save Australia from any terrorist activity. Not only this. Media was trying to deceive all of us by promoting Jamal Rifi as “community leader that will run in the next state election to save our youth form radicalisation”. All these despite the fact that we provided these media with video clips showing Jamal Rifi advocating Australians to support Syrian “revolution”, the mother of global terrorism. And media knows very well about Lebanese Moslem Association and their promoting of radical Islam.
We hope that media and politicians will wake up soon. Such wake-up that will not start before media tells the truth about who really led the radicalisation of our youth, who facilitated their travel to fight in Syria and those who fundraised millions of dollars to fund terrorism in Syria.
Recently I asked one of my friends ABC journalist “are you too late for reporting on radicalisation in Australia?” He answered, with very embarrassed low tone “Yes, but it is always good to be late than never”
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
ارهاب واستنفار امني في كندا والغرب: على نفسها (وعلينا) جنت براقش
في غضون يومين, تعرضت كندا لعمليتين ارهابيتين قام بهما متطرفين تكفيريين معروفين للسلطات الامنية هناك. احدى هذه العمليات تحمل رمزية خطيرة, حيث هاجم ارهابي تكفيري مدجج بالسلاح البرلمان الفيديرالي واشتبك مع حراس البرلمان داخله لمدة ساعات.
ما يثير سخطي, واشمئزازي ايضا, ان السلطات الكندية (والغربية عموما ومن ضمنها السلطات الاسترالية) ما زالت تتسائل: لماذا؟ وكيف؟
السلطات الاسترالية (والكندية) تود ان تقنعنا ان التطرف والارهاب ولدا بالامس وتدربا بالامس وتسلحا بالامس. هذه السلطات تتحدث في معرض حديثها عن التطرف والارهاب عن داعش فقط. فلا قاعدة مارست ارهابا. ولا جبهة نصرة ذبحت وسلخت وحرقت الناس احياءا. ولا جيش سوري حر قطع اعناق ونبش قبور وفتح صدور واكل اكباد.
في شهر فبراير 2012 اطلق ملتحون متطرفون النار على السيد علي ابراهيم امام باب منزله في مدينة سيدني الاسترالية. جريمة علي الوحيدة انه وضع صورة الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد كصورة لحسابه على الفيسبوك. السلطات الامنية الاسترالية لم تحاكم احدا على هذه الجريمة التي كادت ان تودي بحياة احد مواطنيها الشرفاء او ان تقعده للابد.
لم تكتف السلطات الامنية الاسترالية بالتقاعس في التحقيق بالجريمة, بل عملت على التستر عليها. فعندما قمت بالاتصال بالصحافة الاسترالية لفضح هؤلاء المتطرفين, تلقيت اتصالا غاضبا من مركز الشرطة المحلي. الضابط المناوب هددني ان لم اوقف الحملة الصحافية, سيتم اعتقالي بتهم نشر اكاذيب قد تؤدي الى اعمال عنف مجتمعية. بالرغم من عدم رضوخي للضغوط. وبالرغم من التغطية الاعلامية الواسعة للجريمة. الا ان المجرمين لم يحاكموا حتى يومنا هذا.
قبل يومين من هذه الجريمة, سافر 30 متطرفا من مدينة سيدني الى العاصمة الفيديرالية كانبيرا. قاد هؤلاء المتطرفون مظاهرة همجية سارت في شوارع العاصمة وانتهت بالهجوم على السفارة السورية وتدمير بعض محتوياتها. ولقد اخبرني القائم باعمال السفير السوري فيما بعد ان السفير العراقي كان قد لاحظ هؤلاء الهمج يزحفون على السفارة فابلغ الشرطة الفيديرالية المولجة حماية السفارة, كما ابلغ القائم باعمال السفير السوري. ولم تتحرك الشرطة الفيديرالية بسرعة لاعتراض المسيرة وتاخرت الى ان قام المتظاهرون بالهجوم على السفارة ونهب بعض محتوياتها والهروب. وبالرغم من كل ذلك ومن حقيقة ان السفارة سلمت السلطات الامنية اشرطة الفيديو, الا ان السلطات لم تعتقل احدا ولم تحاكم احدا, حتى هذه اللحظة.
منذ ذلك الوقت, شنت المجموعات المتطرفة الهجوم تلو الهجوم على كل من اعتبرتهم "كفرة... مرتدين... شيعة... علويين... ومعارضين للثورة في سوريا". فاحرقت محال وهوجمت مراكز دينية شيعية وعلوية وهددت شخصيات واعتدي على ناشطين. وفي كل هذه الهمروجة كانت السلطات تصر ان "كل شيء على ما يرام" وانه لا يوجد تطرف ولا خطر ارهابي. ولم يعتقل احد.
السلطات كانت تعلم ان المجموعات المتطرفة كانت تمارس غسيل دماغ وتستقطب متطرفين وتجمع تبرعات ترسلها مع مقاتلين الى سوريا. وان كانت السلطات لا تعلم, فقد عملنا على تجميع كل ما وقع تحت ايدينا من معلومات وسلمناها للسلطات ووسائل الاعلام. وبالرغم من ذلك, احجمت السلطات عن اتخاذ اي اجراء لمنع انفلاش التطرف والارهاب.
حتى عندما تعرضت شخصيا لاعتداء من متطرفين امام شاشات التلفاز في منتصف عام 2013 (بعد حملة تهديدات واسعة تعرضت لها منذ منتصف عام 2012 الى منتصف عام 2013 تضمنت تهديدات بالقتل), كانت السلطات ما تزال تصر ان "كل شيء على ما يرام" وتنفي ان هناك مراكز تدير التطرف وتنشره. والمتطرف الذي ارتكب جريمته امام كل استراليا, دبرت له محاكمة هزلية انتهت باطلاق سراحه دون ادانة.
ومن هنا ياتي سخطي وغضبي من تساؤل السلطات الغربية من اين اتى كل هذا التطرف في مجتمعاها.
فالسلطات الاسترالية (كما غيرها من السلطات الغربية كما اعرف) سمحت بنشاطات التكفيريين ودعمتهم وغضت النظر عن تجاوزاتهم وسمحت لهم بالسفر الى سوريا. كما سمحت لمراكزهم ببث الكراهية الطائفية. كما سمحت لهذه المراكز ان تنمو وتجمع تبرعات بالملايين وترسلها للمجموعات المسلحة في سوريا. كما قامت السلطات ووسائل الاعلام بتبني رواية المجموعات التكفيرية عن حقيقة ما يحدث في سوريا باعتبارها ثورة شعبية وليست عمليات ارهاب ممنهجة.
بل وانه بالرغم من عودة عشرات الاستراليين من سوريا بعد القتال هناك, فانه لم يتم اعتقال اي واحد منهم, حتى الان. حتى مع الحملة الاخيرة من المداهمات والاعتقالات, فان معظمها كان مسرحي لذر الرماد في العيون واسكات الاصوات التي تتهم الحكومة بالتقاعس وتحملها اي نتائج لهذا التقاعس. والا فلماذا يتم مداهمة منزل المواطن من اصل افغاني مصطفى الديراني ويتهم بدعم الارهاب التكفيري بالرغم من ان السيد مصطفى شيعي يرفض الفكر التكفيري جملا وتفصيلا؟ ولماذا لم يتم مداهمة منازل زعماء المجموعات التكفيرية ومن قام وبشكل علني بالدعوة للجهاد في سوريا والعراق والاعتداء على اتباع المذاهب الاخرى؟
السلطات الغربية التي دعمت المؤامرة لتفتيت سوريا بتشجيع الارهابيين وتسهيل وصولهم الى سوريا وتمويل انشطتهم يجب ان لا تتظاهر بالبراءة من نتائج ما اقترفته. فالارهاب في اوتاوا الكندية اليوم. والارهاب الذي قد يضرب اي مدينة غربية غدا. كله نتيجة حتمية للسياسات الخطرة المتهورة التي اتبعتها هذه الدول خلال السنوات الاربع الماضية في الشرق الاوسط ومشروع تفتيته باستخدام الاسلام السياسي التكفيري.
حذرت ومنذ بداية الازمة السورية بان مشروع تفتيت سوريا لن يمر. كما حذرت (وغيري من العقلاء) ان فشل المشروع سيجر الويلات على العالم بعد ان يقرر التكفيريون الذين استقدموا من اكثر من 83 دولة لتحقيق هذا الكابوس العودة لبلدانهم ومحاولة اقامة ولايات اسلامية فيها. او ان يقرر هؤلاء ان العالم تكالب عليهم لمنعهم من انشاء خلافتهم, ولا بد من الانتقام من كل العالم.
على السلطات الغربية ان لا تتهرب من المسؤوليات والبدء بتحمل نتائج السياسات الكارثية التي اتبعتها في الشرق الاوسط. يبدا ذلك بالاعتراف باخطاء هذه السلطات في سوريا والعمل على التعاون مع السلطات السورية لمكافحة الارهاب التكفيري العابر للدول والقارات.
من الواضح ان السلطات الاسترالية لم تصل الى هذه المرحلة بعد. فالسلطات ما تزال تستخدم نفس اللغة في التعامل مع الكارثة الانسانية المسماة "ثورة سورية". كما ان هذه السلطات ما تزال تصر على ان المتطرفين الذين شجعوا الارهاب بالامس, هم مفاتيح الحل لمحاربة هذا التطرف. والسلطات الاسترالية ما تزال تتراخى مع المراكز التكفيرية التي ما تزال تصر على وجوب الجهاد في سوريا.
يبدو ان ما حدث في كندا هو البداية... والقادم اعظم. وعلى الغرب ان يستعد لحرب مفتوحة مع ارهاب ساعد في انشاءه...
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The reasons why Muslims should apologize for ISIS crimes: Not in My Name
A group of Muslims started a campaign of “#NotInMyName” to not only condemn the horrendous crimes conducted by ISIS and other Takfiri terrorists, but also to apologise for these crimes. That was the right move to do.
Surprisingly, few Muslim “leaders” came out and refused to participate in this noble campaign. Not only they refused to participate in it, but they also tried to delegitimize and dishonour it. The justifications used were both morally corrupt and superficial.
One of the justifications used by these Muslim “leaders” was “we did not participate in conducting these crimes and so we should not apologise for the actions of others”.
Does this ring a bell? We all remember how former Australian PM used the same justification to refuse apologising for our indigenous people for the crimes they were subjected to in the last 2 centuries. Surprisingly, John Howard was harshly condemned by the majority of Australians, especially by the “lefties”. The same lefties that highly praised this argument by some high profile Muslims including Mahreen Faruqi, the Greens NSW MLC.
The other reason mentioned in Ms Faruqi’s article in the Guardian (I know the actions of Isis are #NotInMyName, and I won't be pressured to apologise for them, 25 September 2014) was that we should not condemn the crimes, we should instead condemn the reasons that lead some Muslims to commit these crimes. And she mentioned misleading examples to prove her argument.
Mahreen thinks that ISIS and other Takfiri terrorists were born as a result of US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Does this ring bell again. Did you notice that ISIS and other terrorists are justifying their crimes as a result of Israeli occupation of Palestine and US invasion of Iraq?
I strongly support this campaign for many reasons that I will mention here. But let us first ask the following question to understand why it is vital to support this campaign: Did ISIS and other takfiri terrorists have any justification for their horrendous crimes?
ISIS declared, with a lot of historical evidences, that their campaign of terrorism is both religiously and morally justified. And this is precisely why Muslims, especially leaders, should come forward and condemn these actions.
ISIS based its campaign on historical incidents where Muslims cut heads of rivals, both Muslims and non-Muslims. The failure of Muslim leaders and scholars to condemn and apologise for these crimes gave ISIS and other Takfiri terrorist groups moral grounds to carry on these crimes.
For 1500 years, Muslim leaders and scholars failed to condemn the first mass beheadings conducted by Muslim leaders against other Muslim leaders. The current and previous Muslim leaders and scholars failure to condemn the mass beheadings then, constitutes the religious grounds to continue the beheadings until today.
Those Muslim leaders who refuse to participate in the campaign and their use of US invasion of Iraq to justify ISIS crimes are directly or indirectly deceiving people about the reality of the situation.
Mahreen and her supporters should try to convince us what is the relation between US invasion of Iraq (2003) and the beheadings of Algerians during the civil war there (1991-2001). And we also do not know how beheading of Iraqis and Syrians, slavery of Iraqi women and raping children there will revenge for US invasion of Iraq.
Many arguments used by terrorist-apologists like Mahreen were simply not applicable on the situation in Iraq and Syria. The quote from George Megalogenis about child abuse and Catholic Church is out of context and not related to current debate. There is no single Australian citizen (Catholic or non-Catholic) supports child abuse. But there are Millions of Muslims support beheadings of rivals (including the beheading of the grandson of Muslim prophet) for the last 15 centuries.
It is the time for Muslims to speak loud and clear: Not in Our Name. Any silence, refusal to apologise or quiet condemnation will be used by terrorists to continue their terrorism. It will also help them in recruiting our youth.
While I know that Australian government loves to use the situation to increase division in our society, but silence on these terrorist actions will not help in counteracting these efforts. The high radicalisation in our community and all possible consequences is a reality.
The injustices in the society (mentioned by Mahreen in her article) did not lead to this high radicalisation. And addressing injustices alone (eradicate poverty, strengthening public services and working for environmental sustainability) will not reduce this radicalisation. The 400 Australians, who decided to go and fight in Syria and Iraq, did not do this because of their feeling of marginalisation in Australia. Khaled Sharoouf’s support for stronger Medicare was not the reason for taking up arms and cut heads of Syrians in Raqqah.
We believe that radicalisation will not be fought by ASIO only. Raids and arrests of extremists and terrorists will not solve the problem of radicalisation. But finding excuses and encouraging extremism by blaming others do not help too.
Muslim leaders apologising for ISIS crimes does not mean that they support US invasion of Iraq. It does not mean that they support Tony Abbott’s harsh liberal agenda against poor and marginalised. It will help defusing radicalisation and fighting against Islamophobia, by isolating extremists and deny them any platform to continue their radical agenda.
Surprisingly, few Muslim “leaders” came out and refused to participate in this noble campaign. Not only they refused to participate in it, but they also tried to delegitimize and dishonour it. The justifications used were both morally corrupt and superficial.
One of the justifications used by these Muslim “leaders” was “we did not participate in conducting these crimes and so we should not apologise for the actions of others”.
Does this ring a bell? We all remember how former Australian PM used the same justification to refuse apologising for our indigenous people for the crimes they were subjected to in the last 2 centuries. Surprisingly, John Howard was harshly condemned by the majority of Australians, especially by the “lefties”. The same lefties that highly praised this argument by some high profile Muslims including Mahreen Faruqi, the Greens NSW MLC.
The other reason mentioned in Ms Faruqi’s article in the Guardian (I know the actions of Isis are #NotInMyName, and I won't be pressured to apologise for them, 25 September 2014) was that we should not condemn the crimes, we should instead condemn the reasons that lead some Muslims to commit these crimes. And she mentioned misleading examples to prove her argument.
Mahreen thinks that ISIS and other Takfiri terrorists were born as a result of US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Does this ring bell again. Did you notice that ISIS and other terrorists are justifying their crimes as a result of Israeli occupation of Palestine and US invasion of Iraq?
I strongly support this campaign for many reasons that I will mention here. But let us first ask the following question to understand why it is vital to support this campaign: Did ISIS and other takfiri terrorists have any justification for their horrendous crimes?
ISIS declared, with a lot of historical evidences, that their campaign of terrorism is both religiously and morally justified. And this is precisely why Muslims, especially leaders, should come forward and condemn these actions.
ISIS based its campaign on historical incidents where Muslims cut heads of rivals, both Muslims and non-Muslims. The failure of Muslim leaders and scholars to condemn and apologise for these crimes gave ISIS and other Takfiri terrorist groups moral grounds to carry on these crimes.
For 1500 years, Muslim leaders and scholars failed to condemn the first mass beheadings conducted by Muslim leaders against other Muslim leaders. The current and previous Muslim leaders and scholars failure to condemn the mass beheadings then, constitutes the religious grounds to continue the beheadings until today.
Those Muslim leaders who refuse to participate in the campaign and their use of US invasion of Iraq to justify ISIS crimes are directly or indirectly deceiving people about the reality of the situation.
Mahreen and her supporters should try to convince us what is the relation between US invasion of Iraq (2003) and the beheadings of Algerians during the civil war there (1991-2001). And we also do not know how beheading of Iraqis and Syrians, slavery of Iraqi women and raping children there will revenge for US invasion of Iraq.
Many arguments used by terrorist-apologists like Mahreen were simply not applicable on the situation in Iraq and Syria. The quote from George Megalogenis about child abuse and Catholic Church is out of context and not related to current debate. There is no single Australian citizen (Catholic or non-Catholic) supports child abuse. But there are Millions of Muslims support beheadings of rivals (including the beheading of the grandson of Muslim prophet) for the last 15 centuries.
It is the time for Muslims to speak loud and clear: Not in Our Name. Any silence, refusal to apologise or quiet condemnation will be used by terrorists to continue their terrorism. It will also help them in recruiting our youth.
While I know that Australian government loves to use the situation to increase division in our society, but silence on these terrorist actions will not help in counteracting these efforts. The high radicalisation in our community and all possible consequences is a reality.
The injustices in the society (mentioned by Mahreen in her article) did not lead to this high radicalisation. And addressing injustices alone (eradicate poverty, strengthening public services and working for environmental sustainability) will not reduce this radicalisation. The 400 Australians, who decided to go and fight in Syria and Iraq, did not do this because of their feeling of marginalisation in Australia. Khaled Sharoouf’s support for stronger Medicare was not the reason for taking up arms and cut heads of Syrians in Raqqah.
We believe that radicalisation will not be fought by ASIO only. Raids and arrests of extremists and terrorists will not solve the problem of radicalisation. But finding excuses and encouraging extremism by blaming others do not help too.
Muslim leaders apologising for ISIS crimes does not mean that they support US invasion of Iraq. It does not mean that they support Tony Abbott’s harsh liberal agenda against poor and marginalised. It will help defusing radicalisation and fighting against Islamophobia, by isolating extremists and deny them any platform to continue their radical agenda.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
More indications on who promoted extremism in our society!!!
The news yesterday that Newcastle court refused to release an ignorant man on bail for yelling at Muslim women and asking her to “go back where she came from” is deeply troubling. The authorities’ harsh dealing with such minor common assault could have deep negative impact and no positive outcome. The hate of Muslims could gain more ground if seen that authorities are siding with Muslims against the majority of citizens.
Many Muslims, including myself, would also ask thousand questions in this regard. One of these questions would be about the authorities’ extreme lenience in dealing with crimes committed for the last 3 years by Muslim extremists against other fellow Muslims who were seen not to support the extreme interpretation of Islam. Why authorities did not arrest any extremist in crimes committed in relation to Syrian crisis? Why extremists who shot Ali Ibrahim (Feb 2012) were not caught until now? Why extremist who physically attacked me May 2013 in front of Channel 7 cameras was not arrested for even one hour and his sentence was not more than good behaviour bond for 12 months, despite its deep religious hate nature? Why extremists burned down shops, threatened mainly Shia and Alawi Muslims were never caught and brought to justice??
It seems that authorities have deep secret agendas, even in arresting criminals.
When I received chilling messages of threats to kill me and rape my kids (August 2012), authorities did not move to arrest perpetrator. No one was jailed. No one needed to apply for bail.
Now, authorities are flexing muscle on people who committed minor assault, when they ignored major assaults and violent activities. Ignoring such major assaults and violent activities encouraged extremists to radicalise youth, recruit extremists, send them to fight in Syria and commit violent attacks against people they disagreed with them on their extreme interpretation of Islam.
We do not think that yelling at woman is more serious crime than punching people, burning houses and businesses or shooting people in front of their kids.
Many Muslims, including myself, would also ask thousand questions in this regard. One of these questions would be about the authorities’ extreme lenience in dealing with crimes committed for the last 3 years by Muslim extremists against other fellow Muslims who were seen not to support the extreme interpretation of Islam. Why authorities did not arrest any extremist in crimes committed in relation to Syrian crisis? Why extremists who shot Ali Ibrahim (Feb 2012) were not caught until now? Why extremist who physically attacked me May 2013 in front of Channel 7 cameras was not arrested for even one hour and his sentence was not more than good behaviour bond for 12 months, despite its deep religious hate nature? Why extremists burned down shops, threatened mainly Shia and Alawi Muslims were never caught and brought to justice??
It seems that authorities have deep secret agendas, even in arresting criminals.
When I received chilling messages of threats to kill me and rape my kids (August 2012), authorities did not move to arrest perpetrator. No one was jailed. No one needed to apply for bail.
Now, authorities are flexing muscle on people who committed minor assault, when they ignored major assaults and violent activities. Ignoring such major assaults and violent activities encouraged extremists to radicalise youth, recruit extremists, send them to fight in Syria and commit violent attacks against people they disagreed with them on their extreme interpretation of Islam.
We do not think that yelling at woman is more serious crime than punching people, burning houses and businesses or shooting people in front of their kids.
Sunday, October 05, 2014
دماء الاطفال ستهزمكم
قالوا من عامين بان الله يقاتل معهم
وشاهد شيخ منهم ملائكة تحمل سيفا
يقطع راس الشبيحة الى جهنم يرسلهم
وقالوا ان القران توقع حركتهم
وان رسول الله وصحابته تباركهم
وتلعن كل معارض حارب ثورتهم
وفي الاعلام كان شيوخ الفتنة متحدين
تصدرالاف الفتاوى ملك يديهم
فلا تشد الرحال جهادا الا لدمشق
واما بيت المقدس ... فالله لهم
وتقطيع الرؤوس حلال واجب
مذكور في قران ابن تيميتهم
قالوا بان الله يقاتل معهم
وشاهد شيخ منهم ملائكة الله ترعاهم
ولكن بعد سنين
اكتشفنا من يدعمهم ... من يمولهم
فعرفنا ان عدو البشرية عالج جرحاهم
والشيطان الاكبر اسلحة فتاكة اعطاهم
والمتكرش نفطا عربيا يغذي احقاد لحاهم
شاهدناكم.... تقتلوا اطفال مدارس حمص
وتنبشوا قبر الصحابة
وتهدموا كنائس معلولا ومزارات الاولياء
فتبت يداكم
كيف نصدق ان اله الكون يقاتل معكم
ليقتل اطفال مدارس حمص؟
كيف تعتدي ملائكته على قديسي معلولا
وتهدم قبر نبي الله .... وتبايعكم
خسئتم.... وخسئتم
ارواح الاطفال من مدرسة عكرمة ستطاركم
وتعلن براءة هذه الامة منكم
وستعلن ان الانسانية تلعنكم
قالوا بان الله يقاتل معكم؟
صدقوا... فالهكم يسكن في البيت الابيض
يحتل اراضي دول...
يهدم اوطان...
ويقود جيوش العدوان
باسم الاطفال الشهداء في حمص
نقول لكم: دماء الاطفال ستهزمكم
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My experience inside the United Australia party: why UAP’s humiliating defeat & When will Ralph defect from UAP?
After running as a federal candidate for the United Australia party in the seat of Reid, these are my observation about the reasons why UA...

I should mention here that when the crisis erupted in Syria more than a year ago, I was not supporting President Assad. At that time, I decl...
Bravo, bravo, bravo and million bravos. It is confirmed by the Tasmanian Greens leader and the Australian Greens leader: the Greens is seeki...
Despite the fact that the police choppers are hovering over our heads in Western Sydney suburbs on daily basis for the last few months. And ...