Tuesday, August 26, 2014
الجليل ... معركة التحول: هل قرر محور المقاومة انهاء العنف التكفيري بانهاء اسباب تفشيه
توقيت بث قناة الميادين الفضائية للوثائقي "الجليل .... معركة التحول" هو قرار "غير بريء", سيقرا في اكثر من عاصمة بكثير من التمعن والاهتمام. فالقناة والتي اتهمت اكثر من مرة انها قناة ناطقة باسم محور المقاومة, لا تخفي ان لها توجهات مقاومة وعلاقات وثيقة بصانعي القرار في دمشق وطهران. ووثائقي تنتجه القناة وتبثه في هذا الوقت, لا يمكن ان تمر اهميته مرور الكرام لدى عواصم النفوذ في رسم وتنفيذ المؤامرة على محور المقاومة
في البداية فانني اعترف انني لم اكن اتوقع ان تستمر الازمة السورية لكل هذا الوقت وان تتطور الى المستوى الذي وصلت اليه. كنت اعتقد ان النظام محصن ضد مصير كمصير بن علي في تونس او مبارك في مصر, لاكثر من سبب اثبتت الاحداث انها صحيحة. بل انني استطيع الادعاء وبكل ثقة ان قوى اقليمية كبرى اعتقدت نفس الاعتقاد وتحضرت لنفس السيناريو
ما توقعته ومنذ بداية الازمة هو ان لا يتجاوب المجتمع السوري للحراك المدمر. وبعد عدة جولات من المحاولات المستميتة الفاشلة لتحريك الجماهير عن طريق استئجار قتلة للهجوم على متظاهرين او مصلين او اغتيال معارضين او خطفهم وفبركة افلام واخبار عن مسؤولية النظام عن هذه التعديات, سيتراجع المخططون للمؤامرة عن مخططهم وتهدا الاوضاع. تماما كما حصل في الجزائر والاردن والسودان
وفي مقال لي نشر في اكثر من صحيفة اغترابية في مطلع شباط/فبراير 2012 تحت عنوان "تطورات الازمة السورية: تدويل... لا تدويل", خلصت الى ان المؤامرة على سوريا ستفشل. كما خلصت الى ان الازمة لن يتم تدويلها على غرار الازمة الليبية التي اطاحت بالقذافي بقوة الناتو لاكثر من سبب اهمها:
1-الحلفاء الاقوياء لسوريا ورفضهم الانصياع للتهديدات والاغراءات من اجل التخلي عن دمشق
2-خوف الدول المتامرة من لجوء دمشق وحلفائها لقصف اسرائيل وتدميرها ان تم هجوم على دمشق خارج مجلس الامن
بالرغم من تحقق توقعاتي بشان عدم سقوط النظام لعدم وجود حاضنة شعبية للارهاب في سوريا وبسبب مواقف النظام المعادية لاسرائيل. وبرغم تحقق توقعاتي بعدم تخلي حلفاء دمشق عنها. كما تحققت توقعاتي بعدم تدويل الازمة وتحت البند السابع وعدم تجرؤ واشنطن وحلفائها لتوجيه ضربات لدمشق دون تفويض من مجلس الامن الدولي. الا ان توقعاتي بعدم اطالة الازمة وتطورها الى اعمال عنف واسعة لم تتحق لان محور قيادة الازمة انزلق الى تكتيكات واستراتيجيات تتجاوز الخطوط الحمراء في العلاقات الدولية, لم تتجاوزها اي دولة عظمى منذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية
كنت في تحليلاتي اعتقد ان لدى الادارة الامريكية وحلفائها خبراء متزنون براغماتيون سيدركون مخاطر اي خطوات متهورة, خارقة للخطوط الحمراء. وكان هذا هو خطئي الكبير. كان الروسي والصيني معتقد ذلك ايضا. ولذلك فقد ابدى الكثير من المرونة والصبر. وطالب دمشق بالصبر والتعاون, عل وعسى ان يبدد هذا التعاون كل مبررات دعم العنف والارهاب في سوريا. ولذلك فقد حثت موسكو القيادة السورية على قبول بعثة المراقبين العرب ثم المراقبين الدوليين ثم مفتشي الاسلحة الكيماوية. وبالرغم من كل ذلك استمر اصرار الامريكي على متابعة دعم المؤامرة كل هذا الوقت
الامريكي وحلفائه اظهروا استهتارا هائلا بالعلاقات الدولية المرسومة بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة. كما اظهروا استهتارا تاما بكل المخاطر التي بدات تظهر نتيجة لهذه الممارسات, والتي توجت بظهور داعش وما قامت به من جرائم يندى لها جبين الانسانية. كل هذا مرورا بتدمير اوكرانيا والعراق وليبيا وكل ما تمخض عن ذلك من كوارث. وما زالت نية الامريكي وحلفائه غير واضحة من محاربة داعش واخواتها التكفيرية
عود على وثائقي الميادين والذي خلص في نهايته الى ان ما يسمى بالربيع العربي ما هو الا مؤامرة لانقاذ اسرائيل من مواجهة مصيرها المحتوم بعد ان تلاشت قوة الردع لديها وتعرت ممارساتها اللاخلاقية امام الراي العام العالمي وتمكن قوى المقاومة وعلى راسها حزب الله من تطوير استراتيجيات لهزيمة اي عدوان اسرائيلي لاستعادة الهيبة والردع. فان الاشارات كانت واضحة طوال ال 45 دقيقة ان محور المقاومة يدرك ان تمادي الدول المتامرة على سوريا في كسر كل الخطوط الحمراء لن يوقفه الا هجوم معاكس على سبب الازمة: امن اسرائيل
فدول محور المقاومة تدرك انه حتى لو بدات الدول المتامرة في وقف دعمها للارهاب, الا ان القوى التكفيرية لديها من الموارد البشرية والمالية ما يؤهلها للاستمرار في استنزاف دول محور المقاومة لمدة طويلة قد تعطي المبررات للدول المتامرة لفرض تقسيم جديد للشرق الاوسط على اساس طائفي لادارة العنف الطائفي وتخفيضه الى اقل المستويات (وقتيا). ودول محور المقاومة تدرك ان اي تقسيم طائفي لدول المنطقة لن يصب الا في مصلحة اسرائيل والتي ستحظى ضمن هذا التقسيم باعتراف بحقها في الوجود على اساس يهوديتها. كما ان التناقضات الكبرى الطائفية ستدخل الدول الجديدة في دوامة لا تنتهي من العنف والحروب, ستجد بعض هذه الدول في اسرائيل حليفا ضد اعدائها من دول الطوائف الاخرى
ويبدو من المعلومات الراشحة من عواصم محور المقاومة وداعميها وكان واضحا في ثنايا وثائقي الميادين بان هذا المحور توصل لقناعة ان احباط هذا المخطط الجهنمي يستوجب ضرب اسباب هذه المؤامرة: اي انهاء ظاهرة اسرائيل بالكامل
بالرغم من ان هذا التصور قد يبدو مستحيلا, ولهذا فقد عرضت الميادين وبالتفصيل لخطط الهجوم على اسرائيل وبالبدء بمعركة تدميرها. بل وقامت الميادين بتاكيد معلومات كانت متداولة دون تاكيد بان حزب الله كان قد درب 5000 مقاتل تحضيرا لزجهم بمعركة تحرير فلسطين عن طريق السيطرة على الجليل واتخاذه منطلقا لحملة انهاء حياة الكيان الغاصب. وبذلك تكون الميادين ولاسباب مهمة قد كشفت (او اكدت) اسرارا لم يعلن عنها حزب الله من قبل
تعالت اصوات الكثيرين من الخبراء السياسيين المؤيدين لمحور المقاومة ومنذ تطور الازمة السورية وبداية انزلاقها نحو ارهاب مكشوف منذ منتصف عام 2012 مطالبين محور المقاومة باتباع سياسة "الهجوم افضل وسيلة للدفاع". بل وذهب اليعض (وانا منهم) الى حد التصريح بانه "لن يتوقف شلال الدم السوري الا اذا اغرقت الرياض والدوحة بالدماء". ويبدو ومن كل المعلومات الواردة من دول محور المقاومة ان هذا المحور يتجه (وبدعم شامل من الحليف الروسي-الصيني) لاتخاذ هكذا خطوات
وما الزيارة المفاجئة والتي رتبت على عجل لنائب وزير الخارجية الايراني حسين امير عبد اللاهيان الى السعودية في اعقاب كشف طهران ان طائرة التجسس الاسرائيلية التي اسقطتها الدفاعات الجوية الايرانية كانت قد انطلقت من السعودية الا مقدمة لبدء الهجوم المعاكس لمحور المقاومة. بل ان التصريحات الايرانية المرافقة للزيارة اكدت ان عبد اللاهيان ذهب الى السعودية لتسليم المسؤولين السعوديين تحذيرا اخيرا ضد التامر على ايران
اعتقد ان الظروف الدولية مواتية لمحور المقاومة للبدء بالهجوم المعاكس. فالمؤامرة على سوريا والتي صورت بانها ثورة شعبية, تكشفت الان على اكبر كارثة منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. ومن كان على عينيه غشاوة لما كان يحاك لسوريا, اصبح يشعر بالخجل والقرف من نفسه بعد ان شاهد "الثوار في سوريا" يقطعون الرؤوس ويغتصبون النساء ويبيعونهن في سوق النخاسة. كما ان روسيا والتي كانت تراهن على صوت عاقل في الغرب للبدء بعمل جدي لاحتواء الكارثة الانسانية التي تسبب بها الغرب تحت مسمى "الربيع العربي", بدات الان بفقدان اي امل من هكذا صوت بعد لجوء الغرب للاستمرار في نشر التطرف والدمار ونقله حتى لقلب اوروبا (اوكرانيا)
يبدو من وثائقي الميادين ان المعركة الشاملة قد اقتربت. والجميع يدرك ان كل هذا الدمار في المنطقة والعالم اتى لحماية امن اسرائيل ومنع انهيارها من الداخل, بعد انهيار قدرتها الردعية وتلاشي هيبة جيشها الذي كان الى يوم قريب "جيشا لا يقهر"
وفي مقابلة حديثة مع صحيفة السفير, يصرح السيد حسن نصرالله ان جيله سيشهد نهاية دولة اسرائيل
فهل اقتربت نهاية اسرائيل الى هذا الحد؟
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
الوضع في الشرق الاوسط: نحو انفجار شامل ام انهاء لداعش واخواتها
جاء خطاب السيد حسن نصرالله, الامين العام لحزب الله, في الذكرى السنوية للانتصارعلى العدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان عام 2006 بلغة صريحة ولكنها صادمة للكثيرين
فالسيد تحدث عن تحد وجودي للانظمة العربية ونسيج مجتمعاتها على يد الفكر التكفيري والحركات المنبثقة عنه, وخصوصا داعش. ويبدو ان الحزب وحلفائه لديهم معلومات عن خطط كبرى لتفجير المنطقة بشكل كامل على يد التكفيريين, اصرارا على تحقيق مشروع الشرق الاوسط الجديد ليحل مكان النظام الذي رسمته معاهدة سايكس-بيكو في مطلع القرن الماضي
الا ان القارئ جيدا لمضمون الخطاب يلاحظ ان السيد لم يذهب بالقطع الى ان السيناريو الوحيد المطروح هو التفجير الكامل للمنطقة وخلط الاوراق بشكل خطر قد يصعب على الجميع التكهن بنتائجه. ففي خطابه شدد السيد نصر الله ان الخطر الوجودي قادم لا محالة الا اذا اتفق الفرقاء (من كلا المعسكرين المتعاديين) على العمل على تلافي الذهاب الى المجهول بتسليم المنطقة لمغامرة يستخدم التكفيريون كقوة حسم تدميرية لا يمكن الركون الى نتائجها
اذا فالسيد وحزبه وحلفائه لديهم معلومات عن اموال انفقت بالمليارات لتسمين داعش واخواتها التكفيرية انتظارا لساعة الصفر. ولكن السيد وضع من يملك اعطاء ساعة الصفر في وضع التحذير: اننا نعرف مخططكم وجاهزون للتعامل معه والعمل على افشاله مهما كانت التكلفة. واذا لم يكن بد من الذهاب في الصراع الى اخره, فان محور المقاومة لن يتردد في الدخول الى هذا الصراع بكل ما يملك من قوة
في التحليل لكل ذلك, فانني ارى ان الامريكي المالك لاعطاء الامر بانطلاق ساعة الصفر لديه خياران الان وبعد 4 سنوات من بدء المؤامرة
فاما ان يعطي ساعة الصفر قريبا ويتحمل كل التبعات التي قد تتمخض عنها. او ان يتراجع ويعمل مع باقي الافرقاء (حلفاءا واعداءا على حد سواء) لانهاء الظاهرة التكفيرية المدمرة وكل تداعياتها
قبل ان نرجح اي خيار هو الاكثر احتمالا, دعوني اذكر بعض الحقائق في عجالة
الادارة الامريكية والتي تفتقت قريحتها على لعبة الربيع العربي كاداة لاعادة رسم المنطقة على اساس تقسيم المقسم وتجزيء المجزء, ادركت ومنذ مطلع هذا العام ان هذا المخطط فشل على ابواب دمشق. كما ان الادارة تدرك ان حلفاء دمشق في موسكو وبكين وطهران والضاحية الجنوبية لن يسمحوا بتدمير النظام السوري مهما كلف الامر. والادارة الامريكية تدرك ان تفتيت المنطقة دون تفتيت سوريا سياتي بكارثة على مشروع الشرق الاوسط الجديد والمحاولات الحثيثة لانقاذ اسرائيل من ازمتها الوجودية
الادارة الامريكية والتي كانت على ابواب النجاح في تفتيت مصر, بعد ان نجحت جزئيا في تفتيت العراق, تدرك ان هذا النجاح سيعتبر كارثة على مخططاتها اذا فشلت في تفتيت سوريا. فبمصر والعراق مفتتين, تصبح سوريا اكبر دول المنطقة واغناها بشريا واقتصاديا واقواها عسكريا. وبذلك تكون الادارة الامريكية قد حققت دون قصد هدفا يسعى له محور المقاومة منذ عقود بتقوية هذا المحور والقضاء على اي منافس اقليمي قد يعارض اي مخططات اقليمية مستقبلية لهذا المحور
والادارة الامريكية تدرك انها قد زجت وخلال الاعوام الاربع الماضية بكل ما تملك من اوراق لتحطيم النظام السوري لتحقيق تفتيت سوريا, دون اي نجاح. ولذلك فان اعطاء ساعة الصفر للمجاميع الارهابية لاشعال النار في كل المنطقة لن يضيف جديدا في السعي لتحطيم سوريا وتفتيتها. كل ما سيحققه هذا الاشعال هو تهديد انظمة صديقة لامريكا واسرائيل ومعادية لمحور المقاومة وادخال هذه الانظمة في تحديات وجودية تحقق في النهاية النتيجة التي ذهبت اليها انفا من تقوية سوريا ومحورها وتربعه على قيادة المنطقة
كما ان هذا الاشعال الجنوني دون تحقيق نتيجة حاسمة باقامة دولة ظلامية تكفيرية سيقنع الكثير من التكفيريين الغربيين بالعودة الى دولهم والانتقام من تلك الدول التي وعدتهم بالدعم وتخلت عنهم (للانتقام يعني)
ولذلك فانني ارجح منطقيا ان الادارة الامريكية ستلجا للتعاون مع كل الحلفاء والاعداء من اجل اطفاء النار
طبعا قد يقول احدهم ان كل الدلائل تشير الى عكس هذا الاحتمال, بعد تمدد داعش المفاجئ والكبير في العراق وتنشيط العمليات الارهابية في سوريا (اعلان معركة احتلال المطار, الهجوم على الفرقة 17 واللواء 93 في الرقة, وحملة تاديب القبائل في دير الزور كامثلة)
برايي هذه الامثلة هو مؤشر اخر على ان الادارة الامريكية ستعمل على اطفاء الحريق التكفيري, ولكن بطريقة فنية تجنبها خسائر كبيرة
فالادارة الامريكية يهمها ان لا يعود الكثير من التكفيريين الغربيين الى بلدانهم سالمين, حرصا على امن هذه الدول. وهذا لن يتحقق الا بفتح جبهات متجددة لابقاء امل التكفيريين بامكانية اقامة دولة من جهة وبالتالي عدم ياسهم وعودتهم المبكرة الى بلدانهم. ومن جهة اخرى لجر اطراف وقوى اضافية لمعركة قتل هؤلاء التكفيريين (عراقيين واكراد واردنيين وكويتيين وحتى سعوديين)
كما ان الادارة يهمها تهشيم وتدمير اقصى ما يمكن تدميره في هذه المنطقة, لابقاء جذور الانقسام والشعور بالغبن والحاجة للثار والانتقام عل وعسى يمكن استخدام ذلك في مغامرات دموية مستقبلية
كما يهم الادارة اطفاء الحريق بعد ان تترك بصمات المنقذ لهذه المنطقة لضمان الاستمرار في اقامة علاقات عسكرية واقتصادية مع المنطقة وشعوبها
مما يؤكد لنا ان الادارة الامريكية وحلفائها يمهدون للعمل على انهاء الوحش التكفيري هو الاعتراف المتزايد للدول الغربية بالخطر التكفيري على بلدانهم والعمل على محاربة هذه المجموعات ومنعها من ارسال افرادها للمنطقة. فاستراليا بدات باعتقال مسهلي ارسال الارهابيين التكفيريين الى سوريا. كما بدات بمنع سفر المتطرفين الى منطقة الشرق الوسط فالغت جوازات سفر العشرات وانزلت بعضهم من الطائرات قبل مغادرتهم استراليا. كما اغلقت حسابات متطرفين وجمعياتهم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي, والتي تعتبر المصدر الاكبر لغسيل دماغ الشباب والتغرير بهم لارسالهم الى سوريا للقتال هناك. هذه الخطوات التي بدا باتخاذها منذ مطلع هذا العام فقط
كما يتوقع ان تبدا الحكومة بسن قوانين صارمة لمكافحة الارهاب والتطرف, تشمل تجريم التعاطف مع الحركات الارهابية وتمويلها
كما ان حلفاء الادارة في المنطقة بداوا الحديث علانية على الخطر التكفيري على انظمتهم. فارسل سعد الحريري الى لبنان لتوزيع هبات سعودية قد تشتري متطرفين شقوا عصا الطاعة. والاردن يعلن تعبئة شاملة على كل المستويات بعد تنامي التطرف في المملكة وحولها. وكذلك فعلت السعودية والكويت والامارات التي اعلنت حظرا على المجموعات المتطرفة واستنفرت جميع اجهزتها
في تقديري المتواضع فان الادارة الامريكية وخلال الاشهر القليلة القادمة ستكون قد استكملت تحقيق الاهداف المعلنة اعلاه وستبدا بالتعاون من اجل نزع فتيل الحريق التكفيري المدمر. مع ادراكنا ان الادارة الامريكية غير مستعجلة بتحقيق ذلك. الا ان الاضرار على مصالحها كلما تاخرت في تحقيق ذلك الاطفاء قد يرغمها على الاستعجال. فالراي العام الامريكي والغربي ضاغط على الادارة بعد ان شاهد مواطنو هذه الدول الفظاعات التي ارتكبتها هذه المجموعات. يضاف اليها الشعور المخجل لهذه الشعوب بعد انفضاح المعلومات عن الدعم الغربي لهذه الحركات الظلامية
ندرك ان الاشهر القليلة القادمة ستكون قاسية. ولكننا نامل ان تكون الادارة الامريكية قد غلبت براغماتيتها على الدخول في مغامرات مصيرها بات متوقع
Monday, August 18, 2014
Open letter to Tony Abbott: Consulting extremists will not help anti-radicalisation
Dear Hon Tony Abbott, our PM
As a Muslim community leader and long time campaigner against radicalisation of Muslim Community.
As a victim of radical Islam because of my anti-extremism views and activities.
As a long time social justice campaigner.
I am appalled with your government’s invitation of radical groups and “leaders” to consult them of your government’s new initiative to combat radicalisation in our society. I must mention first that this condemnation does not mean that I support these initiatives or the new measures to fight “terrorism”.
I found it very shocking to learn that you had met and planning another meeting with Muslim community “leaders” for many reasons. I will mention just two of them.
Firstly, I and other community members (both active and non-active) are questioning the scientific method/s your government followed to classify people of being “leaders” and others to be non-leaders. From the list of names I read in our media, we note that some of the invited persons have no leadership charisma nor has any followers. Your arbitrary decision to consider these as “leaders” will serve no good target.
Secondly, the list of names we are aware of includes names of extremists who very active in spreading extremism for the last decades.
As we understand that the current round of consultation which has an object to pave the way for new round of Anti-terrorism laws came to deal with the fear in our society of devastating impacts of Australian terrorists’ participation in Syrian conflict. To this point we find it to be very sad that your government is still keen to hear the voice of the “leaders” that were behind the radicalisation of our youth and their consequent participation in terrorist activities in Syria.
Some of the names mentioned in the media of people invited to this consultation round were very active in brainwashing our youth and encouraging them to travel to Syria to fight.
On this instance, we wonder why our organisation was not invited to participate in this round. Our organisation that was on the front line to fight against extremism, sectarian hate and sectarian violence conducted systemically by takfiri groups and their supporters for the last 3 years. Such fight that gained us a wealth of knowledge and expertise about extremism in our society and ways to combat them.
We understand that we disagree with you and your government on almost every political issue, but at least you could hear from us the needs of community members we represent or share thoughts and ideology.
In this letter, I (on behalf of many Australians opposing terrorism both in Syria and in Australia) consider your latest move to invite extremists leaders and/or opportunists who represent no one to be no more than a media stunt in your bid to win you friends to introduce new “anti-terrorism” legislations. Such move that will not win you any support.
Your government’s bid to win extremists’ support will end you up with no support at all. You will not win extremists’ support, as they consider democracy to be a sin that should be destroyed. And I wonder how these extremists will advice you or agree with you on measures that will virtually target them, and their followers....!!!
And on the other hand it will not win you anti-extremists voices you never consulted and never cooperated with to fight the extremists.
We note here that your government’s lack of action for the last year was part of reasons why extremism has flourished in our suburbs. Such lack of actions that was interpreted by extremists to be a green-light for their extremism (and terrorism at some stage). Of course this inaction against extremism that you inherited from previous Labor-Greens government.
At the end of this letter I need to mention that I do not believe that we need more Anti-terrorism laws in this democratic nation. We have enough laws to deal with terrorism. All what our nation needs is a political “Will” to start cracking down on terrorists.
We believe that lacking this political will could have devastating effect, especially if it continues until the majority of our terrorists come back from Syria, Iraq and Libya.
As a Muslim community leader and long time campaigner against radicalisation of Muslim Community.
As a victim of radical Islam because of my anti-extremism views and activities.
As a long time social justice campaigner.
I am appalled with your government’s invitation of radical groups and “leaders” to consult them of your government’s new initiative to combat radicalisation in our society. I must mention first that this condemnation does not mean that I support these initiatives or the new measures to fight “terrorism”.
I found it very shocking to learn that you had met and planning another meeting with Muslim community “leaders” for many reasons. I will mention just two of them.
Firstly, I and other community members (both active and non-active) are questioning the scientific method/s your government followed to classify people of being “leaders” and others to be non-leaders. From the list of names I read in our media, we note that some of the invited persons have no leadership charisma nor has any followers. Your arbitrary decision to consider these as “leaders” will serve no good target.
Secondly, the list of names we are aware of includes names of extremists who very active in spreading extremism for the last decades.
As we understand that the current round of consultation which has an object to pave the way for new round of Anti-terrorism laws came to deal with the fear in our society of devastating impacts of Australian terrorists’ participation in Syrian conflict. To this point we find it to be very sad that your government is still keen to hear the voice of the “leaders” that were behind the radicalisation of our youth and their consequent participation in terrorist activities in Syria.
Some of the names mentioned in the media of people invited to this consultation round were very active in brainwashing our youth and encouraging them to travel to Syria to fight.
On this instance, we wonder why our organisation was not invited to participate in this round. Our organisation that was on the front line to fight against extremism, sectarian hate and sectarian violence conducted systemically by takfiri groups and their supporters for the last 3 years. Such fight that gained us a wealth of knowledge and expertise about extremism in our society and ways to combat them.
We understand that we disagree with you and your government on almost every political issue, but at least you could hear from us the needs of community members we represent or share thoughts and ideology.
In this letter, I (on behalf of many Australians opposing terrorism both in Syria and in Australia) consider your latest move to invite extremists leaders and/or opportunists who represent no one to be no more than a media stunt in your bid to win you friends to introduce new “anti-terrorism” legislations. Such move that will not win you any support.
Your government’s bid to win extremists’ support will end you up with no support at all. You will not win extremists’ support, as they consider democracy to be a sin that should be destroyed. And I wonder how these extremists will advice you or agree with you on measures that will virtually target them, and their followers....!!!
And on the other hand it will not win you anti-extremists voices you never consulted and never cooperated with to fight the extremists.
We note here that your government’s lack of action for the last year was part of reasons why extremism has flourished in our suburbs. Such lack of actions that was interpreted by extremists to be a green-light for their extremism (and terrorism at some stage). Of course this inaction against extremism that you inherited from previous Labor-Greens government.
At the end of this letter I need to mention that I do not believe that we need more Anti-terrorism laws in this democratic nation. We have enough laws to deal with terrorism. All what our nation needs is a political “Will” to start cracking down on terrorists.
We believe that lacking this political will could have devastating effect, especially if it continues until the majority of our terrorists come back from Syria, Iraq and Libya.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Open letter to SBS: your coverage on Syrian crisis is disgusting and biased
Dear SBS executives and journalists
For the last 4 years, we were watching your news coverage about Syrian crisis and related issues with deep disappointment. I wrote to you on several occasions trying to point out some misleading facts that you were trying to twist. At different occasions I received unconvincing replies. But I think that the time has arrived for you to start admitting your mistakes (mainly deliberate mistakes). I also think that the time has arrived for you to change your attitude and coverage.
Few days ago, you tried to convince us that Keysar Trad is a peace-dove when it comes to Syrian crisis and the terrorism resulted from the so-called Syrian revolution. He was given enough time to air his lies and deceptions and talk about the threats he received by ISIS member.
Today, we were enforced to watch your news piece about threats against another extremist, Dr Jamal Rifi. Similar to Trad, Jamal Rifi was allowed to air his deceptive claims that he is “moderate” and this is why he was threatened by the same Australian terrorist, Mohamed El Omer. Not only this. You have also allowed the so-called Mufti to appear on your TV to tell us that without his “efforts”, thousands of Australian terrorists would have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq.
I am writing here to express to you that enough is enough.
I firstly want to express to you that I was deeply offended by your coverage for the last 4 years, especially the coverage of events in the last month.
When ISIS members threaten people like Rifi and Keysar, this does not necessarily mean they are opposing the extreme inhumane destructive ideology of ISIS. Let us remember here that ISIS and other terrorist organisations (Like Jabhat Al Nusra and other offshoots of AL Qaeda in Syria) were killing each other for the last few months. Such fight is not a result of disagreement on extremist ideological basis, but rather on the basis of who should lead and make rules.
I remember when your TV station and radio programs were active from the first days of the crisis in Syria to spread deception and lies. At some stage, your fabricated news items were criticised by Media Watch. But this did not stop your organisation from departing from its policy of supporting terrorism in that country.
But we believe that results should be the clear guide for you to reassess your policy on this issue. And the result is very clear.
From the beginning of the Syrian crisis, your organisation insisted that what was happening there was a “peaceful revolution against dictatorship”. After 4 years, we discovered now and beyond any doubt the true nature of the Syrian “revolution”.
I will not try to convince you about the true nature of this “revolution”. But let me mention some facts in regard to your coverage of this issue and other issues resulted from Syrian “revolution”:
1- Your organisation adopted from the first day of the crisis the story of one side, and never showed the opinion of the other side. This is clear violation to your own guidelines about reporting on issues.
2- Your organisation in its biased and unprofessional coverage ignored large section of Australian society of Middle Eastern background. This includes myself, who was never contacted for comment, despite my deep understanding of the issue which has landed me in dangerous waters for the last 3 years. So much that I have received death threats and have been physically assaulted on camera while featuring in channel 7 Today Tonight program back in May 2013. Following this public attack, many major media outlets sought my comments about what happened. The majority of media outlets are on regular contact with me, even before this attack.
3- Your organisation’s refusal to send any journalist to Syria to report first hand on the issue, despite the fact that you sent or contracted different journalists to contact rebels (mainly terrorists) and gain access to rebel-controlled areas and reported from there. Such reports were very biased and unprofessional.
4- I find it deeply worrying for you to allow people like Keysar Trad and Jamal Rifi to vend deceptions live on your TV and radio programs. Your journalists could have researched these 2 people to discover that they were some of the main voices to radicalise and brainwash our youth and encourage them to fight in Syria. Both were very active to collect millions of $s to finance “rebel” activities.
5- Your organisation failed to report on the serious attacks on community members, who were subjected to physical and verbal attacks. Some of these people were shot, physically attacked, their businesses torched and their homes bombed with Molotov cocktails. You choose not to report on these serious attacks because the people attacked were opponents of Syrian “revolution”. While you were quick to report widely on one threat by a person who will never return to Australia (which makes his threat no more than a joke) against these 2 persons, who at some stage just as extreme if not more, than the actual terrorist.
6- Your organisation was quick to attack me, for example, for my visit to Damascus last December when I met with Syrian elected President, without allowing me the right to defend myself. Your organisation, on the other hand, reported and supported the visits of extremists to Syria. Such extremists were pictured with rifles in their hands, some of them visited Jabhat Al Nusra’s weapon factories and some of them accompanied Jabhat AL Nusra with their military actions against Syrian army. You allowed these extremists to not only defend themselves, but you portrayed them as heroes who were helping Syrians. While my visit to Syria was portrayed in your TV as the biggest crime any Australian could commit.
In this letter, I would like to mention to you that you have lost all credibility on all major issues. Your biased unprofessional reporting on Syria (and lately on Palestine) made your organisation less professional and even more biased than Murdoch’s press.
Lastly, I would like to mention too, that your biased unprofessional reporting in Syria helped a lot in radicalising the 150 Australians and encouraged them to travel to fight in Syria. Your shameful reporting on Syria made you partner in crime with the terrorist, by sending the wrong message on what is really happening in Syria. You should feel ashamed for this.
We hope that you will take some of these facts into account to reconsider the way you report on this issue. And we hope that you will end your partnership with terrorists.
For the last 4 years, we were watching your news coverage about Syrian crisis and related issues with deep disappointment. I wrote to you on several occasions trying to point out some misleading facts that you were trying to twist. At different occasions I received unconvincing replies. But I think that the time has arrived for you to start admitting your mistakes (mainly deliberate mistakes). I also think that the time has arrived for you to change your attitude and coverage.
Few days ago, you tried to convince us that Keysar Trad is a peace-dove when it comes to Syrian crisis and the terrorism resulted from the so-called Syrian revolution. He was given enough time to air his lies and deceptions and talk about the threats he received by ISIS member.
Today, we were enforced to watch your news piece about threats against another extremist, Dr Jamal Rifi. Similar to Trad, Jamal Rifi was allowed to air his deceptive claims that he is “moderate” and this is why he was threatened by the same Australian terrorist, Mohamed El Omer. Not only this. You have also allowed the so-called Mufti to appear on your TV to tell us that without his “efforts”, thousands of Australian terrorists would have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq.
I am writing here to express to you that enough is enough.
I firstly want to express to you that I was deeply offended by your coverage for the last 4 years, especially the coverage of events in the last month.
When ISIS members threaten people like Rifi and Keysar, this does not necessarily mean they are opposing the extreme inhumane destructive ideology of ISIS. Let us remember here that ISIS and other terrorist organisations (Like Jabhat Al Nusra and other offshoots of AL Qaeda in Syria) were killing each other for the last few months. Such fight is not a result of disagreement on extremist ideological basis, but rather on the basis of who should lead and make rules.
I remember when your TV station and radio programs were active from the first days of the crisis in Syria to spread deception and lies. At some stage, your fabricated news items were criticised by Media Watch. But this did not stop your organisation from departing from its policy of supporting terrorism in that country.
But we believe that results should be the clear guide for you to reassess your policy on this issue. And the result is very clear.
From the beginning of the Syrian crisis, your organisation insisted that what was happening there was a “peaceful revolution against dictatorship”. After 4 years, we discovered now and beyond any doubt the true nature of the Syrian “revolution”.
I will not try to convince you about the true nature of this “revolution”. But let me mention some facts in regard to your coverage of this issue and other issues resulted from Syrian “revolution”:
1- Your organisation adopted from the first day of the crisis the story of one side, and never showed the opinion of the other side. This is clear violation to your own guidelines about reporting on issues.
2- Your organisation in its biased and unprofessional coverage ignored large section of Australian society of Middle Eastern background. This includes myself, who was never contacted for comment, despite my deep understanding of the issue which has landed me in dangerous waters for the last 3 years. So much that I have received death threats and have been physically assaulted on camera while featuring in channel 7 Today Tonight program back in May 2013. Following this public attack, many major media outlets sought my comments about what happened. The majority of media outlets are on regular contact with me, even before this attack.
3- Your organisation’s refusal to send any journalist to Syria to report first hand on the issue, despite the fact that you sent or contracted different journalists to contact rebels (mainly terrorists) and gain access to rebel-controlled areas and reported from there. Such reports were very biased and unprofessional.
4- I find it deeply worrying for you to allow people like Keysar Trad and Jamal Rifi to vend deceptions live on your TV and radio programs. Your journalists could have researched these 2 people to discover that they were some of the main voices to radicalise and brainwash our youth and encourage them to fight in Syria. Both were very active to collect millions of $s to finance “rebel” activities.
5- Your organisation failed to report on the serious attacks on community members, who were subjected to physical and verbal attacks. Some of these people were shot, physically attacked, their businesses torched and their homes bombed with Molotov cocktails. You choose not to report on these serious attacks because the people attacked were opponents of Syrian “revolution”. While you were quick to report widely on one threat by a person who will never return to Australia (which makes his threat no more than a joke) against these 2 persons, who at some stage just as extreme if not more, than the actual terrorist.
6- Your organisation was quick to attack me, for example, for my visit to Damascus last December when I met with Syrian elected President, without allowing me the right to defend myself. Your organisation, on the other hand, reported and supported the visits of extremists to Syria. Such extremists were pictured with rifles in their hands, some of them visited Jabhat Al Nusra’s weapon factories and some of them accompanied Jabhat AL Nusra with their military actions against Syrian army. You allowed these extremists to not only defend themselves, but you portrayed them as heroes who were helping Syrians. While my visit to Syria was portrayed in your TV as the biggest crime any Australian could commit.
In this letter, I would like to mention to you that you have lost all credibility on all major issues. Your biased unprofessional reporting on Syria (and lately on Palestine) made your organisation less professional and even more biased than Murdoch’s press.
Lastly, I would like to mention too, that your biased unprofessional reporting in Syria helped a lot in radicalising the 150 Australians and encouraged them to travel to fight in Syria. Your shameful reporting on Syria made you partner in crime with the terrorist, by sending the wrong message on what is really happening in Syria. You should feel ashamed for this.
We hope that you will take some of these facts into account to reconsider the way you report on this issue. And we hope that you will end your partnership with terrorists.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Pictures of Khaled Sharrouf’s son: why the big fuss?!!!
Australian terrorist has allowed his son to hold cut head of Syrian soldier. Then he posted these pictures on Twitter. The whole world started to talk about such horrific scenes. I can understand why. But one with deep knowledge of the Syrian crisis would ask: why the big fuss in this case particularly?
For the last three years, we saw worse scenes than this. Did we forget the video of Syrian “revolutionists” allowing small kid to use knife to cut the head of Syrian soldier? (See the photage on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zupfv6Lds6U, posted Dec 2012). Should I attach here more links of crimes committed by kids recruited by takfiris/revolutionists in Syria?
So what is the difference? Why the whole world is talking about this crime only?
I note that the only difference is that the kid this time is Australian. He was born and raised in Australia. He went to Australian school. He was taught “Australian civilised way of thinking”. He was our neighbour. He was shopping in our Woolworths and Mayer. So the head in his hand could be a head of anyone of us...
On the other hand, was our media thinking that it is normal for Syrian kids to be barbaric, for the photage of Syrian child cutting head of Syrian soldier not to attract any attention? Or there was different agenda and expectation.
The tons of photages of barbaric activities of takfiri “revolutionists” (including recruiting kids-soldiers and allowing them to cut heads and shot civilians) did not attract any attention among our media and politicians.
On the contrary. Our media and politicians were clapping their hands and raising their hats for such crimes by describing them as “heroic revolutionary acts to topple a dictatorship” to the point that one Greens politicians told takfiri audience that she was “inspired by Syrian revolution”. The same “inspiration” was expressed by other Labor and Liberal politicians.
But single picture of Sydney-born kid holding cut head of Syrian soldier made this whole fuss in Australia and around the world!!!
It is very clear that the Australian authorities who supported the activities of these monsters had different expectations and agendas. And this is why they are acting like this now.
First I should mention here that the Australian authorities are directly and indirectly responsible of the latest crimes committed by Khaled Sharrouf, his son and all Australian terrorists fighting now in Syria and Iraq. The Australian authorities allowed this extreme terrorist ideology to grow in Australia. Australian authorities allowed these terrorists to travel to Syria. At different stages, Australian authorities offered blanket cover to protect these terrorists by claiming that they are in Syria for “humanitarian aid missions”. The terrorists appeared on TV stations (especially our SBS) crying for the Syrian blood and encouraging Australians to participate in the crimes in Syria in the name of “protecting revolution against dictator”.
Our politicians attended fundraising dinners used mainly to fund terrorists travelling to Syria and carry some of their crimes there.
And now they are tearing their hair and raising alarm.
It seems that our politicians, media and security agencies thought that the outcome of the Syrian “revolution” would be different.
Did they think that these terrorists will succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government and establish their own Islamic/takfiri regime? Then these terrorists (I mean Australian terrorists) will never come back to Australia. They would love to stay and enjoy the Islamic state “freedom”.
But now they are facing the grim reality: the Syrian government will not fall apart. And so the majority of Australian terrorists will return home.
And this is why the chaotic dealing with pictures of Khaled Sharrouf’s son holding head of Syrian soldier after his father cut it.
Let us hope that our authorities and politicians have plan B.
For the last three years, we saw worse scenes than this. Did we forget the video of Syrian “revolutionists” allowing small kid to use knife to cut the head of Syrian soldier? (See the photage on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zupfv6Lds6U, posted Dec 2012). Should I attach here more links of crimes committed by kids recruited by takfiris/revolutionists in Syria?
So what is the difference? Why the whole world is talking about this crime only?
I note that the only difference is that the kid this time is Australian. He was born and raised in Australia. He went to Australian school. He was taught “Australian civilised way of thinking”. He was our neighbour. He was shopping in our Woolworths and Mayer. So the head in his hand could be a head of anyone of us...
On the other hand, was our media thinking that it is normal for Syrian kids to be barbaric, for the photage of Syrian child cutting head of Syrian soldier not to attract any attention? Or there was different agenda and expectation.
The tons of photages of barbaric activities of takfiri “revolutionists” (including recruiting kids-soldiers and allowing them to cut heads and shot civilians) did not attract any attention among our media and politicians.
On the contrary. Our media and politicians were clapping their hands and raising their hats for such crimes by describing them as “heroic revolutionary acts to topple a dictatorship” to the point that one Greens politicians told takfiri audience that she was “inspired by Syrian revolution”. The same “inspiration” was expressed by other Labor and Liberal politicians.
But single picture of Sydney-born kid holding cut head of Syrian soldier made this whole fuss in Australia and around the world!!!
It is very clear that the Australian authorities who supported the activities of these monsters had different expectations and agendas. And this is why they are acting like this now.
First I should mention here that the Australian authorities are directly and indirectly responsible of the latest crimes committed by Khaled Sharrouf, his son and all Australian terrorists fighting now in Syria and Iraq. The Australian authorities allowed this extreme terrorist ideology to grow in Australia. Australian authorities allowed these terrorists to travel to Syria. At different stages, Australian authorities offered blanket cover to protect these terrorists by claiming that they are in Syria for “humanitarian aid missions”. The terrorists appeared on TV stations (especially our SBS) crying for the Syrian blood and encouraging Australians to participate in the crimes in Syria in the name of “protecting revolution against dictator”.
Our politicians attended fundraising dinners used mainly to fund terrorists travelling to Syria and carry some of their crimes there.
And now they are tearing their hair and raising alarm.
It seems that our politicians, media and security agencies thought that the outcome of the Syrian “revolution” would be different.
Did they think that these terrorists will succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government and establish their own Islamic/takfiri regime? Then these terrorists (I mean Australian terrorists) will never come back to Australia. They would love to stay and enjoy the Islamic state “freedom”.
But now they are facing the grim reality: the Syrian government will not fall apart. And so the majority of Australian terrorists will return home.
And this is why the chaotic dealing with pictures of Khaled Sharrouf’s son holding head of Syrian soldier after his father cut it.
Let us hope that our authorities and politicians have plan B.
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