Thursday, March 27, 2014
حقيقة الوكيليكس: مشروع استخباراتي امريكي على غرار قناة الجزيرة!!!
في ظل تصاعد الجدل حول منظمة ويكيليكس قبل عدة اعوام, طلب مني التعليق عن هذه المجموعة. وفي حينها فضلت كتابة رايي في مقال مفصل, بدلا من التعليق بعدة كلمات على الفيسبوك او تويتر. هذا المقال الذي نشر في صحيفتي النهار والعراقية الصادرتين في سيدني وذلك في منتصف شهر كانون اول/ ديسمبر 2010.
في ذلك المقال المفصل توقعت ان انشاء واطلاق منظمة الوكيليكس جاء لخدمة اجندات سرية غير معلنة. توقعاتي في ذاك المقال ان هذه الاجندات تمحورت لخدمة احدى قضيتين:
فاما ان التنظيم وما قام به من تسريب وثائق عن الاحتلال الامريكي للعراق وافغانستان يهدف الى تهيئة الشعب الامريكي للهزيمة والانسحاب المذل من هاتين الدولتين.
الاحتمال الاخر يتمحور حول تهيئة شعوب منطقة الشرق الاوسط لحروب اهلية واسعة او حتى لحروب اقليمية مدمرة.
لم يمض على نشر مقالتي 3 اشهر حتى بدا الدم العربي يتدفق شلالا فيما اصبح يعرف بالربيع العربي.
بالرغم من ان توقعاتي بدات تتحقق الا انني اردت التاكد اكثر عن تحليلي لحقيقة هذه الظاهرة. فقمت بالاتصال باكثر من صديق من صحافيي الشرق الاوسط وسياسييها ممن لهم اتصالات بدولهم واجهزة استخباراتها. لم يعطني احد اي اجابة شافية.
كان تنظيم الوكيليكس تنظيما سريا بشكل مطلق لاسباب لا يعرفها احد. حتى اجهزة الاستخبارات المحلية لم يكن لديها معلومات كافية موثقة.
وعندما تم الاتصال بي من اجل المساعدة في انشاء حزب الويكيليكس, كنت ما ازال مشتت التفكير. كان لدي شكوك قوية. كما انني قرات كثيرا عن تقارير مشككة بالوكيليكس.
قرات تقريرا عن لقاءات بين ممثلي ويكيليكس وممثلي السفارة الاسرائيلية للاتفاق بضمان عدم نشر ويكيليكس وثائق تحرج اسرائيل. وهذا ما حدث, حيث لم تسرب ويكيليكس اي وثيقة تدين اسرائيل او تحرجها.
كما قرات تقارير عن الاسباب الحقيقية لتوقيت تسريب وثائق عن سوريا, قبل ايام من اجتماع مجلس الامن لاتخاذ قرار بادانة سوريا والتمهيد للعدوان عليها.
وقرات الكثير الكثير عن هذه المجموعة.
ولكن بالرغم من كل هذه الشكوك, الا انني قررت المضي قدما في المساعدة بانشاء حزب الوكيليكس ولكن تحت شرط اساسي: ان اكون عضوا في الهيئة القيادية وليس عضوا عاديا. ولاخر لحظة كنت عضوا في المجلس الوطني وهو الهيئة القيادية في الحزب, ولم اكن حتى عضوا. كنت اريد التاكد بنفسي عن حقيقة هذه المجموعة السرية.
ستة اشهر كعضو في المجلس الوطني كانت كافية لتاكيد شكوكي, وشكوك الكثيرين.
فخلال 6 اشهر كعضو في المجلس الوطني - الهيئة القيادية العليا في الحزب, لم تكن لدي ادنى معرفة بما كان يحصل داخل الحزب. فلا اجتماعات عقدت. ولا توجد هناك عضوية فاعلة. كما انه لا توجد نية لتفعيل اي عضوية لتصبح فاعلة. ولم نحصل على اي كشف حسابات عن الوضع المالي للحزب. ولا توجد مشاورات بشان القضايا المختلفة. كما انه لا توجد سياسات معلنة بشان اي قضية مهمة او غير مهمة. ولا يوجد مكتب للحزب. كما انه لا توجد ملفات محفوظة... لا شيء على الاطلاق يوحي باي نشاط للحزب او يوثق اي نشاط او قرار.
كان الحزب كله في يد شخص واحد: جون شيبتون, والد جوليان اسانج (هل تلاحظون فرق الاسم!!!)
قام جون بعقد كل الصفقات. قام بجميع الاتصالات. هو من اختار اعضاء المجلس الوطني. وهو من اختار المرشحين في الانتخابات. وجون هو الذي قرر صفقة الاصوات التفضيلية. قام بكل هذا بعد اتصالات تلفونية غامضة, كانت مع ابنه كما يدعي.
هذه السرية التامة ليست فقط مخالفة للمبادئ التي اعلنت الوكيليكس عن نيتها مقاومتها, بل هي مؤشر واضح على ان من يعتمدها لا يمكن ان يكون الا جهاز استخبارات (او فرع منها).
عندما اجتمعت مع القنصل الفخري السوري في شهر اغسطس/اب الماضي لتنظيم الزيارة التضامنية لدمشق وعندما تم اقتراح دعوة حزب ويكيليكس للمشاركة في الوفد, لم نكن نتوقع موافقة الحزب على المشاركة. ففاجئنا الحزب بالموافقة. بل ان قرار الموافقة على المشاركة كان فوريا تقريبا. هل كنت مقنعا لهذه الدرجة!!!
بوصولنا الى دمشق وبالرغم من بعض المصاعب وسوء الفهم والعراقيل, الا ان جون بدا يتحفنا بطلبات غريبة عجيبة.
فمبجرد وصولنا الى دمشق, هذه المدينة التي لم يزرها جون قط من قبل وهي مدينة تمر بظروف صعبة من عنف وارهاب, اول ما قام به جون هو التوجه الى باب الفندق للخروج "في نزهة قصيرة في شوارع دمشق". تخيلوا معي: رجل ابيض, لا يعرف العربية, ولا يوجد لديه اي صديق في المدينة, وليس لديه اي معرفة عن ثقافة البلد, ولا يملك اي نقود سورية واول ما يقوم به هو محاولة الخروج الى الشارع والاختلاط بالناس.
وعندما تم ايقافه, خوفا على سلامته في المقام الاول, انفجر جون بوجه رجال الامن وهدد بالخروج بالقوة حتى لو تم القبض عليه.
ثم جاء جون بطلب غريب عجيب. طلب من السلطات السورية تخصيص مصور محترف لحزب الوكيليكس ياتمر بامر جون ويصور كل ما يطلبه منه. وكرر هذا الطلب بشكل يومي حتى ساعة مغادرتنا لدمشق.
بمجرد عودتنا الى سيدني, طلب مني تنظيم لقاء مع السفير الايراني. كما طلب مني تنظيم لقاءات مع مشايخ وقيادات الجاليات الاسلامية, خصوصا الشيعية منها. الهدف كما قال هو "من اجل توحيد كل الجهود لدعم سوريا" .... وكان ويكيليكس ليست هي الجهة التي سربت الرسائل الالكترونية الخاصة للرئيس السوري وزوجته قبل انعقاد مجلس الامن لاستصدار قرار بغزو سوريا.
بعد كل هذا, نتساءل:
1- لماذا حزب الوكيليكس مهتم فقط بزيارة ايران وسوريا ولقاء سفراءها ومسؤوليها؟
2- اذا كان هذا الحزب "ثوريا" لهذه الدرجة, لماذا لم تنعكس هذه الثورية على سياساته وقراراته؟
3- لماذا الاصرار على زيارة سوريا مرة تلو مرة, في محاولة لاقامة علاقات شخصية وثيقة ؟
بعد كل هذه الملاحظات نستطيع ان نخلص الى ان مجهودات الوكيليكس خلال السنين القليلة الماضية كانت موجهة لاختراق سوريا وايران وحلفائهما ومؤيديهما, هنا في استراليا او في الخارج. وبالاخذ بعين الاعتبار نوعية الوثائق المسربة عن سوريا والمقاومة والسرية المطلقة المحيطة بالوكيليكس, فانني لا اصدق ان هذا المجهود انساني تقدمي او عابر. كما انني لا اعتقد ان هذه المجهودات هي للحصول على اصوات انتخابية فقط. فكان يكفي زيارة تضامنية واحدة لسوريا للحصول على اصوات جمهور المقاومة, ولا داعي لتكرار هذه الزيارات كل شهرين. كما انه لا داعي لزيارة السفراء. وكانت الزيارة الى دمشق ستحقق الشعبية اللازمة باخذ صور وافلام فيديو من كاميرا شخصية, بدلا من المطالبة بمصور محترف يصور كل الشوارع وكل الوجوه في دمشق.
عندما انطلقت قناة الجزيرة الفضائية, الجميع اعتقد انها ستقوم بعمل جبار من اجل انهاء سيطرة وسائل اعلام مردوخ على صنع الاخبار والاحداث حول العالم. لنكتشف بعد عشر سنوات من انطلاقها انها لم تكن سوى اداة صنعتها الاستخبارات المركزية الامريكية لتعيد صياغة التاريخ ولتشعل حروب ونزاعات تخدم السياسة الامريكية.
وبالنسبة لي فان الوكيليكس بكل اشكالها لا يعدو كونها قناة جزيرة جديدة, بعد انكشاف دور الاخيرة. حتى انها استعملت نفس الادعاءات التي استخدمتها الجزيرة "بنشر الحقائق وانهاء السرية", بينما هي تمارس اسوء انواع السرية المطلقة.
ملاحظة اخيرة: هل من المصادفة ان يكون وضاح خنفر (مدير قناة الجزيرة الاسبق وعميل السي اي ايه حسب وثائق سربتها الوكيليكس) صديق مقرب لجوليان اسانج (مدير الوكيليكس)!!!
سنتابع قريبا نشر المزيد عن هذا الموضوع.... فانتظرونا
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
My conspiracy theory: Wikileaks as Al Jazeera-style CIA project!!!
After the rise of Wikileaks star few years ago, I was asked to give opinion on the work of this organisation. Instead of giving a quick comment on Facebook or Twitter, I wrote detailed article published on Al Nahar and Al Iraqiah newspapers in Australia. The article published on 15 December 2010.
I expected in that article, that the Wikileaks organisation most likely was established for hidden agendas. My expectations for the hidden agendas were specified in that article to be either: to prepare the US citizens for the US withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. The other possible hidden agenda I mentioned is: to prepare the grounds for wide conflicts, and maybe regional wars.
Surprisingly, in less than 3 months the blood started to flow as a result of the so called “Arab Spring”.
I was still not sure about Wikileaks. This is why I asked my friends (journalists and politicians around the Middle East) about their thoughts on this issue. Surprisingly, not many had definite answer.
Wikileaks brand was very tightly secretive, for some reasons. Not even intelligence agencies in the Middle East knew the reality of it.
When I was approached to help setting up Wikileaks party in Australia, I was very confused. I had suspicions. I read a lot about the secrecy inside the organisation. I also read about suspicious meetings held between representatives of Wikileaks and Israeli semi-officials where Wikileaks assured them that no “bad-news” for Israel will be released ( ). And no “bad-news” were released. I also read about the timing of releasing “Syria-files” ahead of UN meeting to decide “authorising attack on Syria” ( I read more and more about Wikileaks and its dodgy behaviour.
Despite all these I decided to go ahead and help under one condition: I will not join as an ordinary member but as National Council member. And to the last minute, I was NC member, but not ordinary member. Since I have no evidences, I wanted to explore the truth myself.
Six months as NC member was enough to confirm my suspicions.
For 6 months as member of the leading body in the party, I had no idea what is going on inside the party. No meetings. No active membership. No intention to empower active membership. No financial transparency. No consultations about decisions. No declared policies. No agreed upon politics. No office. No stored files. Nothing.
It was one guy who knows everything and does everything: John Shipton – biological father of Julian Assange.
John made all deals. He made all phone calls. He chose NC members. He chose candidates for election. He made decision about preferences. He made all these decisions after anonymous phone calls... allegedly with his son.
Total secrecy, is not only against the core objectives of Wikileaks brand, but a suggestion for secret intelligence agency (or a branch of one).
When I met with Syrian honorary consul in Sydney to organise solidarity visit to Damascus, we both did not expect that Wikileaks party will be interested in participating. Surprisingly in less than 24 hrs, we secured the party’s participation. Well, I thought that I was convincing politician.
Arriving to Damascus, with all mishaps, John’s concerns and demands were very strange.
Upon arrival to totally strange country going through difficult times of terrorism and violence, the first thing John wanted to do was to go through the hotel door and go for a walk in the streets of Damascus. A white man, speaks no Arabic, know no local people and has no idea about culture, has no money and has no sense of direction, the first thing he did was to try to cross the door of the hotel into neighbouring streets. When stopped by security and a delegation member, John burst in the face of them. He went mad and threatened to go ahead with his “short-walk”, and “security can arrest me” threats.
Then he came with this demand “I need cameraman assigned specifically for Wikileaks party and under our direction to record everything we want”. He repeated this demand day after day till the last minute of our visit. The whole issue was very suspicious.
After arrival back to Sydney, he asked me to organise meeting with Iranian ambassador. He also asked me to organise meetings with Shia clerks and community leaders (mainly supporters of Lebanese resistance and Syria). His motive was to gather the biggest possible support for Syria ... as if it was not the Wikileaks who leaked personal emails of Syrian president ahead of UN meeting.
Here can I ask few questions:
1- Why only Iran and Syria that Wikileaks party is interested to meet with and visit?
2- If this is a “revolutionary” figure and party, why this is not echoed in its policies and politics?
3- Why the insistence to go back to Syria, once after once, in a bid to establish strong personal relations?
I can note here that all efforts inside the Wikileaks are to infiltrate Syria and Iran and their supporters and allies, here and abroad. Taking into account the history of Wikileaks leaks and the total secrecy inside all Wikileaks organisations, I cannot believe that these are innocent efforts. I also do not think that all these are efforts to gain more votes. You can gain votes by one solidarity visit to Syria. No need to repeat this every 2 months. No need to visit ambassadors. Also this could be achieved with simple pictures and videos taken by personal cameras, without a professional cameraman recording everything and every faces in Damascus.
When Al Jazeera TV started its work, everyone thought that it will serve breaking the Murdoch’s monopoly on making news around the world. Then we discovered that it was no more than CIA project that was used to re-write history and instigate conflicts that serve imperialism.
For me, Wikileaks is another Al Jazeera. It made the same claims of serving the truth and breaking secrecy. When in fact it is the most secretive organisation around the world.
Was it just mere coincidence that CIA agent Wadah Khanfar (former manager of Al Jazeera) was close friend of Julian Assange (manager of Wikileaks)!!!
More to come soon on the same issue....
I expected in that article, that the Wikileaks organisation most likely was established for hidden agendas. My expectations for the hidden agendas were specified in that article to be either: to prepare the US citizens for the US withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. The other possible hidden agenda I mentioned is: to prepare the grounds for wide conflicts, and maybe regional wars.
Surprisingly, in less than 3 months the blood started to flow as a result of the so called “Arab Spring”.
I was still not sure about Wikileaks. This is why I asked my friends (journalists and politicians around the Middle East) about their thoughts on this issue. Surprisingly, not many had definite answer.
Wikileaks brand was very tightly secretive, for some reasons. Not even intelligence agencies in the Middle East knew the reality of it.
When I was approached to help setting up Wikileaks party in Australia, I was very confused. I had suspicions. I read a lot about the secrecy inside the organisation. I also read about suspicious meetings held between representatives of Wikileaks and Israeli semi-officials where Wikileaks assured them that no “bad-news” for Israel will be released ( ). And no “bad-news” were released. I also read about the timing of releasing “Syria-files” ahead of UN meeting to decide “authorising attack on Syria” ( I read more and more about Wikileaks and its dodgy behaviour.
Despite all these I decided to go ahead and help under one condition: I will not join as an ordinary member but as National Council member. And to the last minute, I was NC member, but not ordinary member. Since I have no evidences, I wanted to explore the truth myself.
Six months as NC member was enough to confirm my suspicions.
For 6 months as member of the leading body in the party, I had no idea what is going on inside the party. No meetings. No active membership. No intention to empower active membership. No financial transparency. No consultations about decisions. No declared policies. No agreed upon politics. No office. No stored files. Nothing.
It was one guy who knows everything and does everything: John Shipton – biological father of Julian Assange.
John made all deals. He made all phone calls. He chose NC members. He chose candidates for election. He made decision about preferences. He made all these decisions after anonymous phone calls... allegedly with his son.
Total secrecy, is not only against the core objectives of Wikileaks brand, but a suggestion for secret intelligence agency (or a branch of one).
When I met with Syrian honorary consul in Sydney to organise solidarity visit to Damascus, we both did not expect that Wikileaks party will be interested in participating. Surprisingly in less than 24 hrs, we secured the party’s participation. Well, I thought that I was convincing politician.
Arriving to Damascus, with all mishaps, John’s concerns and demands were very strange.
Upon arrival to totally strange country going through difficult times of terrorism and violence, the first thing John wanted to do was to go through the hotel door and go for a walk in the streets of Damascus. A white man, speaks no Arabic, know no local people and has no idea about culture, has no money and has no sense of direction, the first thing he did was to try to cross the door of the hotel into neighbouring streets. When stopped by security and a delegation member, John burst in the face of them. He went mad and threatened to go ahead with his “short-walk”, and “security can arrest me” threats.
Then he came with this demand “I need cameraman assigned specifically for Wikileaks party and under our direction to record everything we want”. He repeated this demand day after day till the last minute of our visit. The whole issue was very suspicious.
After arrival back to Sydney, he asked me to organise meeting with Iranian ambassador. He also asked me to organise meetings with Shia clerks and community leaders (mainly supporters of Lebanese resistance and Syria). His motive was to gather the biggest possible support for Syria ... as if it was not the Wikileaks who leaked personal emails of Syrian president ahead of UN meeting.
Here can I ask few questions:
1- Why only Iran and Syria that Wikileaks party is interested to meet with and visit?
2- If this is a “revolutionary” figure and party, why this is not echoed in its policies and politics?
3- Why the insistence to go back to Syria, once after once, in a bid to establish strong personal relations?
I can note here that all efforts inside the Wikileaks are to infiltrate Syria and Iran and their supporters and allies, here and abroad. Taking into account the history of Wikileaks leaks and the total secrecy inside all Wikileaks organisations, I cannot believe that these are innocent efforts. I also do not think that all these are efforts to gain more votes. You can gain votes by one solidarity visit to Syria. No need to repeat this every 2 months. No need to visit ambassadors. Also this could be achieved with simple pictures and videos taken by personal cameras, without a professional cameraman recording everything and every faces in Damascus.
When Al Jazeera TV started its work, everyone thought that it will serve breaking the Murdoch’s monopoly on making news around the world. Then we discovered that it was no more than CIA project that was used to re-write history and instigate conflicts that serve imperialism.
For me, Wikileaks is another Al Jazeera. It made the same claims of serving the truth and breaking secrecy. When in fact it is the most secretive organisation around the world.
Was it just mere coincidence that CIA agent Wadah Khanfar (former manager of Al Jazeera) was close friend of Julian Assange (manager of Wikileaks)!!!
More to come soon on the same issue....
Gadhafi of Australia
In the face of avalanche of criticism for lack of transparency, dictatorial practices and hidden agendas, the Wikileaks party issued rather laughable clarification. Today I saw the following on the Facebook page of the party : “Just a quickie to announce that there are now 3 ladies responsible for the Wikileaks Party social media.. Alice from the Melbourne Office, Mel from Melbourne and myself, Bree from Geelong have been asked by John Shipton to share the burden. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Gail Malone for her wonderful work over the last 18 months and enjoy your time off!! John has also asked the 3 of us to write a little bit about ourselves so that will come over the next week”. (see Wikileaksparty on Facebook at 15 March).
Please stop laughing.
Yes, John can do everything. He is the CEO. He is also the party spokesperson who speaks to media, at events and rallies. He also is the accountant that keeps all invoices and financial matters. He is the tourist that travels overseas on behalf of the party for every mission the party was invited to participate in. And he is the political expert that writes policies, chooses candidates and decides preference deals. Lastly, he is also the receptionist who makes and answers all phone calls.
He is real political superman, despite his limited intellectual capabilities.
That reminds me of the late Gadhafi of Libya. Even his tactics are similar to Gadhafi’s.
When Gadhafi was faced with challenges of the lack of elections and democratic process his solution was simple. He declared himself to be “the revolution leader” and resigned from presidency. He even abolished presidency and adopted new system with no president nor prime minister. The system was based on “revolution leader” who is historically one, and cannot be changed. And it is true. The leader of September revolution was Gadhafi. So how can you change history!!!
And in Wikileaks party, the same is true. If you ask John Shipton about transparency, democratic process in decision making process and respect constitution, he will answer you in one word “Wikileaks brand was created by Julian, and he is free to do whatever he wants with that brand”... the same “revolution leader” argument.
And if you argue with Gadhafi, he would have told you that “opponents are CIA agents trying to sabotage the revolution”.
When half of NC resigned last August in the wake of John Shipton’s decision to preference Neo-Nazi parties ahead of other progressive, semi-progressive or centre parties, he accused them of being CIA agents trying to destroy the “brand”... and yesterday and in the wake of my public resignation and criticism of the Shipton’s “convenient store management style” of the party, he came to our table on the rally and accused me of being ASIO agent who are trying to destroy the brand... Can you see the similarities!!!
Well… the announcement of appointing 3 ladies to manage WLP social media has done nothing to improve transparency and democratic process inside the party. No one knows how the decision was made to appoint them, who took the decision and who will manage and evaluate the work of these ladies…
Gadhafi invented recurrent tricks to silence the wave after wave of criticism and lack of transparency. The original Gadhafi usually came with all sorts of naïve justifications… including funny ones that were made jokes later on to convince kids to eat their dinner… The same with our Australian Gadhafi…
This does not mean that I support what happened 2 years ago in Libya. On the contrary. I opposed NATO attack on Libya to remove Gadhafi… by this way…
(This article was published originally 2 weeks ago)
Please stop laughing.
Yes, John can do everything. He is the CEO. He is also the party spokesperson who speaks to media, at events and rallies. He also is the accountant that keeps all invoices and financial matters. He is the tourist that travels overseas on behalf of the party for every mission the party was invited to participate in. And he is the political expert that writes policies, chooses candidates and decides preference deals. Lastly, he is also the receptionist who makes and answers all phone calls.
He is real political superman, despite his limited intellectual capabilities.
That reminds me of the late Gadhafi of Libya. Even his tactics are similar to Gadhafi’s.
When Gadhafi was faced with challenges of the lack of elections and democratic process his solution was simple. He declared himself to be “the revolution leader” and resigned from presidency. He even abolished presidency and adopted new system with no president nor prime minister. The system was based on “revolution leader” who is historically one, and cannot be changed. And it is true. The leader of September revolution was Gadhafi. So how can you change history!!!
And in Wikileaks party, the same is true. If you ask John Shipton about transparency, democratic process in decision making process and respect constitution, he will answer you in one word “Wikileaks brand was created by Julian, and he is free to do whatever he wants with that brand”... the same “revolution leader” argument.
And if you argue with Gadhafi, he would have told you that “opponents are CIA agents trying to sabotage the revolution”.
When half of NC resigned last August in the wake of John Shipton’s decision to preference Neo-Nazi parties ahead of other progressive, semi-progressive or centre parties, he accused them of being CIA agents trying to destroy the “brand”... and yesterday and in the wake of my public resignation and criticism of the Shipton’s “convenient store management style” of the party, he came to our table on the rally and accused me of being ASIO agent who are trying to destroy the brand... Can you see the similarities!!!
Well… the announcement of appointing 3 ladies to manage WLP social media has done nothing to improve transparency and democratic process inside the party. No one knows how the decision was made to appoint them, who took the decision and who will manage and evaluate the work of these ladies…
Gadhafi invented recurrent tricks to silence the wave after wave of criticism and lack of transparency. The original Gadhafi usually came with all sorts of naïve justifications… including funny ones that were made jokes later on to convince kids to eat their dinner… The same with our Australian Gadhafi…
This does not mean that I support what happened 2 years ago in Libya. On the contrary. I opposed NATO attack on Libya to remove Gadhafi… by this way…
(This article was published originally 2 weeks ago)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Australian soldier killed in Syria
So what is the implications of first Australian soldier killed in Syria fighting alongside Al Qaeda rebels (
Last year we heard the Australian authorities warn: the news about first Australian suicide bomber (Abu Asmaa Al Australi) should be a wake-up call?
Now we have first Australian soldier killed in Syria, and this should be another wake-up calls?
I will publish soon analysis about these issues, but hope that our authorities have woken-up and will take decisive measures to insure protection of our National Security....
I note here that authorities did not update us with the numbers of extremists who already returned to Australia after they realised that the mission (of destroying Syrian government and society)is impossible to be accomplished?
Last year we heard the Australian authorities warn: the news about first Australian suicide bomber (Abu Asmaa Al Australi) should be a wake-up call?
Now we have first Australian soldier killed in Syria, and this should be another wake-up calls?
I will publish soon analysis about these issues, but hope that our authorities have woken-up and will take decisive measures to insure protection of our National Security....
I note here that authorities did not update us with the numbers of extremists who already returned to Australia after they realised that the mission (of destroying Syrian government and society)is impossible to be accomplished?
Sunday, March 16, 2014
WA election: Wikileaks party runs candidates on behalf of the Greens party!!!
Last Tuesday the Wikileaks party preferences committee decided to preference ALL very smaller progressive micro parties ahead of the Greens, Labor and Liberals. Then to put the Greens ahead of Labor and Liberals. And to put right-wing small parties last... It was semi clever decision led by the leading candidate Gerry Georgatos. His logic was right, except for putting the Greens ahead of the Labor.
The right logic is this: micro parties like Wikileaks party needs to exchange preferences with other micro parties who suppose to share some values and politics. These micro parteis include: The Democrats, Secular party, Animal Justice, Sex party, HEMP, Socialists.... By swapping preferences with micro parties who might get less primary votes than your party, this will boost your chances of reaching the quota to win senate seat. This is the logic that saw Sports party won a seat (in original count) only on less than 3,000 primary votes, by climbing on other micro parties preference votes.
So Gerry’s logic was partially right. The only wrong in that logic was to put the Greens ahead of Labor. While politically Labor and Greens are very similar in politics and were allies for years, the Labor has better deal to WLP. The Labor will most likely get primary to win more than 2 seats. So they will have some surplus to distribute to the WLP as preferences. While the Greens had never won on their own a seat in the state. So they will always need some preferences from smaller parties to climb on these votes to win one senate seat.
The WLP decision to preference the Greens ahead of all micro parties is suicidal for WLP and will most likely kill any hope for WLP candidates to win any seat in the senate. Without preferences from smaller micro parties the WLP candidates will most likely be the first micro parties to be eliminated in very early stages.
So what happened and why the WLP changed recommendations from the subcommittee on preferences and decided to put the Greens very high (the highest) on its preferences? Was this the real reason why the original and experienced candidate Gerry quit from the ticket and leaves the campaign early? And what did the WLP get from the Greens in return for this help?
Every Australian should ask questions to both WLP and the Greens to come clean on the secret dirty deals done. And I think it is time for Australians to demand the end of preferential voting system. Such system that encourage dirty deals that mount to corruption and fraud.
The right logic is this: micro parties like Wikileaks party needs to exchange preferences with other micro parties who suppose to share some values and politics. These micro parteis include: The Democrats, Secular party, Animal Justice, Sex party, HEMP, Socialists.... By swapping preferences with micro parties who might get less primary votes than your party, this will boost your chances of reaching the quota to win senate seat. This is the logic that saw Sports party won a seat (in original count) only on less than 3,000 primary votes, by climbing on other micro parties preference votes.
So Gerry’s logic was partially right. The only wrong in that logic was to put the Greens ahead of Labor. While politically Labor and Greens are very similar in politics and were allies for years, the Labor has better deal to WLP. The Labor will most likely get primary to win more than 2 seats. So they will have some surplus to distribute to the WLP as preferences. While the Greens had never won on their own a seat in the state. So they will always need some preferences from smaller parties to climb on these votes to win one senate seat.
The WLP decision to preference the Greens ahead of all micro parties is suicidal for WLP and will most likely kill any hope for WLP candidates to win any seat in the senate. Without preferences from smaller micro parties the WLP candidates will most likely be the first micro parties to be eliminated in very early stages.
So what happened and why the WLP changed recommendations from the subcommittee on preferences and decided to put the Greens very high (the highest) on its preferences? Was this the real reason why the original and experienced candidate Gerry quit from the ticket and leaves the campaign early? And what did the WLP get from the Greens in return for this help?
Every Australian should ask questions to both WLP and the Greens to come clean on the secret dirty deals done. And I think it is time for Australians to demand the end of preferential voting system. Such system that encourage dirty deals that mount to corruption and fraud.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Wikileaks party: political party or family convinient store!!!
Last Saturday was not ordinary one. I received a phone call just after midnight of Friday which stunned me to total shock.
On the other line was John Shipton, the father of Julian Assange and CEO of Wikileaks party. What he said was extraordinary and shocking. It was also arrogant and disrespectful.
This is what he said “Julian decided that the party is affecting the level of media he receives. So he decided to end up the party. This is the plan. I and (,,,,) will resign immediately. Julian replaced us with his people from Wikileaks organisation in London. Then and after your return from Syria, you resign, and Julian appoints one of his people in Wikileaks organisation to replace you. Then the party will die: no candidates, no activities and no media and the media will be focusing on him solely again”.
How would I respond? The more important question is: how could I have replied?
I was shocked. I did not imagine that I could hear something like this ever, especially in democratic society in the 21 century. So I said: I need to think about this. Ok… talk to you later.
Immediately after this conversation, NC members received short email from John “Julian do not want us to run candidates in WA”. Was the most ridiculous and humiliating email I ever received. The NC members decided unanimously few days earlier to run candidates and preparations were in progress to make it happens. Julian on his own decided not to run any candidate. WOW.
In the next day, I received phone call from John in the morning. “Are you ready to implement? What do you think about the plan?”. I reiterated “I need more time to explore options. It is not acceptable that such big issue decided in few hours. I need to discuss things with others” I said. “After I resign, and (....) follows, you will be alone in the National Council. I do not want you to fight against my son. You have no other choice. The party is an obstacle in the way of Julian to get media and coverage” John said.
“Yes, but other options are possible. Like severing ties between both organizations which will give Wikileaks organization fair coverage in the media of the work they do. It is unfair for one person to use thousands of members and volunteers and then disregard their feelings, aspirations and ambitions. I need more time to decide. Talk to you soon” I was firm.
I immediately sent email to other NC members. Beside John, Julian and Gail, there are Omar Todd and Matt. I really do not know their politics or loyalty.
After sending email to both Omar and Matt, I knew where they stand: Matt is blindly loyal to John and Omar did not express clear position. After sending the email, John called again. I was still in shock. I was also waiting to hear back from Matt and Omar. I did not answer. So John sent sms “I have solution… let us talk”.
Julian got it. I will not leave easily. So time for subtle deceiving tactics.
Here is the plan suggested by John. John suggested adopting my solution. Change party name. Then Julian resignation. John said that he is much hated in Australia, and so it is in the interest of everyone for him to resign too. These steps will make total separation between 2 distinct entities. I agreed. Let us work on it. It is unfair for thousands of members, supporters, volunteers and voters to let them down so badly.
The first victim came forward quickly. (....) sent shocking email. (....) is deeply depressed because of Julian actions “again Julian's timing shows a blatant disregard, or more to the point contempt, for the NC and his support base.” We know now that (....) is devastated and does not want to be associated with the party. (...) even insisted that NC accept her resignation on 1 March 2014, as she cannot take anymore any public storm at her credibility.
So they did lie too. (....) did not agree to resign voluntarily. I suppose that (....) was told the same words “you will fight alone on NC and will be defeated… so the easiest is to resign silently and hand the party to Julian”.
After we agreed on this extraordinary plan to save the party from the jaws of Julian, I thought that John will honor his commitment: Declare to the NC the plan we put together to achieve the separation. And then resign quietly and tender the resignation of Julian. I was told by John that he does not want to be seen in public until the plan accomplished.
But what happened in the next day was the opposite.
John was on full active mood. He attended meeting that does not require him to attend. He confirmed that he will speak at rally on Syria. He also confirmed that he is speaking at fundraising dinner for Syria.
What is going on!!! Maybe it is just tactics not to attract attention to the saga- disgrace.
But suddenly John delegated to Matt to resume leadership role in trying to continue deceiving us to achieve hidden-clear agenda: manage this farce, give us hard time then expel us (myself and Omar... maybe) in diplomatic way. Maybe even through election at AGM. Who knows? John has accumulated all power in his hands: membership list, facebook page, website, blog….
So what makes me so angry and depressed?
Julian has used thousands of members and volunteers to build another public organization. Then he tried (mostly successful) to get rid of all these people to achieve another hidden agenda. You all can imagine what is the real agenda of Julian to use all these people, including my work, efforts and reputation.
What is the next move for me???
Still to be decided. But the truth should be exposed. Was not this the heart of the Wikileaks work…!!!
We clearly need another Leaks organization to leak the real story of Julian and his Wikileaks organizations… But public deserves to know the truth: Julian and his father were successful in using noble people who has reputation and stance in the community to accumulate even more power... and maybe wealth too… by bullying them silently and secretly and enforce them to resign quietly… then to jump on another punch of noble people and use them for personal agendas… Do you note here that such tactics upset even his mother!!!
This needs to stop now and forever…
On the other line was John Shipton, the father of Julian Assange and CEO of Wikileaks party. What he said was extraordinary and shocking. It was also arrogant and disrespectful.
This is what he said “Julian decided that the party is affecting the level of media he receives. So he decided to end up the party. This is the plan. I and (,,,,) will resign immediately. Julian replaced us with his people from Wikileaks organisation in London. Then and after your return from Syria, you resign, and Julian appoints one of his people in Wikileaks organisation to replace you. Then the party will die: no candidates, no activities and no media and the media will be focusing on him solely again”.
How would I respond? The more important question is: how could I have replied?
I was shocked. I did not imagine that I could hear something like this ever, especially in democratic society in the 21 century. So I said: I need to think about this. Ok… talk to you later.
Immediately after this conversation, NC members received short email from John “Julian do not want us to run candidates in WA”. Was the most ridiculous and humiliating email I ever received. The NC members decided unanimously few days earlier to run candidates and preparations were in progress to make it happens. Julian on his own decided not to run any candidate. WOW.
In the next day, I received phone call from John in the morning. “Are you ready to implement? What do you think about the plan?”. I reiterated “I need more time to explore options. It is not acceptable that such big issue decided in few hours. I need to discuss things with others” I said. “After I resign, and (....) follows, you will be alone in the National Council. I do not want you to fight against my son. You have no other choice. The party is an obstacle in the way of Julian to get media and coverage” John said.
“Yes, but other options are possible. Like severing ties between both organizations which will give Wikileaks organization fair coverage in the media of the work they do. It is unfair for one person to use thousands of members and volunteers and then disregard their feelings, aspirations and ambitions. I need more time to decide. Talk to you soon” I was firm.
I immediately sent email to other NC members. Beside John, Julian and Gail, there are Omar Todd and Matt. I really do not know their politics or loyalty.
After sending email to both Omar and Matt, I knew where they stand: Matt is blindly loyal to John and Omar did not express clear position. After sending the email, John called again. I was still in shock. I was also waiting to hear back from Matt and Omar. I did not answer. So John sent sms “I have solution… let us talk”.
Julian got it. I will not leave easily. So time for subtle deceiving tactics.
Here is the plan suggested by John. John suggested adopting my solution. Change party name. Then Julian resignation. John said that he is much hated in Australia, and so it is in the interest of everyone for him to resign too. These steps will make total separation between 2 distinct entities. I agreed. Let us work on it. It is unfair for thousands of members, supporters, volunteers and voters to let them down so badly.
The first victim came forward quickly. (....) sent shocking email. (....) is deeply depressed because of Julian actions “again Julian's timing shows a blatant disregard, or more to the point contempt, for the NC and his support base.” We know now that (....) is devastated and does not want to be associated with the party. (...) even insisted that NC accept her resignation on 1 March 2014, as she cannot take anymore any public storm at her credibility.
So they did lie too. (....) did not agree to resign voluntarily. I suppose that (....) was told the same words “you will fight alone on NC and will be defeated… so the easiest is to resign silently and hand the party to Julian”.
After we agreed on this extraordinary plan to save the party from the jaws of Julian, I thought that John will honor his commitment: Declare to the NC the plan we put together to achieve the separation. And then resign quietly and tender the resignation of Julian. I was told by John that he does not want to be seen in public until the plan accomplished.
But what happened in the next day was the opposite.
John was on full active mood. He attended meeting that does not require him to attend. He confirmed that he will speak at rally on Syria. He also confirmed that he is speaking at fundraising dinner for Syria.
What is going on!!! Maybe it is just tactics not to attract attention to the saga- disgrace.
But suddenly John delegated to Matt to resume leadership role in trying to continue deceiving us to achieve hidden-clear agenda: manage this farce, give us hard time then expel us (myself and Omar... maybe) in diplomatic way. Maybe even through election at AGM. Who knows? John has accumulated all power in his hands: membership list, facebook page, website, blog….
So what makes me so angry and depressed?
Julian has used thousands of members and volunteers to build another public organization. Then he tried (mostly successful) to get rid of all these people to achieve another hidden agenda. You all can imagine what is the real agenda of Julian to use all these people, including my work, efforts and reputation.
What is the next move for me???
Still to be decided. But the truth should be exposed. Was not this the heart of the Wikileaks work…!!!
We clearly need another Leaks organization to leak the real story of Julian and his Wikileaks organizations… But public deserves to know the truth: Julian and his father were successful in using noble people who has reputation and stance in the community to accumulate even more power... and maybe wealth too… by bullying them silently and secretly and enforce them to resign quietly… then to jump on another punch of noble people and use them for personal agendas… Do you note here that such tactics upset even his mother!!!
This needs to stop now and forever…
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