The hysteria around the news from Syria created by our media and politicians, has once again inflamed sectarian tension in the streets of Sydney.
Such tensions take me back to the dark days in 2012 and 2013 when Muslim extremist had spread chaos in Australia by leading campaigns of extortion, bullying and assaulting anyone who opposed the Syrian “revolution”.
The media biased reporting on Aleppo, siding with Al-Qaeda terrorists, has once again sent the wrong message in all directions. Such irresponsible reporting has been the driving force behind the recent assaults and threats on community activists and leaders who support the Syrian and Russian anti-terrorism efforts.
I’ve started receiving threats (see one of them attached) from extremist who support terrorists in Aleppo. I’ve also been alerted to other similar threats and verbal assaults on other anti-extremism activist.
Such threats will be reported to the local police station. I have also advised other activists to report all threats and verbal assaults at their local police stations. Many anti-extremist who are fed up with the lack of support by authorities, have decided to take the law into their own hands and take an “eye for eye” approach.
We seriously believe that the lack of action by authorities in cracking down on extremists and the media support for terrorist in Syria, will lead to events that could well get out of hand.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Banana republic: Neil Parkash affairs
We should be panicked learning details of Neil Paraksh farce.
So few months ago, our PM announced the death of this terrorist in our parliament...
But we know now that few weeks ago, our ASIO contacted Turkey and informed them that Parkash is trying to enter Turkey...
And not announcing anything until few days ago, Australians were informed through media, and not authorities, that Parkash is still alive...
Then authorities confirmed that Parkash citizenship will not be cancelled and soon he will be back to Australia...
What conclusions we should reach...
The only conclusion I can reach is that our authorities are managing these terrorists... know where they are... what they intend to do... where they intend to travel... and will extradite them to hide them with best hospitality in our jails...
but our authorities do not want us to panic... and need to feel safe...
I feel that I live in Banana republic, despite the fact I warend about this few years ago...
We are documenting these facts in series of documentaries that will be launched soon...
So few months ago, our PM announced the death of this terrorist in our parliament...
But we know now that few weeks ago, our ASIO contacted Turkey and informed them that Parkash is trying to enter Turkey...
And not announcing anything until few days ago, Australians were informed through media, and not authorities, that Parkash is still alive...
Then authorities confirmed that Parkash citizenship will not be cancelled and soon he will be back to Australia...
What conclusions we should reach...
The only conclusion I can reach is that our authorities are managing these terrorists... know where they are... what they intend to do... where they intend to travel... and will extradite them to hide them with best hospitality in our jails...
but our authorities do not want us to panic... and need to feel safe...
I feel that I live in Banana republic, despite the fact I warend about this few years ago...
We are documenting these facts in series of documentaries that will be launched soon...
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
بعد ان بعتم كرامة الجالية: الشعب يريد اسقاط المتاجرين بالجالية الاسلامية
"يا أشباه الرجال ولا رجال ، حلوم الاطفال وعقول ربات الحجال، لوددت أني لم أركم ولم أعرفكم معرفة والله جرت ندما وأعقبت سدما، قاتلكم الله لقد ملاتم قلبي قيحا وشحنتم صدري غيظا ، وجرعتموني نغب التهمام أنفاسا"
الامام علي، كرم الله وجهه.
بعد انتهاء الحملة الانتخابية في ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز، لا بد من التوقف مليا عند تفاصيلها ونتائجها والكارثة الاخلاقية التي تمخضت عن دخول "قيادات" الجالية الاسلامية ومنهم معممون ورجال دين علی خطها بالمشاركة العملية في حملة حزب الاحرار العنصري المتطرف، وخصوصا ضد الاسلام والمسلمين.
الكارثة الاخلاقية ابتدات عندما سمح الكثير من مشايخ هذه الجاليات باستباحة جوامعهم ومصلياتهم من قبل مرشحي حزب الاحرار المتطرف والذي طالب قبل اسابيع من الانتخابات بوقف هجرة المسلمين باعتبارهم مجموعة همجية لا تستطيع الاندماج في مجتمع متحضر كالمجتمع الاسترالي.
بعد ذلك تفاقمت الفضيحة الاخلاقية لتصل الی حد نزول مشايخ، بعضهم كان في القريب العاجل هدفا مستمرا لحملات حزب الاحرار تشهيرا وتوبيخا الی حد المطالبة بسحب الجنسية منهم، الی الميدان والمشاركة في المهرجانات الانتخابية في مناطق تواجد الجالية لدعوة ابناء الجاليات الاسلامية للتصويت بشكل مكثف لهذا الحزب المتطرف.
وتوجت الفضائح الاخلاقية عندما ظهرت نتائج الانتخابات، وتبين ان هذه "القيادات" ما هي الا قيادات كرتونية او اصنام خشبية لا تضر ولا تنفع ولا تجد من يستمع لها. ففي مناطق تواجد الجاليات الاسلامية المكثف في اوبرن ولاكمبا وبانكستاون، حيث تمثل الجاليات المسلمة اكثر من ٤٠% من المقعد، فشل كل مرشحي الاحرار حتی في الاقتراب من الفوز في أي من هذه المقاعد.
الآن وبعد انتهاء العملية الانتخابية هذه ، فان الجالية تستحق بعض الاجابات ممن يدعي "قيادتها".
وبداية نحب ان نؤكد ان هذه القيادة هي قيادة غير شرعية لانها غير منتخبة من جهة. ومن جهة اخری فانها لا تمثل تطلعات ابناء الجالية ولم تقدم حلا لاي مشكلة واجهتهم.
ومع هذا، فان الجالية تستحق قليلا من الاحترام باعطائها بعض الاجوبة للاسئلة المتبادرة الی ذهن الكثيرين من ابنائها.
اول ما يتبادر الی ذهن أي مسلم في هذا البلد هو عن الفائدة التي تحققت للجالية من دعوة "قيادييها" للتصويت ضد العمال لصالح الاحرار. وانطلاقا من ان المكتوب يقرا من عنوانه، فان الفائدة الوحيدة مما قام به هذه "القيادات" في هذه الانتخابات هي انها جعلتنا اضحوكة لكل الاستراليين وجعلت منا مادة للتندر ليس في استراليا فقط، بل وحول العالم.
ففي عز الحملة الانتخابية وبينما كانت الاجتماعات السرية والعلنية تعقد بين مسؤولي حزب الاحرار العنصري و "قيادات" الجاليات الاسلامية، كان حزب الاحرار يوجه الاهانة تلو الاهانة لمسلمي استراليا ولدينهم الحنيف. ففي البداية كانت العريضه التي قدمها سناتور حزب الاحرار والمطالبة بوقف هجرة المسلمين الی استراليا لمدة ١٠ سنوات قابلة للتجديد بسبب الخطر الذي يمثلونه علی حضارة وتقدم هذا البلد. ثم جاءت الصفعة الثانية من مسؤول ملف الهجرة في الحزب والذي طالب حزبه بتصعيد حملات التخويف من الاسلام والمسلمين للفوز بالانتخابات الفيديرالية القادمة. ثم توالت الصفعات عندما صرح نائب احراري مسؤول في الحزب بان المشكلة ليست مع مسلمي استراليا، بل المشكلة الاساسية هي مع الاسلام والذي يمثل دينا عنيفا يدعو الی العنف واضطهاد المراة ورفض التعايش. ثم جاءت الصفعة التالية بترشيح الاحرار لاحد مسؤولي حزب امة واحدة سابقا. وانتهت الصفعات عندما قرر حزب الاحرار تبادل الاصوات التفضيلية مع حزب الديمقراطيين المسيحيين المعادي للمسلمين والمطالب بمنع الحجاب ووقف هجرة المسلمين نهائيا الی استراليا.
وبالرغم من كل هذه الصفعات والاهانات للجالية ولدينها الحنيف، الا ان بعض رجال دينها والمدعين "قيادتها" انتفضوا ليدافعوا عمن يسب دينهم ويسفه عقيدتهم.
يحق لابناء الجاليات الاسلامية ان تتسائل عن الفائدة من دعوة "قيادات" الجالية بمكافئة من يسبهم ويسب دينهم ويطالب بترحيلهم من البلد، بالتصويت بشكل مكثف لمرشحي حزب الاحرار العنصري.
وعندما سالناهم لماذا كل هذه التنازلات وبلع الاهانات، اخبرونا ان حزب الاحرار سيكون اكثر كرما معنا وسيعطينا بضعة آلاف من الدولارات اكثر مما كان يعطينا حزب العمال.
يحق لابناء الجاليات الاسلامية ان يتساؤلوا ماذا ينفعهم المزيد من الاموال، ان فقدوا كرامتهم وانسانيتهم وحقوقهم في المواطنة المتساوية
ان هذه القيادات من اشباه الرجال قد رسموا خارطة طريق لكل من يسعی للمجد والشهرة في هذا البلد.
فما علی أي طامح الا سب الجاليات الاسلامية وسب المسلمين واتهامهم بالهمجية واللاانسانية ولا ضير من سب دينهم الحنيف واتهامه بالتحجر ومعاداة حقوق المراة والهمجية والانتشار بحد السيف.
بل ان أي غبي او مافون فاشل في أي مجال من مجالات الحياة يجب ان يتعلم درسا مهما في كيفية ان يصبح عضوا مرموقا في المجتمع بامتطاء ظهر الجاليات المسلمة وسبهم وسب دينهم وتتفيه عقيدتهم والدعوة لقتلهم او وضعهم في معتقلات اعادة تاهيل من اجل التخلص من اللوثات العقلية التي تتنتابهم.
كما يجب ان نتوقع ان كل الحملات الانتخابية القادمة في هذا البلد ستكون مبنية علی سب المسلمين ودينهم الحنيف.
وهنا نتسائل بشكل جدي هل كنا مخطئين عندما رفضنا المشاركة في تاجيج حملات الاسلاموفوبيا خلال الانتخابات، عندما اشترك فيها اكثر من شيخ وعلامة واذاعة اسلامية، بينما كنا مصرين علی كل الصحفيين الاستراليين باننا لا يمكن ان نقبل ان نكون طرفا لاشعال اسلاموفوبيا في الولاية، حتی لو كلفنا ذلك ان لا نحصل علی أي صوت في الانتخابات.
نفس القيادات التي شاركت في تاجيج موضوع الشيخ فايز والذي عالجناه باقل الخسائر للجالية، كانت شاركت في الحملة الانتخابية لحزب الاحرار والتي كان شقها الاكبر معتمد علی استقطاب اصوات العنصريين من خلال سب المسلمين والتشهير بهم.
ما يميز مشاركة هذه "القيادات" وخصوصا المشايخ منهم في حملة حزب الاحرار هو الدعوة للتخلص من حزب العمال بسبب انه مكث طويلا في الحكم. لم يعطونا سببا واحدا او فائدة واحدة من التصويت لحزب الاحرار العنصري، سوی ضرورة تغيير الوجوه لان "المياه ان ركدت لمدة طويلة، اسنت". هذا الكلام جاء من احد القيادات المتربع علی ظهر الجالية لمدة تزيد عن ٣٠ عاما ويرفض التنحي والابتعاد عن المناصب الرسمية، حتی بعد ان شارك، مكرها او بارادته، في حملات تشويه سمعة الجالية.
لا ندافع عن حزب العمال الذي اهمل الولاية كثيرا. ولكن كان امام المسلمين العديد من الطرق لمعاقبة هذا الحزب بطريقة لا تسيئ الی الجالية ومصالحها. من هذه الطرق هو دعم المرشحين المسلمين من مستقلين او العمل علی ترشيح مرشحين عن الجمعيات الاسلامية ضد الاحزاب المعادية لمصالح الجالية.
لكن ما قام به هؤلاء يعتبر فضيحة اخلاقية بكل ما تحمل الكلمة من معاني.
وهنا نقول لابناء الجاليات الاسلامية: حضروا رقابكم لتدوسها بساطير حزب الاحرار العنصري الثقيلة. ان كانوا قد صرحوا بانكم همج وغير متحضرين في عز الحملة الانتخابية، فماذا سيفعلون بعد ان باعكم من يدعون قيادتكم وباعوا كرامتكم وكبريائكم ومصالح اجيالكم القادمة؟
ندرك تماما انه لم يتبق لنا الا ان نعمل علی خلع هذه "القيادات" من الاصنام الخشبية ونعلن انه قد حان الجهر بان: الشعب يريد اسقاط المتاجرين بالجالية الاسلامية!
ملحوظة: نشر هذا المقال في الصحافة العربية منتصف عام 2011... واعيد نشره لان التاريخ يعيد نفسه وتاكد رؤيتنا التي استقراناها قبل اعوام....
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Open letter to Mr Peter Dutton: you need to put your money where your mouth is on the subject of extremism
Dear Hon Peter Dutton, Minister for immigration
I read on your portfolio your latest comments regarding the mass migration of Lebanese Muslims during the 70s. I found your “attack” on Malcolm Fraser’s brave decision to be disgraceful!
While I agree that there is a serious problem with sections of Muslims migrated from north Lebanon, I have to disagree that the reason of this extremism is caused by being born as extremist. There is no evidence of this.
To the contrary, all reliable academic studies indicate that these extremist became like this after decades of intense brainwashing.
Academics have been warning the government about the impact of Wahhabi ideology. I can refer to the countless studies by fine academics who warned the government at the time of John Howard that extremist ideology was spreading thanks to the Saudi embassy which spent $2.7 billion in three decades to promote extremism among our youth.
Instead of taking actions to curb the Saudi spending, your party (through the Howard government) took the strategic decision in 2006, of entering into a strong alliance with Muslim extremist organisations.
These extremist organisations are lead by Lebanese background Muslims. The Howard government, in a bid to divide Muslim vote (largely backing Labor and to lesser extent the Greens), offered millions of dollars in public funding to extreme Muslim organisations. In return these organisations would ask Muslims to vote Liberals.
The effect of this alliance was almost immediate. Lebanese Moslem Association and other organisations of extremists started directing Muslims to vote for your party.
Your party’s alliance with Muslim extremist organisations got stronger and stronger. Since 2011, the alliance with Muslim extreme organisations lead by Lebanese Moslem Association, had publicly directed Muslim voters to vote exclusively to your party. In return, this alliance of Muslim extreme organisations has secured public funding of millions of dollars annually.
If you really think that the late Malcolm Fraser made the mistake of allowing Muslim Lebanese to migrate to Australia, then you need to start correcting this mistake by ending the strong alliance between your party and these extreme organisations.
You also need to reassess the way public funding is managed by stopping the funding going to extreme organisations and being used to brainwash and recruit more extremists.
Actions are louder than any talks. Political parties need to start putting the money where their mouths are.
I have no doubt that you will not take any action to correct your party’s grave mistake of contributing to the spread of extremism in this country.
Your latest comments show panic and desperation after Trump’s win. You now are faced with newly emerged right-wing small parties like One Nation, Shooters and Fishers, Christian Democrats etc.
For decades your party has exercised double standards on this issue. On one hand you allied yourself with Muslim extreme organisations in order to divide Muslim votes and on the other hand you were actively involved in spreading racism and Islamophobia. You tried to juggle too many balls at once!
The bi-election result in Orange is a clear indication that voters are sick of your Hippocratic policies. Voters are now demanding concrete actions and results, not only rhetoric.
The fact is that your party is still the strongest supporter of Muslim extreme organisations. Until you prove the opposite, conservative voters will continue to migrate to smaller right-wing parties. Again, you need urgent action not rhetoric.
My advice is to isolate extreme Lebanese Muslim forces. Stop the funding! Stop promoting them. Stop consulting them and most of all, stop the Saudi funding.
Maybe after you have taken these actions, conservative voters will regain faith in you. If you have the ambition to win in the next election and beyond, Australians need to regain their faith in you.
I read on your portfolio your latest comments regarding the mass migration of Lebanese Muslims during the 70s. I found your “attack” on Malcolm Fraser’s brave decision to be disgraceful!
While I agree that there is a serious problem with sections of Muslims migrated from north Lebanon, I have to disagree that the reason of this extremism is caused by being born as extremist. There is no evidence of this.
To the contrary, all reliable academic studies indicate that these extremist became like this after decades of intense brainwashing.
Academics have been warning the government about the impact of Wahhabi ideology. I can refer to the countless studies by fine academics who warned the government at the time of John Howard that extremist ideology was spreading thanks to the Saudi embassy which spent $2.7 billion in three decades to promote extremism among our youth.
Instead of taking actions to curb the Saudi spending, your party (through the Howard government) took the strategic decision in 2006, of entering into a strong alliance with Muslim extremist organisations.
These extremist organisations are lead by Lebanese background Muslims. The Howard government, in a bid to divide Muslim vote (largely backing Labor and to lesser extent the Greens), offered millions of dollars in public funding to extreme Muslim organisations. In return these organisations would ask Muslims to vote Liberals.
The effect of this alliance was almost immediate. Lebanese Moslem Association and other organisations of extremists started directing Muslims to vote for your party.
Your party’s alliance with Muslim extremist organisations got stronger and stronger. Since 2011, the alliance with Muslim extreme organisations lead by Lebanese Moslem Association, had publicly directed Muslim voters to vote exclusively to your party. In return, this alliance of Muslim extreme organisations has secured public funding of millions of dollars annually.
If you really think that the late Malcolm Fraser made the mistake of allowing Muslim Lebanese to migrate to Australia, then you need to start correcting this mistake by ending the strong alliance between your party and these extreme organisations.
You also need to reassess the way public funding is managed by stopping the funding going to extreme organisations and being used to brainwash and recruit more extremists.
Actions are louder than any talks. Political parties need to start putting the money where their mouths are.
I have no doubt that you will not take any action to correct your party’s grave mistake of contributing to the spread of extremism in this country.
Your latest comments show panic and desperation after Trump’s win. You now are faced with newly emerged right-wing small parties like One Nation, Shooters and Fishers, Christian Democrats etc.
For decades your party has exercised double standards on this issue. On one hand you allied yourself with Muslim extreme organisations in order to divide Muslim votes and on the other hand you were actively involved in spreading racism and Islamophobia. You tried to juggle too many balls at once!
The bi-election result in Orange is a clear indication that voters are sick of your Hippocratic policies. Voters are now demanding concrete actions and results, not only rhetoric.
The fact is that your party is still the strongest supporter of Muslim extreme organisations. Until you prove the opposite, conservative voters will continue to migrate to smaller right-wing parties. Again, you need urgent action not rhetoric.
My advice is to isolate extreme Lebanese Muslim forces. Stop the funding! Stop promoting them. Stop consulting them and most of all, stop the Saudi funding.
Maybe after you have taken these actions, conservative voters will regain faith in you. If you have the ambition to win in the next election and beyond, Australians need to regain their faith in you.
Friday, November 18, 2016
The letter that could attract us $2200 fines: more reasons why Liberals should go...
From: jamal daoud []
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2016 10:19 AM
To: ''
Subject: Complaint of persistent unfair treatment our organisation receives from Multicultural NSW
To the Hon John Ajaka, Minister for Multiculturalism
Dear Mr Ajaka,
I am writing this letter to advise you of the persistent unfair treatment our organisation receives from Multicultural NSW.
First and foremost let me mention to you that our organisation has been and still is, the strongest anti-extremism voice in our community. Our organisation has been advocating for a better and stronger multiculturalism in Australia for the last decade. During this decade we helped hundreds of newly arrived NES people with their settlement. We advocated for changes to better represent NESB people with decision-making bodies and have fought very hard against all kind of extremism and radical views.
It is common knowledge how myself and others in the organisation were subjected to all different threats and assaults. These attacks were because of our work and our strong anti-extremist views.
Working hard for a better NSW and Australia, we are very disappointed by the lack of help from Multicultural NSW.
In the late 2014, we noticed that Multicultural NSW was granting money from public funds to promote Multiculturalism and harmony in our society.
With a strong track record for opposing radicalisation, lobbying for better multiculturalism and supporting people from NESB, we thought our organisation would receive, even if small, a grant from Multicultural NSW. We were wrong
During 2014, we managed a program called “Living Together”.
This program was designed to fight both radicalisation and sectarian hate among Muslim communities in Australia.
“Living Together” was about bringing together activist and community leaders who belonged to different religions and sects. Meetings were organised in rotation at the homes of the different participants.
Thanks to these meetings we managed to organise a big event during Ramadan 2015, where we invited Christians, Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslims, Alawi Muslims, secular Muslims and other groups.
The event was a success and the feedback was very positive from all who attended. The event was paid for out of our own pockets.
We knew that Multicultural NSW had specific grants to help promote such activities and programs. We decided to apply for a “Unity Grant” of $25,000 in order to continue the “Living Together” program.
We provided Multicultural NSW with a detailed plan on how the program would run, how we would measure the success and the expected positive outcomes.
Our application was rejected! We were shocked to receive a letter from Multicultural NSW rejecting our application on the grounds that we didn’t provide a financial statement.
A financial statement is required from organisations that have previously received public funding. Our organisation never received any public funding which meant we were not required to lodge a financial statement.
We wrote to Multicultural NSW outlining the reasons for not providing a financial statement, however to this day we have not received a reply.
This year in July we applied for a “Celebration Grant” of $5,000 only. We wanted to hold a multi-faith and multi-sect celebration of Eid. We are still waiting to hear back. At this stage we don’t know if Multicultural NSW is ignoring us or if it has simply disposed of our application in the rubbish bin.
I cannot begin to tell you how disheartening it was to find out that Multicultural NSW granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to a well-known extremist organisation.
While we were trying to get funding, the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) was enjoying millions of dollars in grants. Multicultural NSW was funding the same organisation that was promoting extremism and radicalisation by issuing Fatwas against Christmas and Easter. LMA had also broadcasted lectures from terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki at Lakemba Mosque and encouraged followers to go help the “mujahedeen” (terrorist) in Syria
LMA is not the only extreme organisation to receive extensive funding from your department.
Multicultural NSW is operating in a way that not only encourages individuals to continue with their radicalisation but it also weakens the anti-radicalisation and anti-sectarian campaigns.
My hope is that you will address our concerns and perhaps explain to us why we are not able to receive even small amounts of funding. These grants would help us continue the spread of harmony and anti-radicalisation messages.
Yours sincerely
Jamal Daoud
President, Social Justice Network
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2016 10:19 AM
To: ''
Subject: Complaint of persistent unfair treatment our organisation receives from Multicultural NSW
To the Hon John Ajaka, Minister for Multiculturalism
Dear Mr Ajaka,
I am writing this letter to advise you of the persistent unfair treatment our organisation receives from Multicultural NSW.
First and foremost let me mention to you that our organisation has been and still is, the strongest anti-extremism voice in our community. Our organisation has been advocating for a better and stronger multiculturalism in Australia for the last decade. During this decade we helped hundreds of newly arrived NES people with their settlement. We advocated for changes to better represent NESB people with decision-making bodies and have fought very hard against all kind of extremism and radical views.
It is common knowledge how myself and others in the organisation were subjected to all different threats and assaults. These attacks were because of our work and our strong anti-extremist views.
Working hard for a better NSW and Australia, we are very disappointed by the lack of help from Multicultural NSW.
In the late 2014, we noticed that Multicultural NSW was granting money from public funds to promote Multiculturalism and harmony in our society.
With a strong track record for opposing radicalisation, lobbying for better multiculturalism and supporting people from NESB, we thought our organisation would receive, even if small, a grant from Multicultural NSW. We were wrong
During 2014, we managed a program called “Living Together”.
This program was designed to fight both radicalisation and sectarian hate among Muslim communities in Australia.
“Living Together” was about bringing together activist and community leaders who belonged to different religions and sects. Meetings were organised in rotation at the homes of the different participants.
Thanks to these meetings we managed to organise a big event during Ramadan 2015, where we invited Christians, Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslims, Alawi Muslims, secular Muslims and other groups.
The event was a success and the feedback was very positive from all who attended. The event was paid for out of our own pockets.
We knew that Multicultural NSW had specific grants to help promote such activities and programs. We decided to apply for a “Unity Grant” of $25,000 in order to continue the “Living Together” program.
We provided Multicultural NSW with a detailed plan on how the program would run, how we would measure the success and the expected positive outcomes.
Our application was rejected! We were shocked to receive a letter from Multicultural NSW rejecting our application on the grounds that we didn’t provide a financial statement.
A financial statement is required from organisations that have previously received public funding. Our organisation never received any public funding which meant we were not required to lodge a financial statement.
We wrote to Multicultural NSW outlining the reasons for not providing a financial statement, however to this day we have not received a reply.
This year in July we applied for a “Celebration Grant” of $5,000 only. We wanted to hold a multi-faith and multi-sect celebration of Eid. We are still waiting to hear back. At this stage we don’t know if Multicultural NSW is ignoring us or if it has simply disposed of our application in the rubbish bin.
I cannot begin to tell you how disheartening it was to find out that Multicultural NSW granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to a well-known extremist organisation.
While we were trying to get funding, the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) was enjoying millions of dollars in grants. Multicultural NSW was funding the same organisation that was promoting extremism and radicalisation by issuing Fatwas against Christmas and Easter. LMA had also broadcasted lectures from terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki at Lakemba Mosque and encouraged followers to go help the “mujahedeen” (terrorist) in Syria
LMA is not the only extreme organisation to receive extensive funding from your department.
Multicultural NSW is operating in a way that not only encourages individuals to continue with their radicalisation but it also weakens the anti-radicalisation and anti-sectarian campaigns.
My hope is that you will address our concerns and perhaps explain to us why we are not able to receive even small amounts of funding. These grants would help us continue the spread of harmony and anti-radicalisation messages.
Yours sincerely
Jamal Daoud
President, Social Justice Network
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Authorities breach their own regulations: the funding of extreme organisations is an example
Anyone who works or deals with civil society and the way it is funded will know that any NGO that interferes in elections are banned from public funding. The philosophy behind this is very simple: public funding should not be used by the government of the day to sway voters to vote for its party, candidates and agenda.
In an indirect way, the government of the day uses public money to persuade voters to vote for them.
The government of the day is allowed to spend public money to publicise their services and newly introduced legislations and their impact on voters’ lives.
Such practices were heavily criticised by all opposition parties, however the same parties once in government were more than happy to keep this practice going.
Since federation, no NGO that campaigned during election time received public funding. The only exception was made for some Muslim extreme organisations.
This process of excluding extremist organisation from such regulations was started by the Howard government but was later adopted also by Labor and subsequently by Labor-Greens governments.
It is worth mentioning some facts in detail.
The Lebanese Moslem Association (LMA), prior to 2005, never applied for public funding. The association depended on donations from community members and foreign embassies (Saudi Arabia top of the list). LMA knew too well that due to their extreme conservative agendas and their heavy involvement in local politics, no public funding would ever be granted to their association.
The LMA and the majority of Muslim organisations and active members were mainly managed by Labor members of Muslim communities.
Voting or even supporting Liberals or Greens was out of the question.
The Liberals were known to be anti-Muslim, anti-multiculturalism, anti-Palestine, pro-US wars (mainly Muslim countries) and anti-public service.
The Greens with their “liberal” views on drugs and family policies didn’t go well among conservative Muslims.
Then the Liberals infiltrated the LMA by offering millions of dollars in public funding to organise and manage community services. The strategy was simple: “we give you money in return you spread lies about Australian politics”
The role of LMA was to send out the message that Labor was becoming similar to Liberals. In simple terms the message was: since both Labor and Liberals are the same let’s vote for the party that gives us more money!
This was never about the interests of the community like getting better policies. It was all about the wealth and status of a few members only. At the end of the day the relationship with the Liberal party over two decades did not bring any benefit to the community including integration in the society and respect.
Labor on the other hand panicked and instead of challenging the legality of funding organisations that have a strong political interest, decided to match the Liberals.
When Liberals granted LMA around $2 million in 2006 over a period of 3 years, Labor tried to match this with a larger amount on state level. While it worked for LMA and its leadership, as they became both rich and influential, this practice sent a very serious and alarming precedent.
Our democracy became for sale on even cheaper and larger scale.
This precedent sent a message: a community organisation should associate with one of the big parties to secure funding. Democracy can go to hell.
We, at Social Justice Network, never applied for public funding because we knew the regulations of no public funding for politically motivated and active organisations.
We were offered funding early 2010 but only if we stopped our campaigns against the Labor government policies on refugees’ rights, Palestine and anti-war. We refused the offer as we continued our campaign in line with our philosophy and mission statement.
After the regulations were watered down and LMA together with other politically active organisations (mainly of Muslim extremist) got a lot of public funding (tens of millions of dollars annually), we applied for some funding.
After all, if associations like LMA got so much money we couldn’t see any reason why we would not be granted a smaller sum.
With this in mind we applied for a $25,000 grant to help us fight extremism in our society. Our application was refused. We applied for a second one for only $5,000. This application was simply ignored.
At present we are waiting to hear on our third application to grant us $30,000 to help new migrants and refugees find work. Since we are not aligned to any major party we expect our application to end up in a rubbish bin.
Our organisation has one of two options if we want to continue our work.
Align ourselves with one of the major parties or become an extremist organisation and support terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Australia.
Apparently these are the only two requisites needed in order to be granted millions of dollars.
To find out the credibility of our claim one has to just go and check the list of organisations funded through Multiculturalism NSW.
And our authorities still ask “where did all this radicalisation come from...!!!”
Who will challenge the two major parties on their violation of our constitution?
In an indirect way, the government of the day uses public money to persuade voters to vote for them.
The government of the day is allowed to spend public money to publicise their services and newly introduced legislations and their impact on voters’ lives.
Such practices were heavily criticised by all opposition parties, however the same parties once in government were more than happy to keep this practice going.
Since federation, no NGO that campaigned during election time received public funding. The only exception was made for some Muslim extreme organisations.
This process of excluding extremist organisation from such regulations was started by the Howard government but was later adopted also by Labor and subsequently by Labor-Greens governments.
It is worth mentioning some facts in detail.
The Lebanese Moslem Association (LMA), prior to 2005, never applied for public funding. The association depended on donations from community members and foreign embassies (Saudi Arabia top of the list). LMA knew too well that due to their extreme conservative agendas and their heavy involvement in local politics, no public funding would ever be granted to their association.
The LMA and the majority of Muslim organisations and active members were mainly managed by Labor members of Muslim communities.
Voting or even supporting Liberals or Greens was out of the question.
The Liberals were known to be anti-Muslim, anti-multiculturalism, anti-Palestine, pro-US wars (mainly Muslim countries) and anti-public service.
The Greens with their “liberal” views on drugs and family policies didn’t go well among conservative Muslims.
Then the Liberals infiltrated the LMA by offering millions of dollars in public funding to organise and manage community services. The strategy was simple: “we give you money in return you spread lies about Australian politics”
The role of LMA was to send out the message that Labor was becoming similar to Liberals. In simple terms the message was: since both Labor and Liberals are the same let’s vote for the party that gives us more money!
This was never about the interests of the community like getting better policies. It was all about the wealth and status of a few members only. At the end of the day the relationship with the Liberal party over two decades did not bring any benefit to the community including integration in the society and respect.
Labor on the other hand panicked and instead of challenging the legality of funding organisations that have a strong political interest, decided to match the Liberals.
When Liberals granted LMA around $2 million in 2006 over a period of 3 years, Labor tried to match this with a larger amount on state level. While it worked for LMA and its leadership, as they became both rich and influential, this practice sent a very serious and alarming precedent.
Our democracy became for sale on even cheaper and larger scale.
This precedent sent a message: a community organisation should associate with one of the big parties to secure funding. Democracy can go to hell.
We, at Social Justice Network, never applied for public funding because we knew the regulations of no public funding for politically motivated and active organisations.
We were offered funding early 2010 but only if we stopped our campaigns against the Labor government policies on refugees’ rights, Palestine and anti-war. We refused the offer as we continued our campaign in line with our philosophy and mission statement.
After the regulations were watered down and LMA together with other politically active organisations (mainly of Muslim extremist) got a lot of public funding (tens of millions of dollars annually), we applied for some funding.
After all, if associations like LMA got so much money we couldn’t see any reason why we would not be granted a smaller sum.
With this in mind we applied for a $25,000 grant to help us fight extremism in our society. Our application was refused. We applied for a second one for only $5,000. This application was simply ignored.
At present we are waiting to hear on our third application to grant us $30,000 to help new migrants and refugees find work. Since we are not aligned to any major party we expect our application to end up in a rubbish bin.
Our organisation has one of two options if we want to continue our work.
Align ourselves with one of the major parties or become an extremist organisation and support terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Australia.
Apparently these are the only two requisites needed in order to be granted millions of dollars.
To find out the credibility of our claim one has to just go and check the list of organisations funded through Multiculturalism NSW.
And our authorities still ask “where did all this radicalisation come from...!!!”
Who will challenge the two major parties on their violation of our constitution?
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Trump’s win: lessons on how to defy media and lobby groups
Just one day before the US presidential election, the Channel 7 journalist in USA was vending clear lies about the presidential race. The journalist declared that “all minorities had abandoned Trump” referring to the last minute rally attended by Trump. Funny thing when stating this, you could clearly see that the crowd in the background were more women than men. There were more Latinos and other coloured people than white. There were also a lot of Muslims.
I was sure that Trump would win. The media frenzy was a clear indication that faceless forces were on their way to be defeated. This is why the lying had intensified in the last few days. The last opinion poll, for example, indicated that Clinton’s chance of winning had mounted to nearly 90%.
I suddenly remembered how Tripoli (Libya) fell. It succumbed under the rubble of media lies and deceptions. Qatari based Al Jazeera broadcasted everywhere that Tripoli had fallen to “opposition” 24 hours before any NATO soldier set foot in the city. The announcement of the fall of Tripoli had a huge impact on the Libyan army which was there to defend the city. Thinking that their “regime” collapsed and not wanting to face their fate, they immediately abandoned their posts.
The same trick happened during the US invasion of Iraq, 2003.
The strategy was to me clear: supporters of Trump will feel betrayed and defeated, so they will not go to vote. And Hillary will win.
I will talk about the lessons we need to learn from Trump’s win, and apply these lessons here in Australian. We need to learn these lessons to break free from the same “faceless” forces that are keeping us in a political deadlock.
These faceless forces are maintaining the status quo by using the “divide and disgruntle” policy.
The real forces of change have always been defeated and have been left feeling helpless thanks to media blackout, constant attacks by institutions and deprivation of funds (public and private).
The consequence of such attacks would result in either abandoning such ideas and join one of the regressive forces or simply stay silent and give up.
It’s hard to believe that our two longest serving PMs Robert Menzies and John Howard, were also the dumbest. Instead, one of the shortest serving PMs was the great Gough Whitlam. This could not be achieved without the practices of faceless forces who manage all the affairs in this country and around the world.
Between 2013 and early 2015 I had the media chasing me for interviews and seeking comments on different news issues. At one stage, when I stopped answering their calls, the media showed up on my doorstep. I was always happy to be available and answer any questions.
In 2015 I ran in the NSW state election. I thought that with all my media contacts I could easily gain a considerable number of votes. I naively thought that in return for all the help I had given them in the past, they would help me get my message through to the public.
Immediately before the election the media blackout was total. My campaign could not get any message through any media outlet. Even local and ethnic media implemented a total blackout.
Even Channel 7 with whom I had worked very closely shut its channels of communication. Not even after providing them with all the information and breaking news stories, they were unable or unwilling to return the favour.
The total media blackout affected our fundraising efforts and the result was clear on polling day.
I mentioned Channel 7 as they were very active in promoting Pauline Hanson and helped her in the 2016 election.
As we know now, Channel 7 deliberately invited Pauline Hanson several times prior to 2016 Federal Election and conducted extensive media interviews with her. Not only this. Chanel 7 paid Pauline Hanson large sums of money in return for her appearance on their programs (especially on popular Sunrise). This money was used to finance her election campaign.
Pauline Hanson was the perfect candidate to be presented as a “changing force”: unintelligent and without a real agenda. Even her claim of fighting against Muslim extremist has just been talk and not action. I contacted her many times to offer my help but still to this day I have not received any communication from her.
The same faceless forces so desperate to shut our voice since 2007 threatened to sue us if we continued our campaign to boycott the NSW election.
Since 2007 we have been under constant attacks of various nature such as vandalism, physical attacks on our volunteers, death threats and even going as far as conspiring with a foreign power to limit our movement around the world. The public has a right to know and would be interested in finding out how much effort was put in to conspire against the strongest voice fighting extremism in our society. The media has kept this quiet. Any individual at this stage would just think it’s too hard and give up the fight. This is exactly what faceless forces want.
Without the help of the media especially Channel 7 Sunrise, there was no chance of Pauline Hanson returning to politics and getting elected.
One time I talked to former Labor heavy weight Laurie Ferguson, about the rising forces in Australian politics (like the Greens party). He told me word for word “we allow these forces to grow to certain size as good decoration for democracy”. This is why the faceless forces prefer to allow Pauline Hanson and Greens party to grow, but not us. We proved to them that we will not accept to be just a decoration for democracy. The Syrian crisis made them confident of this. When all political forces accepted the CIA lies about Syrian “revolution”, we were the only dissent.
Now back to Trump’s win. The faceless forces tried their best to defeat him: media blackout of his messages, media lies about him, opinion polls fabrications and no donations from big corporations.
So how could he defeat them?
Simple answer: he took matter in his own hands.
With $100 million campaign budget, he managed to get his message to the US voters through unconventional ways. Campaign workers, social media, paid ads and staged rallies and forums. He exposed the system managed by unelected faceless forces.
We believe Trump’s win will send a chilling message: change is possible.
But we need to be persistent, stubborn, well-organised and able to get enough funding. What we are witnessing here is a glimpse of hope. The seed has been planted. We just need to persist with getting the message out through social media exposing the lies and conspiracies of faceless forces working against us.
Orison Swett Marden once wrote: “the more one sows, the greater the harvest “.
Would Australians believe that the authorities and other organisations of faceless forces conspired against the most vocal anti-terrorism campaigner to try and break the growing movement? Details soon...
I was sure that Trump would win. The media frenzy was a clear indication that faceless forces were on their way to be defeated. This is why the lying had intensified in the last few days. The last opinion poll, for example, indicated that Clinton’s chance of winning had mounted to nearly 90%.
I suddenly remembered how Tripoli (Libya) fell. It succumbed under the rubble of media lies and deceptions. Qatari based Al Jazeera broadcasted everywhere that Tripoli had fallen to “opposition” 24 hours before any NATO soldier set foot in the city. The announcement of the fall of Tripoli had a huge impact on the Libyan army which was there to defend the city. Thinking that their “regime” collapsed and not wanting to face their fate, they immediately abandoned their posts.
The same trick happened during the US invasion of Iraq, 2003.
The strategy was to me clear: supporters of Trump will feel betrayed and defeated, so they will not go to vote. And Hillary will win.
I will talk about the lessons we need to learn from Trump’s win, and apply these lessons here in Australian. We need to learn these lessons to break free from the same “faceless” forces that are keeping us in a political deadlock.
These faceless forces are maintaining the status quo by using the “divide and disgruntle” policy.
The real forces of change have always been defeated and have been left feeling helpless thanks to media blackout, constant attacks by institutions and deprivation of funds (public and private).
The consequence of such attacks would result in either abandoning such ideas and join one of the regressive forces or simply stay silent and give up.
It’s hard to believe that our two longest serving PMs Robert Menzies and John Howard, were also the dumbest. Instead, one of the shortest serving PMs was the great Gough Whitlam. This could not be achieved without the practices of faceless forces who manage all the affairs in this country and around the world.
Between 2013 and early 2015 I had the media chasing me for interviews and seeking comments on different news issues. At one stage, when I stopped answering their calls, the media showed up on my doorstep. I was always happy to be available and answer any questions.
In 2015 I ran in the NSW state election. I thought that with all my media contacts I could easily gain a considerable number of votes. I naively thought that in return for all the help I had given them in the past, they would help me get my message through to the public.
Immediately before the election the media blackout was total. My campaign could not get any message through any media outlet. Even local and ethnic media implemented a total blackout.
Even Channel 7 with whom I had worked very closely shut its channels of communication. Not even after providing them with all the information and breaking news stories, they were unable or unwilling to return the favour.
The total media blackout affected our fundraising efforts and the result was clear on polling day.
I mentioned Channel 7 as they were very active in promoting Pauline Hanson and helped her in the 2016 election.
As we know now, Channel 7 deliberately invited Pauline Hanson several times prior to 2016 Federal Election and conducted extensive media interviews with her. Not only this. Chanel 7 paid Pauline Hanson large sums of money in return for her appearance on their programs (especially on popular Sunrise). This money was used to finance her election campaign.
Pauline Hanson was the perfect candidate to be presented as a “changing force”: unintelligent and without a real agenda. Even her claim of fighting against Muslim extremist has just been talk and not action. I contacted her many times to offer my help but still to this day I have not received any communication from her.
The same faceless forces so desperate to shut our voice since 2007 threatened to sue us if we continued our campaign to boycott the NSW election.
Since 2007 we have been under constant attacks of various nature such as vandalism, physical attacks on our volunteers, death threats and even going as far as conspiring with a foreign power to limit our movement around the world. The public has a right to know and would be interested in finding out how much effort was put in to conspire against the strongest voice fighting extremism in our society. The media has kept this quiet. Any individual at this stage would just think it’s too hard and give up the fight. This is exactly what faceless forces want.
Without the help of the media especially Channel 7 Sunrise, there was no chance of Pauline Hanson returning to politics and getting elected.
One time I talked to former Labor heavy weight Laurie Ferguson, about the rising forces in Australian politics (like the Greens party). He told me word for word “we allow these forces to grow to certain size as good decoration for democracy”. This is why the faceless forces prefer to allow Pauline Hanson and Greens party to grow, but not us. We proved to them that we will not accept to be just a decoration for democracy. The Syrian crisis made them confident of this. When all political forces accepted the CIA lies about Syrian “revolution”, we were the only dissent.
Now back to Trump’s win. The faceless forces tried their best to defeat him: media blackout of his messages, media lies about him, opinion polls fabrications and no donations from big corporations.
So how could he defeat them?
Simple answer: he took matter in his own hands.
With $100 million campaign budget, he managed to get his message to the US voters through unconventional ways. Campaign workers, social media, paid ads and staged rallies and forums. He exposed the system managed by unelected faceless forces.
We believe Trump’s win will send a chilling message: change is possible.
But we need to be persistent, stubborn, well-organised and able to get enough funding. What we are witnessing here is a glimpse of hope. The seed has been planted. We just need to persist with getting the message out through social media exposing the lies and conspiracies of faceless forces working against us.
Orison Swett Marden once wrote: “the more one sows, the greater the harvest “.
Would Australians believe that the authorities and other organisations of faceless forces conspired against the most vocal anti-terrorism campaigner to try and break the growing movement? Details soon...
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Trump's win: exactly as I predicted a month ago...
Despite the media’s overwhelming propaganda in favour of Clinton, I am proud to say that I was almost the only commentator to predict Trump would do better than Clinton. It seems according to early results, Trump is the favourite to win the presidential race.
Unlike all the fabrications and media lies that were fed to the public on how Clinton was going to win comfortably, I insisted this was not the case.
The Americans are fed up with Clinton and her clans’ bloody adventures in waging wars and supporting terrorist organisations and their backers in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
We seriously believe that Trump as president will work very hard to extinguish the fires lit up by Obama-Clinton around the world: from the Middle East to Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The cold war with Russia could be eased under Trump.
Unlike media lies, Trump’s win is very good news for millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world, including USA. The Trump rhetoric will see more needed crack down on Wahhabi extremists inside US and around the world.
Unlike all the fabrications and media lies that were fed to the public on how Clinton was going to win comfortably, I insisted this was not the case.
The Americans are fed up with Clinton and her clans’ bloody adventures in waging wars and supporting terrorist organisations and their backers in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
We seriously believe that Trump as president will work very hard to extinguish the fires lit up by Obama-Clinton around the world: from the Middle East to Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The cold war with Russia could be eased under Trump.
Unlike media lies, Trump’s win is very good news for millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world, including USA. The Trump rhetoric will see more needed crack down on Wahhabi extremists inside US and around the world.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
The real perpetrators of yesterday’s terrorist plot: authorities and media..!
Australia is in shock after the arrest of 2 terrorist in Bankstown yesterday. Media and authorities are wasting time discussing details of little importance. Names, ages and motives of the perpetrators are of really little concern. The fundamental question that should be asked, especially if we want to prevent more plots and attacks, is: who radicalized them and who recruited them?
We now know that one of the teenagers was known to the authorities for his violent actions and extreme views. Why is no one asking the right questions? Where was he radicalised and by who? Who recruited him? Was he undergoing a de-radicalisation program and which one?
Once we know the answer to all these questions we can take the steps needed to stop the recruiting and brainwashing of others.
Two years of government funded de-radicalisation programs, costing tax payers millions of dollars, has achieved little or nothing. An evaluation on such programs is urgently needed.
I was the first to raise concerns over how the authorities’ were handling extremism. With such concerns in mind I helped draft a letter and collected many signatures from different anti-extremism experts and campaigners. We wanted to alert authorities they were on the wrong path in dealing with radicalisation and terrorist issues.
The letter explained how the authorities were consulting with the wrong people. We expressed our concerns about the de-radicalisation funding and how it would be spent on the wrong organisations.
The course taken by our authorities soon after, was both dangerous and disappointing.
Suddenly authorities and media started to promote extremist and terrorist sympathisers as the champions of de-radicalisation. They gave a voice to extremists like Shady Al Sulieman, Jamal Rifi, Keysar Trad and the so-called Australian Mufti.
These are the same people who actively participated in spreading extremism and radicalisation in Australia, through their active role in supporting terrorists in Syria.
We also tried to explain to the authorities and media that supporting terrorism in Syria would actually cause radicalisation and terrorism back home.
All real experts on the matter know too well that all radicalisation and terrorism in Australia is directly and indirectly inspired by the terrorism in Syria.
Not only our letter and various warnings were ignored, suddenly I became number one enemy. For this reason authorities refused to consult us and support our anti radical efforts. This is why Multicultural NSW refused to grant us even the small sum of $5,000 but continued to grant millions of dollars to the extremist organisations.
The media who consider persons such as Jamal Rifi and Keysar Trad to be champions of peace, should explain to us how they reached such conclusion.
The government also needs to explain their strange policy in engaging extremist and inviting them to Iftars and private consultations.
Multicultural NSW and the Attorney-General’s office, should issue a detailed media release outlining where the hundreds of millions of dollars of de-radicalisation programs were spent and what did they achieve.
Multicultural NSW needs to send us (Social Justice Network) a letter explaining the reason why our $5000 request for a grant was rejected.
Instead, Multicultural NSW granted $750,000 to an extreme organisation which often broadcasted lectures by number 1 Al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki who was later killed by a US drone.
If our authorities and media don’t change their approach soon, I am afraid we will face difficult times. Next time we could have someone’s head roll in the street of Bankstown or Lakemba beheaded by another brainwashed teenager.
We now know that one of the teenagers was known to the authorities for his violent actions and extreme views. Why is no one asking the right questions? Where was he radicalised and by who? Who recruited him? Was he undergoing a de-radicalisation program and which one?
Once we know the answer to all these questions we can take the steps needed to stop the recruiting and brainwashing of others.
Two years of government funded de-radicalisation programs, costing tax payers millions of dollars, has achieved little or nothing. An evaluation on such programs is urgently needed.
I was the first to raise concerns over how the authorities’ were handling extremism. With such concerns in mind I helped draft a letter and collected many signatures from different anti-extremism experts and campaigners. We wanted to alert authorities they were on the wrong path in dealing with radicalisation and terrorist issues.
The letter explained how the authorities were consulting with the wrong people. We expressed our concerns about the de-radicalisation funding and how it would be spent on the wrong organisations.
The course taken by our authorities soon after, was both dangerous and disappointing.
Suddenly authorities and media started to promote extremist and terrorist sympathisers as the champions of de-radicalisation. They gave a voice to extremists like Shady Al Sulieman, Jamal Rifi, Keysar Trad and the so-called Australian Mufti.
These are the same people who actively participated in spreading extremism and radicalisation in Australia, through their active role in supporting terrorists in Syria.
We also tried to explain to the authorities and media that supporting terrorism in Syria would actually cause radicalisation and terrorism back home.
All real experts on the matter know too well that all radicalisation and terrorism in Australia is directly and indirectly inspired by the terrorism in Syria.
Not only our letter and various warnings were ignored, suddenly I became number one enemy. For this reason authorities refused to consult us and support our anti radical efforts. This is why Multicultural NSW refused to grant us even the small sum of $5,000 but continued to grant millions of dollars to the extremist organisations.
The media who consider persons such as Jamal Rifi and Keysar Trad to be champions of peace, should explain to us how they reached such conclusion.
The government also needs to explain their strange policy in engaging extremist and inviting them to Iftars and private consultations.
Multicultural NSW and the Attorney-General’s office, should issue a detailed media release outlining where the hundreds of millions of dollars of de-radicalisation programs were spent and what did they achieve.
Multicultural NSW needs to send us (Social Justice Network) a letter explaining the reason why our $5000 request for a grant was rejected.
Instead, Multicultural NSW granted $750,000 to an extreme organisation which often broadcasted lectures by number 1 Al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki who was later killed by a US drone.
If our authorities and media don’t change their approach soon, I am afraid we will face difficult times. Next time we could have someone’s head roll in the street of Bankstown or Lakemba beheaded by another brainwashed teenager.
Multicultural NSW: when authorities encourage radicalisation!
After the first terrorist attack on Australian soil in December 2014, our authorities admitted we could be facing a problem of radicalisation and possible terrorism.
Journalists who in the past ignored such problems started contacting me and telling me that I was right in saying all along about our growing extremism in our suburbs. For the past 3 years I had voiced my concerns about the growing number of radicalised Muslims.
For the first time in many years, local politicians had started praising my work and my ideas. Even liberal politician Greg Laundy had asked me to visit him at his office to discuss such issues.
At the time, Social Justice Network was carrying out a de-radicalisation program called “Together We Live”. We were bringing together people from different backgrounds and religious beliefs to discuss the sectarian tensions arising in our suburbs. The meetings were held at people’s homes where we would discuss various issues over coffee.
Encouraged by the positive message from our authorities and media, we decided to take our project “Together We Live” to the next level.
State and federal government announced an increase in funding for de-radicalisation programs. The government allocated 8 million dollars.
Social Justice Network decided to apply for a sum of $25,000. This would allow us to increase our meetings taking minutes to document and publish recommendations. We were sure we would be granted the money since we are a well recognised organisation fighting against extremism and have experts on radicalisation.
Our application was rejected! We were shocked to receive a letter from Multicultural NSW rejecting our application on the grounds that we didn’t provide a financial statement.
A financial statement is required from organisations that have previously received public funding. Our organisation never received any public funding which meant we were not required to lodge a financial statement.
It appears that our rejection was merely a political one.
We were taken aback when we found out that Multicultural NSW granted 8 million dollars to organisations that some of them played a vital role in spreading radical Islam and to organisations who knew nothing about extremism.
A grant of $750,000 was given to the Lebanese Muslim Association. This organisation is known for holding radical Islamic ideology. This organisation was at the centre of many extreme “fatwas” including forbidding Muslims to wish Christians Merry Christmas and happy Easter.
The organisation allowed known extreme preachers to deliver extreme ceremonies in its mosque ( .
We applied again, this time only for $5000. Surely after finding out the list of all the extremist organisations that got hundreds of thousands in grants, our small amount would be approved.
This time Multicultural NSW didn’t reject our application. It just chose to ignore it in violation of procedures of official dealings.
On one hand we have our authorities publicly question the increased levels of radicalisation in Australia. On the other hand we have Multicultural NSW granting millions to the organisations guilty of spreading extremism.
Multicultural NSW participated in spreading extremism by granting millions of dollars to extreme organisations. One of the individuals arrested over a terror plot was going through a de-radicalisation program ( ), most likely administered by Multicultural NSW.
Do we stand a chance of defeating terrorism? I doubt it.
When an organisation like ours that has been fighting extremism for years is refused a $5,000 grant but at the same time extreme organisations are granted 8 million dollars, one needs to ask whose side the authorities are on.
More on authorities support for extremists on our Youtube channel ( or my blog:
Journalists who in the past ignored such problems started contacting me and telling me that I was right in saying all along about our growing extremism in our suburbs. For the past 3 years I had voiced my concerns about the growing number of radicalised Muslims.
For the first time in many years, local politicians had started praising my work and my ideas. Even liberal politician Greg Laundy had asked me to visit him at his office to discuss such issues.
At the time, Social Justice Network was carrying out a de-radicalisation program called “Together We Live”. We were bringing together people from different backgrounds and religious beliefs to discuss the sectarian tensions arising in our suburbs. The meetings were held at people’s homes where we would discuss various issues over coffee.
Encouraged by the positive message from our authorities and media, we decided to take our project “Together We Live” to the next level.
State and federal government announced an increase in funding for de-radicalisation programs. The government allocated 8 million dollars.
Social Justice Network decided to apply for a sum of $25,000. This would allow us to increase our meetings taking minutes to document and publish recommendations. We were sure we would be granted the money since we are a well recognised organisation fighting against extremism and have experts on radicalisation.
Our application was rejected! We were shocked to receive a letter from Multicultural NSW rejecting our application on the grounds that we didn’t provide a financial statement.
A financial statement is required from organisations that have previously received public funding. Our organisation never received any public funding which meant we were not required to lodge a financial statement.
It appears that our rejection was merely a political one.
We were taken aback when we found out that Multicultural NSW granted 8 million dollars to organisations that some of them played a vital role in spreading radical Islam and to organisations who knew nothing about extremism.
A grant of $750,000 was given to the Lebanese Muslim Association. This organisation is known for holding radical Islamic ideology. This organisation was at the centre of many extreme “fatwas” including forbidding Muslims to wish Christians Merry Christmas and happy Easter.
The organisation allowed known extreme preachers to deliver extreme ceremonies in its mosque ( .
We applied again, this time only for $5000. Surely after finding out the list of all the extremist organisations that got hundreds of thousands in grants, our small amount would be approved.
This time Multicultural NSW didn’t reject our application. It just chose to ignore it in violation of procedures of official dealings.
On one hand we have our authorities publicly question the increased levels of radicalisation in Australia. On the other hand we have Multicultural NSW granting millions to the organisations guilty of spreading extremism.
Multicultural NSW participated in spreading extremism by granting millions of dollars to extreme organisations. One of the individuals arrested over a terror plot was going through a de-radicalisation program ( ), most likely administered by Multicultural NSW.
Do we stand a chance of defeating terrorism? I doubt it.
When an organisation like ours that has been fighting extremism for years is refused a $5,000 grant but at the same time extreme organisations are granted 8 million dollars, one needs to ask whose side the authorities are on.
More on authorities support for extremists on our Youtube channel ( or my blog:
Monday, October 10, 2016
Meeting Dr Ali Haidar: Gulf States offered me money to defect...!!!
Each time I visit Damascus, I make sure I meet with Dr Ali Haidar who is the minister for reconciliation. Dr Haidar is a very humble knowledgeable and open minded person. He is part of the current Syrian government representing the national opposition party, the Syrian Social National Party.
On Wednesday 21 September 2016 I had arranged a meeting with the minister in Damascus. The meeting was part of our 3rd International Peace Tour to Syria.
Our group arrived at the ministry’s offices around 1pm. We were welcomed by Dr Ali’s aid and taken into the meeting room. The minister arrived and shook hands with each participant giving everyone a very warm welcome. He apologised for being late explaining that in the current circumstances it was very difficult to plan the day.
We completely understood the situation as we witnessed in first person. Check points are everywhere around the city. This week alone, terrorist tried to attack Damascus from Jober. They only managed to advance a few meters but this was enough for a sniper to kill innocent residents who were in the vicinity of Abbasyeen square. One of the victims was a poor taxi driver who was shot dead and was still in his taxi. The snipers made it difficult for the authorities to retrieve his body and the damaged taxi.
After the warm welcome, the minister explained to us he didn’t want to deliver a possible boring speech and was happier to answer instead, any questions we had for him.
The first question went straight to the point: how can the opposition be part of the government.
Dr Ali:
“At the beginning of the crisis, we shared the views of the opposition and their demands towards the government. One of the main one was the fight against corruption, changes to ensure more democracy and transparency in the government. But then we noticed the crisis took a totally different path
In July 2011, the Syrian government declared it was open to any suggestions. A consultation summit was called to discuss the needed reforms. Our party advocated for other opposition groups to attend the summit and give the government the opportunity to show leadership and willingness to listen.
The majority of the opposition parties instead, called for a boycott of the summit. Our party was also contacted and asked not to participate.
The summit was convened and lead by the president’s former deputy, Faourq Al Sharaa. The government was eager to prove their willingness to listen and cooperate.”
It is at this point of the meeting that Dr Ali dropped a bomb-shell.
“Just before the summit, we were offered large sums of money by Qatar to boycott the summit and the reconciliation process. When I refused the offer of money, the threats came and my son was murdered.
The assassination of my son gave us an indication of the reality of the crisis.
It is at this stage that we decided the best solution to deal with the crisis was to form a government of National Unity. Only united we could deal with the crisis.
We were offered different portfolios in the new cabinet. I came up with the idea of creating a ministry for national reconciliation. The president agreed and invited me to become the minister”
Mark, one of our participants from Canada, asked the minister if the 2011 drought in Syria was behind one of the reasons for this crisis and the “uprising”.
Again, Dr Ali smiled and replied:
“There were a lot of premeditated reasons, but the drought wasn’t one of them.
I want to be clear. The current crisis would have happened even if we had a perfect government. The reason behind the current crisis is related to ensuring the security of Israel.
After Israel’s defeat in the Lebanon war in 2006 and Gaza in 2009 by both Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, Israel supporters thought the best chance to secure the state of Israel, would be to suffocate the resistance and their supporters. This is the reason of the crisis in Syria.”
Q.How are reconciliation efforts going?
Dr Ali:
“At the beginning we faced criticism from all sides. Opposition were accusing us of undermining their requests and government supporters were accusing us of betraying the state. But now both sides have accepted us.
There have been over 20,000 rebels who agreed to lay down their arms and end the rebellion. There even is a special battalion of ex-rebels who are currently fighting with the Syrian army against terrorists. Many of them were killed fighting against terrorists.
There are more than 50 areas under reconciliation agreements, including Darya recently.”
Q. What about the sanctions?
Dr Ali:
“Sanctions are a very painful issue. It is devastating the lives of ordinary Syrians.
As a minister, I am not directly affected by sanctions and I continue to work as normal. It is the ordinary Syrians who are directly hit by these inhumane and illegal sanctions.
Such sanctions have negatively affected our health and education system. We are short in many foods and medicines.
The sanctions were put in place to push the Syrian people into poverty and miserable conditions to encourage an uprise. This has failed and today more than ever the Syrian people are determined to stay united.”
The meeting ended.
In conclusion, to understand the current crisis and how it reached this level, we need to ask a vital question. What was Qatar’s role in the Syrian crisis?
Why did Qatar offer millions of dollars to opposition parties to make them refuse to talk with the government?
Many of the opposition, who refused such offer, ended up dead.
I am sure that the Australian media will not pick up this story as it does not fit their narrative on the Syrian crisis.
The Australian media is clearly participating in supporting terrorists in a bid to destabilise the legitimate Syrian government.
On Wednesday 21 September 2016 I had arranged a meeting with the minister in Damascus. The meeting was part of our 3rd International Peace Tour to Syria.
Our group arrived at the ministry’s offices around 1pm. We were welcomed by Dr Ali’s aid and taken into the meeting room. The minister arrived and shook hands with each participant giving everyone a very warm welcome. He apologised for being late explaining that in the current circumstances it was very difficult to plan the day.
We completely understood the situation as we witnessed in first person. Check points are everywhere around the city. This week alone, terrorist tried to attack Damascus from Jober. They only managed to advance a few meters but this was enough for a sniper to kill innocent residents who were in the vicinity of Abbasyeen square. One of the victims was a poor taxi driver who was shot dead and was still in his taxi. The snipers made it difficult for the authorities to retrieve his body and the damaged taxi.
After the warm welcome, the minister explained to us he didn’t want to deliver a possible boring speech and was happier to answer instead, any questions we had for him.
The first question went straight to the point: how can the opposition be part of the government.
Dr Ali:
“At the beginning of the crisis, we shared the views of the opposition and their demands towards the government. One of the main one was the fight against corruption, changes to ensure more democracy and transparency in the government. But then we noticed the crisis took a totally different path
In July 2011, the Syrian government declared it was open to any suggestions. A consultation summit was called to discuss the needed reforms. Our party advocated for other opposition groups to attend the summit and give the government the opportunity to show leadership and willingness to listen.
The majority of the opposition parties instead, called for a boycott of the summit. Our party was also contacted and asked not to participate.
The summit was convened and lead by the president’s former deputy, Faourq Al Sharaa. The government was eager to prove their willingness to listen and cooperate.”
It is at this point of the meeting that Dr Ali dropped a bomb-shell.
“Just before the summit, we were offered large sums of money by Qatar to boycott the summit and the reconciliation process. When I refused the offer of money, the threats came and my son was murdered.
The assassination of my son gave us an indication of the reality of the crisis.
It is at this stage that we decided the best solution to deal with the crisis was to form a government of National Unity. Only united we could deal with the crisis.
We were offered different portfolios in the new cabinet. I came up with the idea of creating a ministry for national reconciliation. The president agreed and invited me to become the minister”
Mark, one of our participants from Canada, asked the minister if the 2011 drought in Syria was behind one of the reasons for this crisis and the “uprising”.
Again, Dr Ali smiled and replied:
“There were a lot of premeditated reasons, but the drought wasn’t one of them.
I want to be clear. The current crisis would have happened even if we had a perfect government. The reason behind the current crisis is related to ensuring the security of Israel.
After Israel’s defeat in the Lebanon war in 2006 and Gaza in 2009 by both Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, Israel supporters thought the best chance to secure the state of Israel, would be to suffocate the resistance and their supporters. This is the reason of the crisis in Syria.”
Q.How are reconciliation efforts going?
Dr Ali:
“At the beginning we faced criticism from all sides. Opposition were accusing us of undermining their requests and government supporters were accusing us of betraying the state. But now both sides have accepted us.
There have been over 20,000 rebels who agreed to lay down their arms and end the rebellion. There even is a special battalion of ex-rebels who are currently fighting with the Syrian army against terrorists. Many of them were killed fighting against terrorists.
There are more than 50 areas under reconciliation agreements, including Darya recently.”
Q. What about the sanctions?
Dr Ali:
“Sanctions are a very painful issue. It is devastating the lives of ordinary Syrians.
As a minister, I am not directly affected by sanctions and I continue to work as normal. It is the ordinary Syrians who are directly hit by these inhumane and illegal sanctions.
Such sanctions have negatively affected our health and education system. We are short in many foods and medicines.
The sanctions were put in place to push the Syrian people into poverty and miserable conditions to encourage an uprise. This has failed and today more than ever the Syrian people are determined to stay united.”
The meeting ended.
In conclusion, to understand the current crisis and how it reached this level, we need to ask a vital question. What was Qatar’s role in the Syrian crisis?
Why did Qatar offer millions of dollars to opposition parties to make them refuse to talk with the government?
Many of the opposition, who refused such offer, ended up dead.
I am sure that the Australian media will not pick up this story as it does not fit their narrative on the Syrian crisis.
The Australian media is clearly participating in supporting terrorists in a bid to destabilise the legitimate Syrian government.
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Why the media blackout on our regular visits to Syria
The media circus covering the visit of ex Liberal MP Wyatt Roy to the Iraq frontline, constitutes a big hypocrisy in how the media operates in this country.
The visit, which achieved no goal, revealed no facts and had no clear agenda in helping Iraqis, generated wide media coverage for no obvious reason. The failed politician did not tell us any useful information during his controversial visit to the Kurdish fighters’ posts in Iraq. Until now, we are unaware of the reason behind the visit. It seems to have been more a stunt carried out by a politician wanting to come back in the political arena. No more no less.
So here we have a total media circus frenzy covering a non event, whilst ignoring and forcing a total blackout on our highly informative visit to Syria.
The media is not interested to hear from participants on the situation in the war-torn country and is not interested to hear the voices of ordinary Syrians victims of violence.
The media did not show any interest to hear from participants from more than 8 countries and their observations of what is really happening in Syria and the Middle East. But it was highly interested to cover the story of a dumb politician going to Iraq with absolutely no aim or interest.
The deliberate media blackout on our highly informative visit to Syria had only one agenda, keeping the truth from the Australian people and other people in Western countries.
Returning from Syria recently, I was shocked to watch our media coverage of what is happening in Syria. The media is reporting on something totally different. The truth is so far off that it’s like watching a Hollywood movie in a made up world.
A clear example of one of the big deceits perpetrated by our media, is the “safe passage” for civilians wishing to leave Eastern Aleppo suburbs. They chose to ignore the fact that the Syrian government and Russia have declared 5 safe passages more than 2 weeks ago for all civilians who wish to leave. It was the snipers of the terrorist group Jabhat Al Nusra who killed civilians trying to escape.
The media was quick in accusing the Syrian and Russian army for the killing of the civilians totally ignoring the fact that Eastern suburbs of Aleppo are under the control of terrorists from the Jabhat Al Nusra and most of the civilians there are terrorists and their families. The media did not mention the name of Jabhat Al Nusra once!
Our fact finding Syrian peace tours included peace activists and freelance journalists from many countries. Not one of our 3 tours we organised in the last 12 months was ever mentioned in the media.
We filmed testimonies of many ordinary Syrians expressing their support for their government and their president. Ordinary Syrians we interviewed, accused Western countries of financing, training and arming ISIS and Jabhat AL Nusra. Our media is clearly not interested in the truth.
By enforcing a total blackout on our visits to Syria our media continues to deceive the Australian people by hiding the truth of what is really happening in Syria and the Middle East. Such a deception campaign not only has aided terrorists but it has increased the levels of extremism in our society.
And they still ask: where did all this radicalisation come from..?!!!
The visit, which achieved no goal, revealed no facts and had no clear agenda in helping Iraqis, generated wide media coverage for no obvious reason. The failed politician did not tell us any useful information during his controversial visit to the Kurdish fighters’ posts in Iraq. Until now, we are unaware of the reason behind the visit. It seems to have been more a stunt carried out by a politician wanting to come back in the political arena. No more no less.
So here we have a total media circus frenzy covering a non event, whilst ignoring and forcing a total blackout on our highly informative visit to Syria.
The media is not interested to hear from participants on the situation in the war-torn country and is not interested to hear the voices of ordinary Syrians victims of violence.
The media did not show any interest to hear from participants from more than 8 countries and their observations of what is really happening in Syria and the Middle East. But it was highly interested to cover the story of a dumb politician going to Iraq with absolutely no aim or interest.
The deliberate media blackout on our highly informative visit to Syria had only one agenda, keeping the truth from the Australian people and other people in Western countries.
Returning from Syria recently, I was shocked to watch our media coverage of what is happening in Syria. The media is reporting on something totally different. The truth is so far off that it’s like watching a Hollywood movie in a made up world.
A clear example of one of the big deceits perpetrated by our media, is the “safe passage” for civilians wishing to leave Eastern Aleppo suburbs. They chose to ignore the fact that the Syrian government and Russia have declared 5 safe passages more than 2 weeks ago for all civilians who wish to leave. It was the snipers of the terrorist group Jabhat Al Nusra who killed civilians trying to escape.
The media was quick in accusing the Syrian and Russian army for the killing of the civilians totally ignoring the fact that Eastern suburbs of Aleppo are under the control of terrorists from the Jabhat Al Nusra and most of the civilians there are terrorists and their families. The media did not mention the name of Jabhat Al Nusra once!
Our fact finding Syrian peace tours included peace activists and freelance journalists from many countries. Not one of our 3 tours we organised in the last 12 months was ever mentioned in the media.
We filmed testimonies of many ordinary Syrians expressing their support for their government and their president. Ordinary Syrians we interviewed, accused Western countries of financing, training and arming ISIS and Jabhat AL Nusra. Our media is clearly not interested in the truth.
By enforcing a total blackout on our visits to Syria our media continues to deceive the Australian people by hiding the truth of what is really happening in Syria and the Middle East. Such a deception campaign not only has aided terrorists but it has increased the levels of extremism in our society.
And they still ask: where did all this radicalisation come from..?!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Rising Islamophobia: who to blame...!!!
For the last 6 years and since the beginning of terrorist activities in Syria under the banner of “revolution”, I (and many community leaders and activists) were warning of the dire consequences for the current rhetoric on the issue. The major concern for us was that such rhetoric would lead to a deep division in the society and inevitable skyrocketing Islamophobia. We also warned that official support for radical elements in the society will increase the actual possibility of imminent terrorist activities in the country. This would help the radicals establish networks this way spreading their extreme philosophies.
Our warnings fell on deaf ears!
Now and after the revelation of Centrelink’s payments to ISIS terrorists, authorities need to take major steps.
Scandals such as this one and previous terrorist activities have greatly helped the increase of Islamophobia never experienced before in this country’s history.
We saw the results of this high level of Islamophobia in last month’s Federal election results, where anti-Muslim micro-parties gained big political representation in our parliament.
Thanks to the increase of a divided society, now we are experiencing attacks from both sides and not only in the virtual world.
For the first time in years our authorities arrested neo Nazi activist for planning terrorist attacks against Muslims or pro-Muslim targets.
As a well-known anti-extremism campaigner, I find myself (and I believe many of anti-extremism Muslim activists) in a unique position.
Since the beginning of terrorism in Syria, I was subjected to vicious campaigns of attacks and threats by Wahhabi “Muslim” extremists. These days, the threats and fear is coming from anti-Muslim extremists, for being Muslim.
Not only this. To date and because of my opposition to US-NATO intervention in Syria, authorities are against me. Last year, Australian authorities directed AFP and ABF to target me by subjecting me to a humiliating investigation at the airport. Then AFP lead a major covert operation involving the collection of false testimonies from at least two “community leaders” (actually ASIO informants) and cooperated with some segment of corrupt Lebanese authorities to ban me from entering Lebanon. Such move was hailed as a victory by extremists, which they expressed in messages and comments on my Facebook page.
In answering the dumb question of “who to blame” for this situation of high radicalisation (to the point of imminent terrorist attack) and skyrocketing Islamophobia, the official answer is “Google sheikhs” and “Youtube Imams”.
I am not sure if the authorities classify Centrelink as Google Sheikh? What about classifying Bob Carr as “Youtube Imam”?
Our lives are rapidly degrading because of US ambition to destroy an unfriendly state (Syria). Our lives are under imminent danger of terrorist attacks because of this US dream/plan. And our rights were taken away under the mirage of authorities fight against terrorism, when in fact they were supporting radical elements in the society for the last 6 years.
I see no hope of change in the immediate future.
Our authorities are still conspiring against me because of my opposition to US-NATO destructive plan.
Our PM still invites extremists/godfathers of terrorists for Iftar and has regular consultations on how to fight radicalisation.
Our media is still glorifying the various godfathers of extremism portraying them as “anti-extremism champions”.
Our “human rights organisations” still recognise the work of extremists as exemplary to fight against radicalisation.
Our government departments still fund extremist organisations, but refuse to fund the anti-extremism ones.
And the anti-Muslim extremists still attack all Muslims indiscriminately, for being just Muslims without taking the time to understand the difference.
Soon, we will start a campaign to bring the real perpetrators of this mess into the spotlight.
Watch this space!
Our warnings fell on deaf ears!
Now and after the revelation of Centrelink’s payments to ISIS terrorists, authorities need to take major steps.
Scandals such as this one and previous terrorist activities have greatly helped the increase of Islamophobia never experienced before in this country’s history.
We saw the results of this high level of Islamophobia in last month’s Federal election results, where anti-Muslim micro-parties gained big political representation in our parliament.
Thanks to the increase of a divided society, now we are experiencing attacks from both sides and not only in the virtual world.
For the first time in years our authorities arrested neo Nazi activist for planning terrorist attacks against Muslims or pro-Muslim targets.
As a well-known anti-extremism campaigner, I find myself (and I believe many of anti-extremism Muslim activists) in a unique position.
Since the beginning of terrorism in Syria, I was subjected to vicious campaigns of attacks and threats by Wahhabi “Muslim” extremists. These days, the threats and fear is coming from anti-Muslim extremists, for being Muslim.
Not only this. To date and because of my opposition to US-NATO intervention in Syria, authorities are against me. Last year, Australian authorities directed AFP and ABF to target me by subjecting me to a humiliating investigation at the airport. Then AFP lead a major covert operation involving the collection of false testimonies from at least two “community leaders” (actually ASIO informants) and cooperated with some segment of corrupt Lebanese authorities to ban me from entering Lebanon. Such move was hailed as a victory by extremists, which they expressed in messages and comments on my Facebook page.
In answering the dumb question of “who to blame” for this situation of high radicalisation (to the point of imminent terrorist attack) and skyrocketing Islamophobia, the official answer is “Google sheikhs” and “Youtube Imams”.
I am not sure if the authorities classify Centrelink as Google Sheikh? What about classifying Bob Carr as “Youtube Imam”?
Our lives are rapidly degrading because of US ambition to destroy an unfriendly state (Syria). Our lives are under imminent danger of terrorist attacks because of this US dream/plan. And our rights were taken away under the mirage of authorities fight against terrorism, when in fact they were supporting radical elements in the society for the last 6 years.
I see no hope of change in the immediate future.
Our authorities are still conspiring against me because of my opposition to US-NATO destructive plan.
Our PM still invites extremists/godfathers of terrorists for Iftar and has regular consultations on how to fight radicalisation.
Our media is still glorifying the various godfathers of extremism portraying them as “anti-extremism champions”.
Our “human rights organisations” still recognise the work of extremists as exemplary to fight against radicalisation.
Our government departments still fund extremist organisations, but refuse to fund the anti-extremism ones.
And the anti-Muslim extremists still attack all Muslims indiscriminately, for being just Muslims without taking the time to understand the difference.
Soon, we will start a campaign to bring the real perpetrators of this mess into the spotlight.
Watch this space!
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
نتائج معركة حلب كما توقعتها قبل خمس اعوام: ستهزمون...!!!ِ
في شهر اكتوبر/تشرين اول 2011 التقيت وبالصدفة مع احد قياديي اخوان مسلمي سوريا في العاصمة الاردنية عمان. كنت قادما من طهران بعد المشاركة في مؤتمر للصحفيين المستقلين. القيادي الاخونجي كان زميلا قديما في مهنة الطب البيطري, حيث استقر في عمان بعد فشل مخطط الاخوان الارهابي في سبعينيات وثماننينات القرن الماضي. وبالصدفة كان زميلا لي في عيادة مجاورة لعيادتي في منطقة زيزيا خارج العاصمة عمان.
بعد اعادة التعارف (بعد اكثر من عقد ونصف من مغادرتي للاردن), احببت استطلاع رايه عما يحدث في بلده الام سوريا. كان واثقا في كلامه الواضح "هذه المرة سيسقط النظام وسنصل للسلطة, وخلال اشهر. لدينا كل المعطيات والتطمينات".
عاجلته بسؤال "يعني الامريكي اعطاكم الضمانات والوعود ام الاسرائيلي".
عاجلني بجواب صاعق لم اتوقعه "ليس مهما من اعطانا الوعود المهم تحقيق الهدف".
"حتى لو تحالفتم مع اسرائيل, كما صرح قيادييكم وعلى راسهم البيانوني"
اشتدت دهشتي لصراحته المطلقة "سنتحالف مع الشيطان لاسقاط النظام".
اعدت السؤال من شدة دهشتي "حتى مع اسرائيل".
"قلت لك حتى مع الشيطان"
لم يترك لي مجال للدبلوماسية فبادرته بحدة "هذا سيحصل فقط في احلامكم. كما حدث في الماضي القريب, ستسحقون مرة اخرى. هذه المرة للابد".
كنت قادما من طهران حيث التقيت بعض الاصدقاء من المقربين لصناع القرار هناك. كانوا جميعهم قلقين. كنت اطمع ان احصل على اجابات عن الاسئلة الكثيرة التي حملتها معي لطهران عن الازمة السورية. بدلا من ان اتلقى اي اجابات, ووجهت بعاصفة من الاسئلة على راسها "هل سيصمد النظام ام يتفكك, كما حدث في ليبيا".
الكل في طهران كان يدرك حجم المؤامرة على سوريا. الخوف الوحيد كان ان تنجح الفتنة الطائفية (كما حدث في الحرب الاهلية اللبنانية) فيتشظى البلد.
في كل لقاءاتي كنت متفائلا. هذا التفاؤل الذي لم يشاطرني فيه احد.
بادرني احد الاعلاميين الايرانيين بالقول "لو خرجت تظاهرات مليونية... لو انشق الجيش على اساس طائفي وديني... لو خاف الوزراء والمسؤولون من مصير كمصير القذافي وكل من وقف في وجه "الربيع العربي" فانشق او هرب او اعتزل... لو حصل اي من هذا فلن تستطيع ايران مساعدة حليفها السوري. بل الخوف الحقيقي هو: لو تخلى الروسي عن حليفه (كما حدث في ليبيا قبل اشهر) وسمح للناتو بالهجوم على سوريا, هل سيملك النظام شجاعه الدخول في حرب ضد الناتو واسرائيل؟"
في مقالة لي في بداية الازمة (فشل مخططات الاطاحة بالنظام السوري وانعكاساته على مستقبل المنطقة, النهار الاسترالية, 12/5/2011), قلت تحليلا ان الروسي لن يتخلى عن سوريا. كما توقعت, وعلى خلاف معظم المحللين, بان سوريا لن تنهار. فسوريا ليست ليبيا القذافي. كما ان الظروف الدولية ليست كتلك ايام الغزو الامريكي للعراق. في مقالتي تلك قلت ان سوريا ستصمد. بل ذهبت الى ابعد من ذلك حيث توقعت ان يسفر انهيار المؤامرة الغربية على سوريا الى تغيرات جذرية في النظام العالمي تعيد بعض التوازن اليه. هذه التغيرات التي بدأت تطل براسها منذ نهاية العام الماضي بالتدخل الروسي العسكري خارج روسيا لاول مرة منذ انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي. هذا التدخل الذي ارسل رسالة واضحة بان روسيا قد عادت دولة مهمه على الساحه الدولية.
معارك حلب الدائرة الان تعتبر الخاتمة لما جاء في توقعاتي في المقالة التي نشرتها في شهر ايار/مايو 2011. الامريكي الان يزج بكل ما يملك من ارهابيين في المعركة الاخيرة قبل اعلانه الفشل النهائي في المغامرة السورية. فحشد حوالي 30 الف ارهابي وتوحيد اكثر من 20 فصيل عسكري مهم وكبير, الهدف منه محاولة صنع انتصار مهم قد يقلب الوضع الميداني لصالح ادوات المؤامرة الامبريالية.
هذا الهدف مفهوم لدى القيادة السورية وحليفها الروسي. هذا الفهم الذي سيجعل القيادتين السورية والروسية (وبالتعاون مع ايران) مصرتين تماما على احباطه, حتى لو تاتى هذا الاحباط بسياسة الارض المحروقة تماما لمناطق وجود الارهابيين. هذه السياسة التي بدأت منذ الامس بغارات عنيفة واستخدام كل انواع الاسلحة الثقيلة ليس فقط ضد المواقع التي تراجع عنها الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه في الكليات الحربية, بل وفي عقر دار الارهابيين في ادلب وريفها.
قد يقول قائل ان زج امريكا لهذا الكم الهائل من ارهابييها في معركة حلب ما هو الا مرحلة من مراحل الازمة وانها قادرة, حتى لو فشل الهجوم, ان تحشد المزيد من الارهابيين واطلاق عملية اخرى في حلب او في منطقة اخرى.
هذا السيناريو قد يكون منطقيا قبل عام او اثنين. فبعد ان زحف الارهاب الى باريس وبروكسل ولندن وسيدني واورلندو. وبعد انهيار معنويات الارهابيين بعد خساراتهم الهائلة في حمص وريف اللاذقية والغوطة والقلمون والانبار وصلاح الدين وسرت. بعد كل ذلك, فان هزيمة على مستوى صد هجوم ل30 الف ارهابي, سيكون بمثابة القشة التي قصمت ظهر البعير. مع ان البعير هو بعير غبي مغيب العقل والانسانية والاخلاق والشعور. الا ان هزائم متلاحقة على هذا المستوى الاقليمي سيعيد بعض العقل لمن غيبتهم انتصارات الرقة والموصل وسرت الى حد الغيبوبة عن الواقع تماما. كما ان الاوروبي تحت ضغط هائل لمنع مزيد من العمليات الارهابية في قلب عواصمه, لاعطاء مزيد من الوقت لمغامرات جديدة للثنائي المرعب اوباما-كيري.
في رأيي فان معركة حلب محسومة ومنذ ساعاتها الاولى. الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه لا يستطيعون فقدان اي نقطة عسكرية حول حلب. بل ان الازمة وصلت الى نقطة ان تحرير حلب الان هو هدف يتقدم على اي هدف اخر, حتى هدف تحرير غوطة دمشق المهمه. المعركة ليست خسارة نقطة عسكرية هنا او اخرى هناك. القضية الان هو المحافظه على هيبة ما تحقق بعد الاشتراك الروسي في المعارك وبالتالي المحافظة على هيبة الحليف الروسي الطامع للعودة الى مصاف الدول العظمى. كما ان الهدف الاخر هو توجيه رسالة قاطعه للثنائي الارهابي اوباما-كيري الذين مارسا سياسة الخداع والكذب منذ بداية الازمة حتى الان. هذه الرسالة مفادها ان الروسي لن يسمح لهم بتحقيق اي انتصار سيشجعهم على التمادي في سياسة الخداع الاجرامي.
معركة حلب واحباط مخطط واشنطن هناك سيجعل الروسي يوجه رسالة صادمة ومباشرة للامريكي: لن نسمح لكم بالاستمرار في خداعنا.
عندما توقعت منذ البداية ان سوريا ستسحق الارهاب ومخططه, ابتسم زميلي البيطري الاخونجي. كما تعجب بعض المسؤولين في طهران. كما ضحك علي المتطرفون في استراليا. وها هي حلب تثبت مقولتي. وانا واثق من نصر الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه في حلب.
في الحقيقة فان الامريكي اراد معركة حلب ان تكون معركة فاصلة لاهانة الحليف الروسي وبالتالي تاجيل استحقاقات كبرى اهمها ضرورة ارساء دعائم نظام عالمي جديد متعدد الاقطاب. والروسي يريد من معركة حلب القضاء على هذا الهدف الامريكي الشرير وبالتالي تسريع الوصول الى هذه التفاهمات الدولية الوازنة.
وحلب منتصرة قريبا على الارهاب الدولي ومشغليه.
Monday, August 01, 2016
The Greens public infighting: my own observations
After watching the 7:30 Report, Lee Rhiannon has only herself to blame for the public attack by former leader Bob Brown on her including demanding her resignation.
I joined the Greens party 2000 and resigned 2006. Lee was the major reason why I resigned, as I became sure that the party has no vision and no agenda of socio-economic change as they claim by its charter and constitution. The party was talking about one issue: how to win more power. No discussion of how this power will be used to enforce 2 major parties to retreat and accept reforms that will achieve better equality in the society.
After joining the Greens party 2000, I quickly became friend of Lee.
Attending Greens events and meetings, there was one constant face I was seeing. And this person was always vocal on issues of social justice and equality. No matter the subject was, you cannot disagree with her. This was Lee Rhiannon, the MLC in NSW then.
She was very good organiser: she is everywhere, at all events, record details of everything and follows up on previous conversations. This is why she was successful in her empire-building inside the Greens and could sideline many of her rivals.
Contrary to what both Bob Brown and Lee Rhiannon claimed on 7:30 Report, it was very easy to notice the factionalism inside the party since Lee joined the party 1990. One of Lee’s strong supporters told me after 2001 Federal election that she voted and joined the Greens after Lee’s prominence in the party which “broadened the platform of the Greens from simply environmental party to inclusive party on wide-range of social-justice issues”. She in fact created factions inside the Greens to serve its agenda, as she has no credential or understanding of environmental movement and issues.
While I do not agree with Bob Brown’s conservative and pragmatic politics aimed at winning more votes only, but I do not agree that Lee is still Red Melon politician. She is using this rhetoric just to stay in politics. She had dream of becoming the leader of the Greens party, and this is why she stayed in parliament even after the resignation of party’s historical figures of Bob Brown, Christine Milne and Ian Cohen.
Bob Brown agreed with me that Lee is liability on the Greens in general, and in NSW in particular. Her style of breaking all rivals and enforce them to resign, had inherited her lot of enemies. Many of her enemies refused to help with her campaign in 2010 and this year. This is one reason of the low vote for Lee and her ticket.
But in addition to this reason, we believe that our repeated campaigns against her (and the Greens in general) had worked. Since 2007, the Greens popularity did not grow significantly in NSW. Despite the fact that the Greens grew significantly in ALL states, NSW is the only state that the Greens popularity had stalled.
I started to criticise Lee’s empire building and her vicious campaigns against all rivals since 2003. In 2003 state election, I resigned amid the NSW election as party spokesperson for Refugees and Immigration after she interfered with my portfolio. Since then, I became harsh critical of her style of destroying political rivals inside the Greens. In addition to her lack of commitment and vision on social justice issues.
Her undemocratic disgraceful attacks on her colleagues were documented by many of her rivals and activists on many issues.
The first colleague to suffer from her disloyalty was Ian Cohen, when she led vicious campaign to oust him by campaigning to enforce limited tenure principle. The same principle that she never respected.
She branded him with all bad names and descriptions: Zionist, regressive, dead-man walking and unGreen MLC.
In the process, she also opened fire on Inner-West Greens because the convenor of that group, Mersina Tonys-Soulos, did not accept to agree with her on many issues.
After conspiring against Inner-West Greens, Lee involved in bashing Blacktown newly formed group. Lee could not control that group as the convenor David Cunningham refused to back her attempts against Ian Cohen.
Then she conspired against me and group of progressive left members. This included many failed attempts to get rid of me and other progressive people. Most of us decided to leave as we lost the faith in the party and its lack of vision.
(I attach a letter of resignation of one of very respected activist because of her empire-building undemocratic practices to totally control the party)
Lee had shown no compromise in her bid to keep full control of the NSW Greens. Despite the fact that her rivals of other factions’ leaders agreement to play within the rules. She is the only one that crossed all red-lines in her cheap and personal attacks on rivals and her insistence to stay in politics as long as it takes until she could control Australian Greens.
I deeply believe that Lee has no chance to achieve her agenda. She thought that her support of young faces (who were never been Greenies too) will land her to the top job in the Greens. The other unGreen politicians (Adam Bandt, Di Natalie, Sarah Hanson-Young...) turned to be also careerists-opportunists that had their eyes on the leadership of the party.
I also disagree with Bob that Greens had made any significant gains in this election. The election was double dissolution election, where the Greens achieved no full quota in any state if it was normal election. No Greens party in any state got the 14.5% quota required in normal election.
I think that the in-fighting will intensify until Lee will be convinced that she has no chance to win leadership post. But this will have great impact on the Greens. The Greens is deeply lucky party that there is no strong minor left party that could attract significant voters who are currently voting for the Greens as protest against Labor and Liberals. But the big changes resulted in this election is promising that another left alternative is possible within the next 3 years until the next election (if we go to full term).
I joined the Greens party 2000 and resigned 2006. Lee was the major reason why I resigned, as I became sure that the party has no vision and no agenda of socio-economic change as they claim by its charter and constitution. The party was talking about one issue: how to win more power. No discussion of how this power will be used to enforce 2 major parties to retreat and accept reforms that will achieve better equality in the society.
After joining the Greens party 2000, I quickly became friend of Lee.
Attending Greens events and meetings, there was one constant face I was seeing. And this person was always vocal on issues of social justice and equality. No matter the subject was, you cannot disagree with her. This was Lee Rhiannon, the MLC in NSW then.
She was very good organiser: she is everywhere, at all events, record details of everything and follows up on previous conversations. This is why she was successful in her empire-building inside the Greens and could sideline many of her rivals.
Contrary to what both Bob Brown and Lee Rhiannon claimed on 7:30 Report, it was very easy to notice the factionalism inside the party since Lee joined the party 1990. One of Lee’s strong supporters told me after 2001 Federal election that she voted and joined the Greens after Lee’s prominence in the party which “broadened the platform of the Greens from simply environmental party to inclusive party on wide-range of social-justice issues”. She in fact created factions inside the Greens to serve its agenda, as she has no credential or understanding of environmental movement and issues.
While I do not agree with Bob Brown’s conservative and pragmatic politics aimed at winning more votes only, but I do not agree that Lee is still Red Melon politician. She is using this rhetoric just to stay in politics. She had dream of becoming the leader of the Greens party, and this is why she stayed in parliament even after the resignation of party’s historical figures of Bob Brown, Christine Milne and Ian Cohen.
Bob Brown agreed with me that Lee is liability on the Greens in general, and in NSW in particular. Her style of breaking all rivals and enforce them to resign, had inherited her lot of enemies. Many of her enemies refused to help with her campaign in 2010 and this year. This is one reason of the low vote for Lee and her ticket.
But in addition to this reason, we believe that our repeated campaigns against her (and the Greens in general) had worked. Since 2007, the Greens popularity did not grow significantly in NSW. Despite the fact that the Greens grew significantly in ALL states, NSW is the only state that the Greens popularity had stalled.
I started to criticise Lee’s empire building and her vicious campaigns against all rivals since 2003. In 2003 state election, I resigned amid the NSW election as party spokesperson for Refugees and Immigration after she interfered with my portfolio. Since then, I became harsh critical of her style of destroying political rivals inside the Greens. In addition to her lack of commitment and vision on social justice issues.
Her undemocratic disgraceful attacks on her colleagues were documented by many of her rivals and activists on many issues.
The first colleague to suffer from her disloyalty was Ian Cohen, when she led vicious campaign to oust him by campaigning to enforce limited tenure principle. The same principle that she never respected.
She branded him with all bad names and descriptions: Zionist, regressive, dead-man walking and unGreen MLC.
In the process, she also opened fire on Inner-West Greens because the convenor of that group, Mersina Tonys-Soulos, did not accept to agree with her on many issues.
After conspiring against Inner-West Greens, Lee involved in bashing Blacktown newly formed group. Lee could not control that group as the convenor David Cunningham refused to back her attempts against Ian Cohen.
Then she conspired against me and group of progressive left members. This included many failed attempts to get rid of me and other progressive people. Most of us decided to leave as we lost the faith in the party and its lack of vision.
(I attach a letter of resignation of one of very respected activist because of her empire-building undemocratic practices to totally control the party)
Lee had shown no compromise in her bid to keep full control of the NSW Greens. Despite the fact that her rivals of other factions’ leaders agreement to play within the rules. She is the only one that crossed all red-lines in her cheap and personal attacks on rivals and her insistence to stay in politics as long as it takes until she could control Australian Greens.
I deeply believe that Lee has no chance to achieve her agenda. She thought that her support of young faces (who were never been Greenies too) will land her to the top job in the Greens. The other unGreen politicians (Adam Bandt, Di Natalie, Sarah Hanson-Young...) turned to be also careerists-opportunists that had their eyes on the leadership of the party.
I also disagree with Bob that Greens had made any significant gains in this election. The election was double dissolution election, where the Greens achieved no full quota in any state if it was normal election. No Greens party in any state got the 14.5% quota required in normal election.
I think that the in-fighting will intensify until Lee will be convinced that she has no chance to win leadership post. But this will have great impact on the Greens. The Greens is deeply lucky party that there is no strong minor left party that could attract significant voters who are currently voting for the Greens as protest against Labor and Liberals. But the big changes resulted in this election is promising that another left alternative is possible within the next 3 years until the next election (if we go to full term).
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Repeated terrorist attacks in Australia: I was right on terrorism...!!!
We, as citizens, have all rights to ask our authorities: why?
Why do we have this high radicalisation level? And why you cannot control it and cannot start successful de-radicalisation steps?
Before Khaled Sharrouf managed to leave Australia and reach Syria with no valid passport.
Before AFP admitted that they cooked the conspiracy with “community leaders” and foreign powers to ban me from entering Lebanon.
Before my local MP Jason Clare refused to meet me and other community members/victims of radicals’ attacks.
Before PM invited extremists to annual Iftar, while excluding anti-extremist campaigners from invitation.
Before authorities granted millions of dollars to extreme organisations to manage anti-extremism programs.
Before all this, I was trying to give our authorities the “benefit of doubt” for lacking any sense on these actions.
But the reality of things is very concerning. For me the real causes of radicalisation is very clear now.
When I was warning about growing extremism in the suburbs, the leader of NSW Liberal party was sending condolence letters to families of Australian terrorists killed in Syria.
When I was living in fear in my home, fearing attacks form radicals because of my anti-extremism campaigns; Labor leader was busy calling Syrian ambassador asking him to leave the country because Syrian army was fighting against terrorists including our own ones. Labor leader was busy supporting terrorists by calling on Al Qaeda affiliates to assassinate Syrian president as the only solution of growing terrorism in Syria.
When I was reporting to media about Wahhabi extremists’ crimes against Ali Ibrahim, Campsie police station officers were busy threatening me of legal consequences if I continued with these actions.
When I travelled to Syria in fact-finding mission and to promote peaceful solution for the conflicts, SBS and ABC were busy condemning me even before hearing what I will say about the situation in Syria.
When I was organising peace tours for journalists and peace activist to Syria, our security agencies were busy cooking conspiracies with foreign powers to cripple my ability to travel to Syria, through banning me from entering Lebanon.
When I was documenting Wahhabi crimes against local shop owners and peace activists, the Greens party politicians were busy calling for NATO to bomb Syria as the best available support for rebels-terrorists in Syria.
For all this, I feel very proud that I was right for the last 5 years.
I was right to consider Syrian “revolution” as Western conspiracy to get rid of unfriendly regime using terrorism.
I feel proud that I opposed this “revolution” and considered it to be the mother of all terrorist activities around the world.
And I am proud that I warned Australians that current authorities’ approach will not solve any problem. On the contrary.
Banning me from entering Lebanon, gave extremist “morale” boost that they still enjoy authorities support.
Refusing to grant our organisation a single dollar to manage anti-radicalisation program, is the wrong message to all directions.
Authorities insistence to invite extremists to activities and events on behalf of Australian Muslims, gives the extremists strong sense of power and influence.
In short, our authorities are on the wrong path and they need to change course. Before it is too late.....
Why do we have this high radicalisation level? And why you cannot control it and cannot start successful de-radicalisation steps?
Before Khaled Sharrouf managed to leave Australia and reach Syria with no valid passport.
Before AFP admitted that they cooked the conspiracy with “community leaders” and foreign powers to ban me from entering Lebanon.
Before my local MP Jason Clare refused to meet me and other community members/victims of radicals’ attacks.
Before PM invited extremists to annual Iftar, while excluding anti-extremist campaigners from invitation.
Before authorities granted millions of dollars to extreme organisations to manage anti-extremism programs.
Before all this, I was trying to give our authorities the “benefit of doubt” for lacking any sense on these actions.
But the reality of things is very concerning. For me the real causes of radicalisation is very clear now.
When I was warning about growing extremism in the suburbs, the leader of NSW Liberal party was sending condolence letters to families of Australian terrorists killed in Syria.
When I was living in fear in my home, fearing attacks form radicals because of my anti-extremism campaigns; Labor leader was busy calling Syrian ambassador asking him to leave the country because Syrian army was fighting against terrorists including our own ones. Labor leader was busy supporting terrorists by calling on Al Qaeda affiliates to assassinate Syrian president as the only solution of growing terrorism in Syria.
When I was reporting to media about Wahhabi extremists’ crimes against Ali Ibrahim, Campsie police station officers were busy threatening me of legal consequences if I continued with these actions.
When I travelled to Syria in fact-finding mission and to promote peaceful solution for the conflicts, SBS and ABC were busy condemning me even before hearing what I will say about the situation in Syria.
When I was organising peace tours for journalists and peace activist to Syria, our security agencies were busy cooking conspiracies with foreign powers to cripple my ability to travel to Syria, through banning me from entering Lebanon.
When I was documenting Wahhabi crimes against local shop owners and peace activists, the Greens party politicians were busy calling for NATO to bomb Syria as the best available support for rebels-terrorists in Syria.
For all this, I feel very proud that I was right for the last 5 years.
I was right to consider Syrian “revolution” as Western conspiracy to get rid of unfriendly regime using terrorism.
I feel proud that I opposed this “revolution” and considered it to be the mother of all terrorist activities around the world.
And I am proud that I warned Australians that current authorities’ approach will not solve any problem. On the contrary.
Banning me from entering Lebanon, gave extremist “morale” boost that they still enjoy authorities support.
Refusing to grant our organisation a single dollar to manage anti-radicalisation program, is the wrong message to all directions.
Authorities insistence to invite extremists to activities and events on behalf of Australian Muslims, gives the extremists strong sense of power and influence.
In short, our authorities are on the wrong path and they need to change course. Before it is too late.....
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
The terrorist’s crimes our media did not expose: the magic of Syrian “revolution”..!!
Syrian “revolution” is an amazing phenomena. I can claim easily that what is before Syrian “revolution” is totally different than what is after it.
Before the Syrian “revolution”, Australian politicians were united against the word “revolution”. They were united against Egyptian revolution 1952, Palestinians revolution, Lebanese resistance, Iranian revolution, Chi Guevara anti-imperialist revolution, Nicaraguan revolution, Cuban revolution....
When Syrian “revolution” started, all our politicians quickly fell in love with this “revolution”. Not only this. Politicians volunteered to fundraise for this “revolution”. They risked their jobs by running election campaigns in support of it.
Many members of parliament refused to meet with constituents, victims of supporters of this “revolution”. Member of Blaxland and Watson, for example, refused to meet with Ali Ibrahim (shot in his legs by “revolution” supporters), Michael Naji (whose shop was burned), Ali Al Isawi (physically and verbally assaulted and lost his shop under gun threat by “revolution” supporters) and the writer of this piece who was verbally and physically assaulted for 3 years by hundreds of “revolution” supporters.
The effect of the magic of this “revolution” does not stop with politicians. It goes beyond.
For the first time in Australian contemporary history, our law&order agencies stopped hunting the extremists, supporters of this “revolution”. Instead of spying on them and gather all information needed to arrest them and send them to jail, these agencies were siding with them against the law abiding citizens who fell victims of their violent activities.
And do not forget about our media. The media that was largely spreading Islamopghobic sentiments for the last 2 decades, suddenly became silent on Islamists’ crimes. The media that did not spare any minor incident involved or committed by Muslim or somebody looks like Muslim to stir Islamophobic sentiments, suddenly with the Syrian “revolution” magic became Muslim friendly.
Media had refused to highlight the sectarian tension created by radicals supporters of Syrian revolution against all rivals. We deeply believe that if media was actively talking about these crimes from early 2012, radicalisation would not have reached the current high and alarming level. Media’s silence on this tension and related crimes, enabled authorities to keep its complacency with supporters of this revolution.
Let me talk about recent example.
Recently, our media reported for one day only about shocking crime happened in Melbourne. Extremist Bassam Raad killed his wife and cut her body into pieces and dumped these pieces in the park. He savagely bashed his kids, threatening them not to talk about what they had witnessed. Our media reported this incident as an ordinary criminal activity.
Media did not tell us why terrorist Bassam committed this crime. Media did not give us any hint about the real story. We needed to count on Lebanese media to get the full story.
Al Jadeed Lebanese TV visited the family of his wife in Lebanon. The satellite TV got all details needed to disclose the real motives behind this horrendous crime.
Al Jadeed TV revealed that Bassam Raad is a well known ISIS member. He killed his wife after she refused to travel with him to Syria to join ISIS in killing innocent Syrians. There are conflicting reports that Bassam actually was one of the terrorists who returned recently form fighting in Syria. He came back to Australia to convince his wife to go with him to Syria.
Our media not only did not run the full story, but it refused to run proper full story.
After I became aware of the full story, I contacted many journalists who were cooperating with us in past on similar stories. I provided them with the full story, with supporting evidence from foreign media, including respected media outlets like RT, AL Jadeed TV, AL Mayadeen TV and others. For some reason, no journalist showed any interest in following the story.
The superficial reports ran by our media about these shocking crimes, stirred further Islamophobia. Australians had been fed again and again with Islamophpbic sentiments that Muslims are violent and can cut their wives into pieces for no reasons.
We believe that media lack of proper coverage aimed to protect Syrian “revolution” from further damage and exposure. The media refused to run real story to stop any linking between Syrian “revolution” and domestic terrorism, especially if we can get some confirmation that Bassam was in fact a returned terrorist.
Why does Syrian “revolution” enjoy such high immunity?
More to come on similar stories. We will not keep one stone unturned until we expose the reality of authorities and media’s complacency with terrorists....
Before the Syrian “revolution”, Australian politicians were united against the word “revolution”. They were united against Egyptian revolution 1952, Palestinians revolution, Lebanese resistance, Iranian revolution, Chi Guevara anti-imperialist revolution, Nicaraguan revolution, Cuban revolution....
When Syrian “revolution” started, all our politicians quickly fell in love with this “revolution”. Not only this. Politicians volunteered to fundraise for this “revolution”. They risked their jobs by running election campaigns in support of it.
Many members of parliament refused to meet with constituents, victims of supporters of this “revolution”. Member of Blaxland and Watson, for example, refused to meet with Ali Ibrahim (shot in his legs by “revolution” supporters), Michael Naji (whose shop was burned), Ali Al Isawi (physically and verbally assaulted and lost his shop under gun threat by “revolution” supporters) and the writer of this piece who was verbally and physically assaulted for 3 years by hundreds of “revolution” supporters.
The effect of the magic of this “revolution” does not stop with politicians. It goes beyond.
For the first time in Australian contemporary history, our law&order agencies stopped hunting the extremists, supporters of this “revolution”. Instead of spying on them and gather all information needed to arrest them and send them to jail, these agencies were siding with them against the law abiding citizens who fell victims of their violent activities.
And do not forget about our media. The media that was largely spreading Islamopghobic sentiments for the last 2 decades, suddenly became silent on Islamists’ crimes. The media that did not spare any minor incident involved or committed by Muslim or somebody looks like Muslim to stir Islamophobic sentiments, suddenly with the Syrian “revolution” magic became Muslim friendly.
Media had refused to highlight the sectarian tension created by radicals supporters of Syrian revolution against all rivals. We deeply believe that if media was actively talking about these crimes from early 2012, radicalisation would not have reached the current high and alarming level. Media’s silence on this tension and related crimes, enabled authorities to keep its complacency with supporters of this revolution.
Let me talk about recent example.
Recently, our media reported for one day only about shocking crime happened in Melbourne. Extremist Bassam Raad killed his wife and cut her body into pieces and dumped these pieces in the park. He savagely bashed his kids, threatening them not to talk about what they had witnessed. Our media reported this incident as an ordinary criminal activity.
Media did not tell us why terrorist Bassam committed this crime. Media did not give us any hint about the real story. We needed to count on Lebanese media to get the full story.
Al Jadeed Lebanese TV visited the family of his wife in Lebanon. The satellite TV got all details needed to disclose the real motives behind this horrendous crime.
Al Jadeed TV revealed that Bassam Raad is a well known ISIS member. He killed his wife after she refused to travel with him to Syria to join ISIS in killing innocent Syrians. There are conflicting reports that Bassam actually was one of the terrorists who returned recently form fighting in Syria. He came back to Australia to convince his wife to go with him to Syria.
Our media not only did not run the full story, but it refused to run proper full story.
After I became aware of the full story, I contacted many journalists who were cooperating with us in past on similar stories. I provided them with the full story, with supporting evidence from foreign media, including respected media outlets like RT, AL Jadeed TV, AL Mayadeen TV and others. For some reason, no journalist showed any interest in following the story.
The superficial reports ran by our media about these shocking crimes, stirred further Islamophobia. Australians had been fed again and again with Islamophpbic sentiments that Muslims are violent and can cut their wives into pieces for no reasons.
We believe that media lack of proper coverage aimed to protect Syrian “revolution” from further damage and exposure. The media refused to run real story to stop any linking between Syrian “revolution” and domestic terrorism, especially if we can get some confirmation that Bassam was in fact a returned terrorist.
Why does Syrian “revolution” enjoy such high immunity?
More to come on similar stories. We will not keep one stone unturned until we expose the reality of authorities and media’s complacency with terrorists....
Friday, July 15, 2016
To Syria with Love- Gifts for Victims of Terrorism
The 3rd International Tour of Peace is expected to arrive to Damascus mid September 2016. This will be the largest and hopefully most successful peace tour.
To show solidarity with Syrians, we organised participants to visit Syrian victims of terrorism. The visits will include visiting injured military officers. They will include visiting civilians /survivals of terrorist attacks.
To show respect, solidarity and support, we want to give the public the opportunity of sending “gifts” to Syrians, especially victims of terrorism. These gifts could include: greeting cards, warm clothes (jackets, shoes, boots, pants, socks...), money....
We can receive your donated gifts initially in Australia, Norway and NZ. We are talking to other participants in other countries if they want to be involved.
All items should be brand new. No personalised items to specific people. Gifts will be distributed randomly in presence of Syrian officials and media. Details with photos will be published on our website and social media pages.
You can express your interest by sending us email on and then we advice you how to deliver your gift.
If you wish to be involved in this campaign, we welcome your expression of interest on above mentioned email.
Thanks for your support to Syria and Syrians.
To show solidarity with Syrians, we organised participants to visit Syrian victims of terrorism. The visits will include visiting injured military officers. They will include visiting civilians /survivals of terrorist attacks.
To show respect, solidarity and support, we want to give the public the opportunity of sending “gifts” to Syrians, especially victims of terrorism. These gifts could include: greeting cards, warm clothes (jackets, shoes, boots, pants, socks...), money....
We can receive your donated gifts initially in Australia, Norway and NZ. We are talking to other participants in other countries if they want to be involved.
All items should be brand new. No personalised items to specific people. Gifts will be distributed randomly in presence of Syrian officials and media. Details with photos will be published on our website and social media pages.
You can express your interest by sending us email on and then we advice you how to deliver your gift.
If you wish to be involved in this campaign, we welcome your expression of interest on above mentioned email.
Thanks for your support to Syria and Syrians.
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
2016 Federal election results: how our campaign impacted the voting!!
Our participation in this federal election was felt at all levels. We achieved this by spending only $500 budget which we used mainly for limited Facebook promotions. I will discuss in a separate article how we were able to be so effective with a small budget whilst enduring very high hostilities from all political parties.
With our campaign slogan “Vote For None”, we asked residents not to vote for any party.
Our campaign, based mainly in NSW, was through our social media pages and accounts. We achieved the following results:
NSW recorded the highest informal vote nationally. Further, the informal votes in NSW were double than all the other states and territories, for the exception of NT. All states recorded between 2.5% - 3.2%, except NSW which recorded more than 6%.
We focused our campaign in South-Western seats where Labor had allied with Wahhabi extremists in a bid to win Muslim votes. In these seats, the informal votes were double or triple than other seats in the state. The average informal vote in the state was %6, but in the South-Western seats (Blaxland, Watson, Macmahon, Lindsay, Weriwa....), the informal votes were on average around %12.
Some think there was a swing towards Labor in the South-Western seats, but this was far from reality. The reason for this “swing illusion” was the re-distributions of seats, where more Labor voters were added. In reality Labor received less votes than in previous elections.
The Greens party achieved a very disappointing result in general. But in NSW the disappointment doubled. The Greens received on average around 11% in all states, except in NSW where they received around 7.5%.
The NSW Greens were lucky it was a double dissolution election, which enabled their candidate in NSW to hold on to her seat. The NSW Greens were once the strongest Greens party outside Tasmania.
The NSW Greens were the first Greens party to win a federal seat, outside Tasmania in 2001. Instead at present and after we started our campaign against the NSW Greens, it performed the worst among all Greens in Australia. The other exceptional results for the Greens was in SA, where Nick Xenophon did very good
Liberals did not benefit from our campaign against Labor and Greens’ alliance with extremists, since we advocated voters not to vote for Liberals because of their regressive and destructive policies.
Labor, Liberals and Greens are declaring victories.
Labor for achieving a small swing, ignoring the fact they ran a campaign against one of the least popular government in this country’s history.
Liberals are celebrating not losing the election.
Greens are celebrating for unknown reasons.
Informal voting, refusal to vote and voting for independents or other minor parties increased to a new record. The informal and no voting combined, accounted to more than 12%. Voting for “Others” was as high as 18%.
Despite this result, none of the major parties are ready to admit this reality.
We will continue to advocate people not to vote for any of the troika Labor-Liberals-Greens in the lead up of the Local governments election this coming September. We are very confident that more concrete results will be achieved in this coming election.
It seems that we will have new Federal election after the minority government will struggle to achieve any outcome.
The biggest message to major parties should be “your alliance with Wahhabi extremist groups will not help you win any vote, as they enjoy no big support among Muslim Voters.”
This alliance is and was a liability that will haunt the major parties for a long time.
With our campaign slogan “Vote For None”, we asked residents not to vote for any party.
Our campaign, based mainly in NSW, was through our social media pages and accounts. We achieved the following results:
NSW recorded the highest informal vote nationally. Further, the informal votes in NSW were double than all the other states and territories, for the exception of NT. All states recorded between 2.5% - 3.2%, except NSW which recorded more than 6%.
We focused our campaign in South-Western seats where Labor had allied with Wahhabi extremists in a bid to win Muslim votes. In these seats, the informal votes were double or triple than other seats in the state. The average informal vote in the state was %6, but in the South-Western seats (Blaxland, Watson, Macmahon, Lindsay, Weriwa....), the informal votes were on average around %12.
Some think there was a swing towards Labor in the South-Western seats, but this was far from reality. The reason for this “swing illusion” was the re-distributions of seats, where more Labor voters were added. In reality Labor received less votes than in previous elections.
The Greens party achieved a very disappointing result in general. But in NSW the disappointment doubled. The Greens received on average around 11% in all states, except in NSW where they received around 7.5%.
The NSW Greens were lucky it was a double dissolution election, which enabled their candidate in NSW to hold on to her seat. The NSW Greens were once the strongest Greens party outside Tasmania.
The NSW Greens were the first Greens party to win a federal seat, outside Tasmania in 2001. Instead at present and after we started our campaign against the NSW Greens, it performed the worst among all Greens in Australia. The other exceptional results for the Greens was in SA, where Nick Xenophon did very good
Liberals did not benefit from our campaign against Labor and Greens’ alliance with extremists, since we advocated voters not to vote for Liberals because of their regressive and destructive policies.
Labor, Liberals and Greens are declaring victories.
Labor for achieving a small swing, ignoring the fact they ran a campaign against one of the least popular government in this country’s history.
Liberals are celebrating not losing the election.
Greens are celebrating for unknown reasons.
Informal voting, refusal to vote and voting for independents or other minor parties increased to a new record. The informal and no voting combined, accounted to more than 12%. Voting for “Others” was as high as 18%.
Despite this result, none of the major parties are ready to admit this reality.
We will continue to advocate people not to vote for any of the troika Labor-Liberals-Greens in the lead up of the Local governments election this coming September. We are very confident that more concrete results will be achieved in this coming election.
It seems that we will have new Federal election after the minority government will struggle to achieve any outcome.
The biggest message to major parties should be “your alliance with Wahhabi extremist groups will not help you win any vote, as they enjoy no big support among Muslim Voters.”
This alliance is and was a liability that will haunt the major parties for a long time.
Saturday, July 02, 2016
My letter to Jason Clare on the election eve
Dear Jason Clare, MP for Blaxland
I recently received a lot of letters from your office. Some of these letters are electoral promotion materials.
I find it utterly disgraceful that you are asking me and local residents to support and elect you on the bases of your relations with extremists. You have quoted in one promotional leaflet that you enjoy the support of known extremists: Samier Danden(of the extremist organisaiton Lebanese Muslim Association), Ashraf Rifi (the Godfather of terrorists in Lebanon), Muslim Women Association and other extreme individuals and organisations.
What a farce and how arrogant of you sending me 6 letters in two weeks period during election campaign when in the past you never bothered replying to my letters and phone calls seeking help.
Many families including mine needed your help during a period of terror and intimidation campaign perpetrated by extremists. Some of these families lost everything and endured extortions, intimidations, Molotov bombs, verbal and physical attacks.
For years we made several attempts to meet with you. We wrote to your office, we emailed, we even called. Nothing was done and you ignored us every time.
I’m returning all your promotional material for recycle and I wish to have my name removed from your mailing list as I do not want to receive more junk mail.
And for the record, you did not get my vote nor you got a vote from my family and friends. We will not rest until we see you out of politics.
Jamal Daoud
I recently received a lot of letters from your office. Some of these letters are electoral promotion materials.
I find it utterly disgraceful that you are asking me and local residents to support and elect you on the bases of your relations with extremists. You have quoted in one promotional leaflet that you enjoy the support of known extremists: Samier Danden(of the extremist organisaiton Lebanese Muslim Association), Ashraf Rifi (the Godfather of terrorists in Lebanon), Muslim Women Association and other extreme individuals and organisations.
What a farce and how arrogant of you sending me 6 letters in two weeks period during election campaign when in the past you never bothered replying to my letters and phone calls seeking help.
Many families including mine needed your help during a period of terror and intimidation campaign perpetrated by extremists. Some of these families lost everything and endured extortions, intimidations, Molotov bombs, verbal and physical attacks.
For years we made several attempts to meet with you. We wrote to your office, we emailed, we even called. Nothing was done and you ignored us every time.
I’m returning all your promotional material for recycle and I wish to have my name removed from your mailing list as I do not want to receive more junk mail.
And for the record, you did not get my vote nor you got a vote from my family and friends. We will not rest until we see you out of politics.
Jamal Daoud
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Liberal party and extremism game: relations with LMA as example!!
Historically Australian Muslims had always been Labor voters. Right up until 2000, more than 90% voted Labor without any second thought. Whatever the Labor policies, the majority of Muslims would vote for them.
In 2001 we started campaigning in Labor held areas. We wanted to expose how the Labor party had veered away from many social commitments so important to Muslims and new migrants in general. We asked voters not to vote for Labor in that election.
The Labor party under Kim Beazley found common ground with John Howard’s Liberal government on the issue of boat people. Both parties shared repressive measures and attacks against refugees, boat people and migrants in general.
Our campaign was very successful and saw a large section of Muslims voting for The Greens instead.
At that time the major sell point for The Greens party was the support for refugees. The Greens also seemed to support Palestine against the Israeli aggression and were against racism and Islamophobia.
It was very easy to get Muslims to give their vote to The Greens instead of Labor.
The Liberal party understood very well that it did not benefit from Labor’s loss of votes.
At the end of the day, the Liberal party had worse policies on issues important to Muslims, Arabs and new migrants. The Liberal Muslim members were isolated in the community and were never respected. In the seats with a high Muslim population and migrant voters, the Liberal party had a very low presence.
Political strategists from the Liberal party came up with a Machiavellian idea: the need to divide Muslim and migrant communities by making them turn against each other. By achieving this “divide and conquer” strategy, they started getting votes from Muslims.
Liberal members, in these already divided communities, will use the approach “Labor is as bad as the Liberals so why not vote Liberal for a change”.
The right logic should be instead “If Labor and Liberals are equally bad why not vote for independents or other minor parties?”.
The majority of Labor Muslim members are progressive. They are well-educated and secular. Among them also are socialist or nationalists. These Muslims resisted the Liberals’ bid to infiltrate and recruit them.
It is at this stage that the Liberals resorted to recruit extreme elements among Muslim communities.
The recruitment of extremists will achieve many goals:
- Extremists who are rejected by their own communities because of their extreme ideology will welcome anyone who is willing to give them a voice and a space to breath in the public life.
- The supporters of these extremists don’t follow any logic or facts and will blindly follow their “imams” even if this means voting for anti-Muslim politicians.
- Extreme elements are usually recruited from jail systems. These individuals will serve as “muscle” and will be used to intimidate and silence opponents who dare question the benefits of voting an anti-Muslim party.
The Liberals started this evil agenda by infiltrating the Lebanese Moslem Association. This association survived financially on community donations. The Liberal government of John Howard promised millions of dollars in funding in return for abandoning the alliance with Labor.
The deal was sealed between the LMA and Liberal government in 2005.
The first demand from the Howard government was to sack the entire board of directors and appoint a new one headed by a Liberal member.
As soon as the money started to flow in, the new management abandoned all past commitments and practices.
For the first time in a decade, the LMA invited to speak at their Eid celebration, Phillip Ruddock the most anti Muslim politicians around.
Mr Ruddock gave a fiery speech accusing the Muslim communities of “extremism” and demanded the communities to accept Western values.
The LMA board went even further by appointing a Liberal member of Auburn council as president, (Tom Zreika). The new president acted as a member of the Liberal party and not as a director of a Muslim organisation.
He was part of many Liberal conspiracies against moderate leaders who opposed the Liberal party’s extreme policies.
The first task was to oust the spiritual leader of the community and organisation: sheikh Taj AL Din Al Hilaly. At some stage Mr Zreika went as far as contacting ASIO to complain against Sheikh Taj’s support for the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance.
Meanwhile the money continued to flow to LMA.
To silence all the clever, educated and moderate voices in the area who opposed the alliance with the extreme racist Liberal party, the LMA adopted an extreme version of Islam.
Before the alliance with the Liberal party, the LMA was an organisation known for its corruption and tribal nepotism. After the alliance with the Liberals it became notorious for extremism and radical views.
In the 2011 NSW election, the LMA shocked many with their vocal and public support for Liberal candidates. The LMA premises became the headquarters for the Liberal party election campaign. The same Liberal Party that continued attacking Muslims. The then Minister for Immigration Chris Morrison made many comments during the election campaign stating that Muslim migrants are unable to integrate in the society and should be banned from migrating to Australia.
The LMA created also many fake organisations in the Inner-Western suburbs in a bid to see Labor lose all seats. Despite all this Labor held on to all their seats even if the LMA was declaring the opposite.
During the Syrian crisis the role of the LMA become more vital and devastating. 80% of Australian terrorist who went to Syria were of Lebanese background. Most of these terrorist at some stage were linked to the LMA.
The LMA mosque became a platform for brainwashing and recruiting radicals. At the Imam Ali mosque, managed by the LMA, every Friday prayer was a call to fight. This mosque saw some fiery speeches full of hatred and every time calling to support the “mujahidden”. Many moderate Muslims stopped attending the mosque in disgust. These hate speeches only ceased in 2015.
Millions of dollars continued to pour in under Labor and Liberal consecutive governments. This money was coming in at the very same time the LMA was exposed in the media for issuing extreme fatwas asking Muslims not to wish Christians a Merry Christmas and for holding and broadcasting lectures by terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki.
So far we know why Liberals strongly support the LMA, but what about Labor?
Labor lost its way long time ago and over the years it has got closer to the Liberal party policies and for this reason it lost many votes.
The Labor party for fear of losing more votes has resorted to endorse candidates from the LMA claiming they represented all Muslims.
I am very sure that regardless of where the LMA will stand, any change of Labor policies towards the left, will see a surge of Labor popularity.
In conclusion,
Liberals have succeeded in dividing Muslims by supporting extremists and using them as tools for blackmail, intimidation and threats. This has resulted in some Muslims voting for the Liberal party, despite the fact that the party stands vocally against Muslims interests: against refugees’ rights, against Palestinian rights, support of racism and Islamophobia.
But what was the cost of this dirty game?
3 terrorist attacks, 6 foiled terrorist attacks, high tension in the community and the highest radicalisation level in Australian contemporary history.
To think that some red-necks still vote for Liberals... in addition to some sections in the Muslims community.
In 2001 we started campaigning in Labor held areas. We wanted to expose how the Labor party had veered away from many social commitments so important to Muslims and new migrants in general. We asked voters not to vote for Labor in that election.
The Labor party under Kim Beazley found common ground with John Howard’s Liberal government on the issue of boat people. Both parties shared repressive measures and attacks against refugees, boat people and migrants in general.
Our campaign was very successful and saw a large section of Muslims voting for The Greens instead.
At that time the major sell point for The Greens party was the support for refugees. The Greens also seemed to support Palestine against the Israeli aggression and were against racism and Islamophobia.
It was very easy to get Muslims to give their vote to The Greens instead of Labor.
The Liberal party understood very well that it did not benefit from Labor’s loss of votes.
At the end of the day, the Liberal party had worse policies on issues important to Muslims, Arabs and new migrants. The Liberal Muslim members were isolated in the community and were never respected. In the seats with a high Muslim population and migrant voters, the Liberal party had a very low presence.
Political strategists from the Liberal party came up with a Machiavellian idea: the need to divide Muslim and migrant communities by making them turn against each other. By achieving this “divide and conquer” strategy, they started getting votes from Muslims.
Liberal members, in these already divided communities, will use the approach “Labor is as bad as the Liberals so why not vote Liberal for a change”.
The right logic should be instead “If Labor and Liberals are equally bad why not vote for independents or other minor parties?”.
The majority of Labor Muslim members are progressive. They are well-educated and secular. Among them also are socialist or nationalists. These Muslims resisted the Liberals’ bid to infiltrate and recruit them.
It is at this stage that the Liberals resorted to recruit extreme elements among Muslim communities.
The recruitment of extremists will achieve many goals:
- Extremists who are rejected by their own communities because of their extreme ideology will welcome anyone who is willing to give them a voice and a space to breath in the public life.
- The supporters of these extremists don’t follow any logic or facts and will blindly follow their “imams” even if this means voting for anti-Muslim politicians.
- Extreme elements are usually recruited from jail systems. These individuals will serve as “muscle” and will be used to intimidate and silence opponents who dare question the benefits of voting an anti-Muslim party.
The Liberals started this evil agenda by infiltrating the Lebanese Moslem Association. This association survived financially on community donations. The Liberal government of John Howard promised millions of dollars in funding in return for abandoning the alliance with Labor.
The deal was sealed between the LMA and Liberal government in 2005.
The first demand from the Howard government was to sack the entire board of directors and appoint a new one headed by a Liberal member.
As soon as the money started to flow in, the new management abandoned all past commitments and practices.
For the first time in a decade, the LMA invited to speak at their Eid celebration, Phillip Ruddock the most anti Muslim politicians around.
Mr Ruddock gave a fiery speech accusing the Muslim communities of “extremism” and demanded the communities to accept Western values.
The LMA board went even further by appointing a Liberal member of Auburn council as president, (Tom Zreika). The new president acted as a member of the Liberal party and not as a director of a Muslim organisation.
He was part of many Liberal conspiracies against moderate leaders who opposed the Liberal party’s extreme policies.
The first task was to oust the spiritual leader of the community and organisation: sheikh Taj AL Din Al Hilaly. At some stage Mr Zreika went as far as contacting ASIO to complain against Sheikh Taj’s support for the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance.
Meanwhile the money continued to flow to LMA.
To silence all the clever, educated and moderate voices in the area who opposed the alliance with the extreme racist Liberal party, the LMA adopted an extreme version of Islam.
Before the alliance with the Liberal party, the LMA was an organisation known for its corruption and tribal nepotism. After the alliance with the Liberals it became notorious for extremism and radical views.
In the 2011 NSW election, the LMA shocked many with their vocal and public support for Liberal candidates. The LMA premises became the headquarters for the Liberal party election campaign. The same Liberal Party that continued attacking Muslims. The then Minister for Immigration Chris Morrison made many comments during the election campaign stating that Muslim migrants are unable to integrate in the society and should be banned from migrating to Australia.
The LMA created also many fake organisations in the Inner-Western suburbs in a bid to see Labor lose all seats. Despite all this Labor held on to all their seats even if the LMA was declaring the opposite.
During the Syrian crisis the role of the LMA become more vital and devastating. 80% of Australian terrorist who went to Syria were of Lebanese background. Most of these terrorist at some stage were linked to the LMA.
The LMA mosque became a platform for brainwashing and recruiting radicals. At the Imam Ali mosque, managed by the LMA, every Friday prayer was a call to fight. This mosque saw some fiery speeches full of hatred and every time calling to support the “mujahidden”. Many moderate Muslims stopped attending the mosque in disgust. These hate speeches only ceased in 2015.
Millions of dollars continued to pour in under Labor and Liberal consecutive governments. This money was coming in at the very same time the LMA was exposed in the media for issuing extreme fatwas asking Muslims not to wish Christians a Merry Christmas and for holding and broadcasting lectures by terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki.
So far we know why Liberals strongly support the LMA, but what about Labor?
Labor lost its way long time ago and over the years it has got closer to the Liberal party policies and for this reason it lost many votes.
The Labor party for fear of losing more votes has resorted to endorse candidates from the LMA claiming they represented all Muslims.
I am very sure that regardless of where the LMA will stand, any change of Labor policies towards the left, will see a surge of Labor popularity.
In conclusion,
Liberals have succeeded in dividing Muslims by supporting extremists and using them as tools for blackmail, intimidation and threats. This has resulted in some Muslims voting for the Liberal party, despite the fact that the party stands vocally against Muslims interests: against refugees’ rights, against Palestinian rights, support of racism and Islamophobia.
But what was the cost of this dirty game?
3 terrorist attacks, 6 foiled terrorist attacks, high tension in the community and the highest radicalisation level in Australian contemporary history.
To think that some red-necks still vote for Liberals... in addition to some sections in the Muslims community.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Why is the government funding only extremist organisations to fight extremism?!!
The article in The Australian “$10m for PM’s Islamic guests” (22 June 2016) has revealed that extremist organisations received more than $10 million in government funding. Unfortunately this report has come a little too late.
This report is the first one to be published since the start of the Syrian crisis and the subsequent significant rise of radicalisation.
Despite inundating media outlets about the apparent complacency of our authorities towards extremist and growing radicalisation, media ignored such information.
The article in The Australian however falls short of telling the full story.
After the Lindt Café terrorist attack, Abbott’s Liberal government consulted with “representatives” of the Muslim community on how to deal with out-of-control radicalisation and the possible imminent threats of terrorist activities in Australia.
Surprisingly, the PM office chose to invite mainly extremists to these consultation rounds. The logic behind this was not clear for us: how would extremists help in fighting extremism? Not only, but it became even more unclear and a little “insane”, when after such consultations, the government announced it would increase the funding for projects to fight extremism.
The government allocated more than $50m for these projects.
Once the funding was made available we expected the government would allocate funds to organisations that were not involved in extremist activities.
The NSW Liberal government also announced increased funding for de-radicalisation projects through different departments, including Multicultural NSW.
Since I am a very well-known Anti-extremism campaigner both on a local and national level, I expected that my organisation, Social Justice Network Inc, which runs many anti radicalisation campaigns, would have been one of the first to receive funding.
We expected to be invited for consultations in regards to the allocation of such funds but we were wrong. This however didn’t deter us from applying.
Social Justice Network applied for a small sum of $25,000 which would have helped cover a project we were running. We conducted several meetings and discussions with community members of different faiths/sects. The aim was to consult with different leaders from Sunni, Shia and Alawi faith to discuss and find a solution to the current tensions in the community.
We also hosted an Iftar. Unfortunately we can’t continue without some funding and all we needed was a small contribution from Multicultural NSW to help continue in our efforts.
The project was rejected for no valid reason despite our well documented solid track history in fighting extremism. We put a lot of effort to start the project and asked for a small amount of money. We received a letter advising us the application was rejected. No valid reasons were given.
Multicultural NSW would not even consider the project due to us not providing a financial statement. Usually financial statements are required only from organisations that received prior funding in order to prove how the funds were spent. Since this was our first request we genuinely believed this was not necessary in our case.
Instead of helping organisations complete their applications, like on many other occasions, Multicultural NSW was quick to reject ours without any warning and without requesting further information or documents.
As you can read from article published in The Australian, governments and funding bodies were providing extremist organisations with large grants and funding. Some of these organisations well-known for their extreme actions receive annually millions of dollars. Some of this money was used to broadcast live lectures of terrorist Anwar AL Awlaki and other preachers of hate.
After rejecting funding for our project, we sought help from our local MP. We contacted Greg Laundy, Liberal MP for Reid, and visited him at his office. I explained to him our concerns about authorities’ complacency towards extremists’ activities and funding. We asked him to help us secure some funding for other Anti-extremism projects. Two years have passed and we are yet to hear the outcome.
Wondering where all this extremism come from? Some of the answers to this question can be found in The Australian.
We hope that our authorities change their course of action before a major terrorist attack occurs.
This report is the first one to be published since the start of the Syrian crisis and the subsequent significant rise of radicalisation.
Despite inundating media outlets about the apparent complacency of our authorities towards extremist and growing radicalisation, media ignored such information.
The article in The Australian however falls short of telling the full story.
After the Lindt Café terrorist attack, Abbott’s Liberal government consulted with “representatives” of the Muslim community on how to deal with out-of-control radicalisation and the possible imminent threats of terrorist activities in Australia.
Surprisingly, the PM office chose to invite mainly extremists to these consultation rounds. The logic behind this was not clear for us: how would extremists help in fighting extremism? Not only, but it became even more unclear and a little “insane”, when after such consultations, the government announced it would increase the funding for projects to fight extremism.
The government allocated more than $50m for these projects.
Once the funding was made available we expected the government would allocate funds to organisations that were not involved in extremist activities.
The NSW Liberal government also announced increased funding for de-radicalisation projects through different departments, including Multicultural NSW.
Since I am a very well-known Anti-extremism campaigner both on a local and national level, I expected that my organisation, Social Justice Network Inc, which runs many anti radicalisation campaigns, would have been one of the first to receive funding.
We expected to be invited for consultations in regards to the allocation of such funds but we were wrong. This however didn’t deter us from applying.
Social Justice Network applied for a small sum of $25,000 which would have helped cover a project we were running. We conducted several meetings and discussions with community members of different faiths/sects. The aim was to consult with different leaders from Sunni, Shia and Alawi faith to discuss and find a solution to the current tensions in the community.
We also hosted an Iftar. Unfortunately we can’t continue without some funding and all we needed was a small contribution from Multicultural NSW to help continue in our efforts.
The project was rejected for no valid reason despite our well documented solid track history in fighting extremism. We put a lot of effort to start the project and asked for a small amount of money. We received a letter advising us the application was rejected. No valid reasons were given.
Multicultural NSW would not even consider the project due to us not providing a financial statement. Usually financial statements are required only from organisations that received prior funding in order to prove how the funds were spent. Since this was our first request we genuinely believed this was not necessary in our case.
Instead of helping organisations complete their applications, like on many other occasions, Multicultural NSW was quick to reject ours without any warning and without requesting further information or documents.
As you can read from article published in The Australian, governments and funding bodies were providing extremist organisations with large grants and funding. Some of these organisations well-known for their extreme actions receive annually millions of dollars. Some of this money was used to broadcast live lectures of terrorist Anwar AL Awlaki and other preachers of hate.
After rejecting funding for our project, we sought help from our local MP. We contacted Greg Laundy, Liberal MP for Reid, and visited him at his office. I explained to him our concerns about authorities’ complacency towards extremists’ activities and funding. We asked him to help us secure some funding for other Anti-extremism projects. Two years have passed and we are yet to hear the outcome.
Wondering where all this extremism come from? Some of the answers to this question can be found in The Australian.
We hope that our authorities change their course of action before a major terrorist attack occurs.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The story of Greens politician Lee Rhiannon..!!
(4) Open war on Ian Cohen
After Lee Rhiannon and her faction of mainly ex-Stalinists opportunists realised that they lost their plot to deny Ian Cohen the platform to run for pre-selection, they understood that they were left with one option only. The only option is to campaign against Ian in the election in a bid to see him lose, and so enforce his retirement with deep humiliation. In 2003, the Greens were standing on 7-8% in all opinion polls. Ian needs only 4.5% to win. Maybe less with some good preferences.
To see Ian lose was very difficult shot, for many reasons:
- It is very difficult to cause total collapse of Greens popularity, to this low point.
- Any attack on Ian, means attack on the Greens party... the party that Lee represents in NSW LC.
Despite all these, Lee and her faction did not hesitate to gamble with everything to achieve her dream of absolutely controlling the NSW Greens. I was told by Ian Cohen at later stage that Lee had the dream to destabilise Bob Brown’s leadership by challenging him, to replace him in Greens leadership.
Lee faction’s tactics are very simple: attack Ian on personal level by claiming that he is personally a very conservative person that is not compatible with the image of the Greens as progressive party.
The attacks were comprehensive and vicious: there was an all-out-war against him. They did not leave any personal level they did not expose or demonise. Lies, fabrications and sometimes true personal incidents.
The levels of attacks were:
1- Old man with no energy: dead man walking
2- Ian’s marital status: and his different relations with different women.
3- Ian’s background as former citizen of “Israel”
1- Despite the fact that Ian and Lee were born in the same year, Lee spread euphoria against Ian that he is old politician, lost his energy and became very exhausted. The attack had several goals to achieve. Lee did not only want Ian to lose his popularity and so lose in the election. She wanted him to come out of the election with deep scars, possibly deeply depressed and humiliated. By achieving this, even if Ian wins the election, he will re-consider his career on the long run. And this is what she wanted to achieve, as she was almost sure that Ian will win in the election.
Lee and her faction were very vicious in their attack on Ian’s mental status. There is no doubt that the campaign left its toll on Ian’s mental status. But more importantly, by the end of the campaign the party was deeply and bitterly divided. Ian was left with deep scars on his credibility and morale. Lee used all kind of lies and deceptive claims against Ian. And Ian and his faction would not forget this to Lee and her faction.
2- Lee spread roumers that Ian is treating women very badly. The roumers, that were communicated to me personally by Ian’s ex-girlfriend and strong supporter of Lee: he was cheating on her, treated her badly, no respect ....
3- As I said that even before the pre-selection process was concluded, I was approached by Geoff Ash and John Kaye asking me not to vote for Ian because he is Zionist. After he was pre-selected, I, with other party candidate, were approached again and were asked about what we think of Ian’s running for election. We (both of us are Muslims) were asked about Muslim and Palestinian communities’ opinion of Ian Cohen running for election. John Kaye asked us “did you hear any communities’ criticism of Greens decision to run “Zionist Jew” for NSW?”... I personally felt that John was directing us to attack Ian among Muslim and Palestinian communities on this particular issue.
Lee tactics did not work. Ian won election. He served in NSW LC for full term. He did not retire until he enforced Lee faction to agree to have balanced parliamentary team. He retired only when he secured 2 of his faction members (Jan Barham and Cate Faehrmann) to be MLCs in 2011.
But the campaign had negative impact on the Greens unity, until now. The party had two factions that are fighting to break each other at all levels. In 2010 federal election, Ian’s faction refused to help Lee in her election campaign. NSW candidate, not other than Lee herself, got the least votes among Greens candidates for the senate. All candidates got around 13% of primary vote, where Lee got less than 10%. She nearly lost in that election, when all other candidates won comfortably, most of them on primaries.
I need to mention here that in writing my notes here, I am not siding with Ian against Lee on any ideological issue. On the contrary. I had always trouble with Ian’s conservative views. But Ian was always ready to share power, respect others’ views and respect any deal he makes. Lee, on the other side, was lying at all levels. She will pretend to be progressive, when in fact she has no commitment towards any social justice issues and had no achievement in her long political career. She is not a politician that could be respected. And she is power-thirsty, with no willing to share power.
After Lee Rhiannon and her faction of mainly ex-Stalinists opportunists realised that they lost their plot to deny Ian Cohen the platform to run for pre-selection, they understood that they were left with one option only. The only option is to campaign against Ian in the election in a bid to see him lose, and so enforce his retirement with deep humiliation. In 2003, the Greens were standing on 7-8% in all opinion polls. Ian needs only 4.5% to win. Maybe less with some good preferences.
To see Ian lose was very difficult shot, for many reasons:
- It is very difficult to cause total collapse of Greens popularity, to this low point.
- Any attack on Ian, means attack on the Greens party... the party that Lee represents in NSW LC.
Despite all these, Lee and her faction did not hesitate to gamble with everything to achieve her dream of absolutely controlling the NSW Greens. I was told by Ian Cohen at later stage that Lee had the dream to destabilise Bob Brown’s leadership by challenging him, to replace him in Greens leadership.
Lee faction’s tactics are very simple: attack Ian on personal level by claiming that he is personally a very conservative person that is not compatible with the image of the Greens as progressive party.
The attacks were comprehensive and vicious: there was an all-out-war against him. They did not leave any personal level they did not expose or demonise. Lies, fabrications and sometimes true personal incidents.
The levels of attacks were:
1- Old man with no energy: dead man walking
2- Ian’s marital status: and his different relations with different women.
3- Ian’s background as former citizen of “Israel”
1- Despite the fact that Ian and Lee were born in the same year, Lee spread euphoria against Ian that he is old politician, lost his energy and became very exhausted. The attack had several goals to achieve. Lee did not only want Ian to lose his popularity and so lose in the election. She wanted him to come out of the election with deep scars, possibly deeply depressed and humiliated. By achieving this, even if Ian wins the election, he will re-consider his career on the long run. And this is what she wanted to achieve, as she was almost sure that Ian will win in the election.
Lee and her faction were very vicious in their attack on Ian’s mental status. There is no doubt that the campaign left its toll on Ian’s mental status. But more importantly, by the end of the campaign the party was deeply and bitterly divided. Ian was left with deep scars on his credibility and morale. Lee used all kind of lies and deceptive claims against Ian. And Ian and his faction would not forget this to Lee and her faction.
2- Lee spread roumers that Ian is treating women very badly. The roumers, that were communicated to me personally by Ian’s ex-girlfriend and strong supporter of Lee: he was cheating on her, treated her badly, no respect ....
3- As I said that even before the pre-selection process was concluded, I was approached by Geoff Ash and John Kaye asking me not to vote for Ian because he is Zionist. After he was pre-selected, I, with other party candidate, were approached again and were asked about what we think of Ian’s running for election. We (both of us are Muslims) were asked about Muslim and Palestinian communities’ opinion of Ian Cohen running for election. John Kaye asked us “did you hear any communities’ criticism of Greens decision to run “Zionist Jew” for NSW?”... I personally felt that John was directing us to attack Ian among Muslim and Palestinian communities on this particular issue.
Lee tactics did not work. Ian won election. He served in NSW LC for full term. He did not retire until he enforced Lee faction to agree to have balanced parliamentary team. He retired only when he secured 2 of his faction members (Jan Barham and Cate Faehrmann) to be MLCs in 2011.
But the campaign had negative impact on the Greens unity, until now. The party had two factions that are fighting to break each other at all levels. In 2010 federal election, Ian’s faction refused to help Lee in her election campaign. NSW candidate, not other than Lee herself, got the least votes among Greens candidates for the senate. All candidates got around 13% of primary vote, where Lee got less than 10%. She nearly lost in that election, when all other candidates won comfortably, most of them on primaries.
I need to mention here that in writing my notes here, I am not siding with Ian against Lee on any ideological issue. On the contrary. I had always trouble with Ian’s conservative views. But Ian was always ready to share power, respect others’ views and respect any deal he makes. Lee, on the other side, was lying at all levels. She will pretend to be progressive, when in fact she has no commitment towards any social justice issues and had no achievement in her long political career. She is not a politician that could be respected. And she is power-thirsty, with no willing to share power.
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